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Luis Bunuel (Luis Bunue)

( director writer)

Comments for Luis Bunuel (Luis Bunue)
Biography Luis Bunuel (Luis Bunue)
Luis Bunuel was born February 22, 1900 in the small village Kalanda that in the Spanish province of Teruel. When he was seven years old, my parents sent him to a Jesuit college in Saragossa, where he studied until 1915. In 1917 Louis with his father arrived in Madrid to continue his education in a student residence. Here he met with prominent Spanish writers, poets, philosophers, including Galdosom, Ortega y Gasset, Unamuno, Valle Inklanom, Eugenio d'Orsay, Antonio Machado, Juan RamцЁn Jimц?nez. He approaches the Moreno Viley and Ramnonom Gomez de la Serna, through which he made his debut in film. Close friends were Luis Buц?uel, Federico Garcцґa Lorca, Rafael Alberti, Salvador Dali. In the years 1924-1927 Bunuel in Paris participated in the movement "Avangard", . Sharing the aesthetic and social program surrealist painters A. Breton, . S. Dali, . Max Ernst, . I. Tangi, . declared a break with the bourgeois conventions of morality and art,
. Then he began working in film, was an assistant of French director Jean Epstein. Aesthetics shock Surrealists found its clearest expression in the first film by Luis Bunuel - the famous Andalusian Tice, "staged with the financial support of the mother and with the help of Salvador Dali in 1928. An even greater scandal and attacks from the bourgeois and clerical circles caused Buц?uel's painting "The Golden Age" (1930). The film was banned for public display for half a century. Five years was a taboo subject and documentary producer Las Hurdes. Land without Bread "(1932), in which he showed the intolerable conditions of peasant labor.
Creativity Bunuel was interrupted by the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Directed strongly rose in the ranks of Republicans, in 1936 the Republican government of Spain had appointed his attache in France, he also contributed to the formulation of anti-fascist and antifrankistskih documentaries ( "The Spanish Earth" J. Evans). In 1939, Buц?uel immigrated to the United States, where he worked as an editor in Gollivudke, employee kinootdela Museum of Contemporary Art in Nu York. By directing the activities he returned in 1946, moved to Mexico. After two commercial films - "Big Casino" (1947), . flop, . and "Big revelers" (1949), . enjoyed great success with viewers, . - Buц?uel put one of his best films - "The Forgotten" (1950), . which tells the tragic fate of young people on the street,
. At the festival in Cannes, "The Forgotten" was awarded the prize for Best Director, as well as the FIPRESCI Prize.
A special place in life and work of Buц?uel takes the film "Viridiana". In 1961, Franco asked the director to return to their homeland, and he accepted an invitation. Established Bunuel "Viridiana" was marked by strong expressive cinema solutions and high skill of actors, demonstrated failure of attempts at social utopia partitioned class divides the world. And it was immediately banned by Franco's censors accused of insulting religious values - and won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival. This film marked the beginning of a new stage in the work of Bunuel - almost all his subsequent paintings entered the golden fund of world cinema. In his films, 1960-1970-ies are considered ethical and psychological aspects of modern society. His best role in film actress Catherine Deneuve played in dramas Bunuel "Belle de Jour" (awarded the main prize of the Festival of Venice) and "Tristan". In surreal farce-style film "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" (1972) and "That Obscure Object of Desire" (1977), received the award "Oscar" and "The Phantom of Liberty" (1974).
For contribution to world cinema director has been awarded prizes at film festivals in San Sebastian (1977), Moscow (1979), Venice (1982). The last years of his life spent Luis Bunuel in Mexico, and he died on July 29, 1983 in Mexico City. About his life and work, he told in the book of memoirs, "My last breath," published in 1982.

. 1930 - "Golden Age" (L'age d'or)
. 1940 - "Vatican City Pope Pius X11" (El Vaticano de Pio X11)
. 1950 - "Forgotten (Los olvidados)
. 1954 - "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" (Las aventuras de Robinson Crusoe)
. 1955 - "This is called the dawn" (Cela s'appelle l'aurore)
. 1955 "attempt crime" / "Criminal Life of Archibald de la Cruz (Ensayo de un crimen)
. 1956 - "Death in the Garden" (La mort en ce jardine)
. 1958 - "Nazarin (Nazarin)
. 1959 - "Fever arrives at El Pao" (La fievremonte a El Pao)
. 1960 - "Girl" (La joven)
. 1961 - "Viridiana" (Viridiana)
. 1962 - "Angel fighter" (El angel exterminador)
. 1964 - "Diary of a Chambermaid" (Le journal d'une femme de chambre)
. 1965 - Simeon the Desert "/"-Simeon Stylites "(Simon del desierto)
. 1967 - "Belle de Jour" (Belle de jour)
. 1968 - "Milky Way" (La voie lactee)
. 1972 - "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" (Charme discret de la bourgeoisie)
. 1974 - "The Phantom of Liberty" (La fantome de la liberte)
. 1977 - "That Obscure Object of Desire" (Obscur objet du desir)

. 1929 - "Un Chien Andalou" (Un chien andalou)
. 1970 - "Tristan" (Tristana)

. Vague dreams of Don Luis

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Luis Bunuel (Luis Bunue), photo, biography
Luis Bunuel (Luis Bunue), photo, biography Luis Bunuel (Luis Bunue)  director writer, photo, biography
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