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In the USA hanged himself actor Robin Williams

In the United States at the age of 63, took his own life a famous actor Robin Williams. Artist hanged himself in his home and California.

South American comedian carried out a suicide in the night of 12 August. The body of the actor was found in his private home in the city Tiburon in California. According to reliable information, the policeman who arrived to the place of the incident, the cause of death was suicide. On the body of the stars were signs of asphyxia, strangulation, from which it can be concluded that the artist decided to retire from life.

At the moment the police of the United States is leading the investigation, the official information, in particular the cause of death will be posted here after the examination, scheduled for August 12. However, the inhabitants of our planet which have recently worked with the artist no hesitation that Williams actually carried out a suicide.

According to the statement of the adept stars Mara Buxbaum, comic actor last year suffered from severe depression. "This is a grievous and tragic loss for all of us. The family asks not to disturb his family at this sad hour," she said. About the horrible tragedy also said the widow of the deceased.

"This morning I lost my wife and my best friend, while the world has lost one of the best of the best artists and creators. I am absolutely heartbroken,"- quoted wife Williams Susan Schneider Reuters. And again, on behalf of the whole family Williams heartbroken wife requested that their much lacking during a family grief. "We hope that in this difficult time in the spotlight is not death itself
Robin, and those countless moments of joy and laughter which he gave millions, " said Susan.

Robin Williams was born on July 21, 1951 in Chicago. He graduated from Golyatovsky school of drama. The visitors liked the artist, for his role in the movie "the Awakening", "Adams", "August rush," "dead poets Society", "Good morning, Vietnam".

In 1998, the American Academy of motion picture arts awarded artist of the award "Oscar" for the best male part 2 of the plan in the movie "good will hunting". In addition, magazine
Entertainment Weekly has recognized it "the most cheerful person in the world of the living". On account of Williams also 5 prestigious awards "Golden globe".

Hollywood and multiple fans of the artist shocked by the news of the death of Williams, calling him the "king of Comedy". Condolences in connection with death of the artist expressed, for example, U.S. President Barack Obama. "He was the only one in its own way. He made us laugh and cry, he always generously shared their own talent with all of us," said the South American favorite.

The last few years the artist worked on several films, which should leave on a wide screen in 2014. In addition the projects Robin Williams for the next year were filming the sequel to one of the most successful comedies with his participation, "Mrs. Gauthier".

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