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Son of Alexander Gradsky save doctors

On the days the 64-year-old famous artist, member of the jury of the show "the Voice" by Alexander Gradsky son was born. But no sooner had multiple lovers rejoice for their favorite, how did the information that the child emerged into the light before the scheduled date, and now is located in incubators where his save healers and apparatus.

The boy was supposed to appear in the middle of September. Specifically, in consequence of this, Alexander Gradsky, which in early November will turn 65 in new York was in no hurry and just with the energy of youth gave performances in Tiraspol. Ticket to America by the famous artist, who has, along with domestic and United States citizenship, was bought only on 3 September. And the birth of his beloved Marina Kotashenko happened the 1st. Naturally, this could not strike the father of the newborn.

However all went well. The baby, whose city has already called Alexander in honor of himself, was placed in a specialized container - incubators. His frail body replenish needed nutrients and oxygen. Now his life is not in danger, says "Express newspaper".

While the town was in Russia, near new mother Marina, Kotashenko was 28-year-old daughter of the artist from his third marriage, Maria Town. It tells the newspaper, the woman plans to give birth in the same hospital. For what he wants to avail of the American donor. Reporters learned why a beautiful woman that had a large number of romantic relationships, decided so extraordinary to approach the dilemma of motherhood. The reason the father. "First of all, having before my eyes the phenomenal father, you will need to increase the requirements to the candidate for the hand and heart. And 2 Sasha father was very oppressive. He and brother Masha Danilo wanted to dictate who they should meet. And Maria is the daughter, to her chosen it is extremely finicky. Apparently, she decided to become a mother, while the years have taken their toll, on your own terms. While the Cavaliers will not disappear!" told in the close environment of the artist.

At the same time, father and daughter work together in the next season of the TV show "the Voice." As said on condition of anonymity friends of the master, the fees for the Alexander Gradsky million Euro. Remember, Alexander and Marina together for more than 10 years. "I'm not the most wealthy person on whom he could rely Marina. With her data she could attract a man is much richer, June and prettier than I am. Because I feel comfortable to believe that she likes to be next to me directly, thanks to some unknown to me my pluses. When we started Dating, I told her that she should not quit your job and become solely by the spouse of the city. Marina proved their own worth - she is one of the leading models of Moscow," said the contractor.

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