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Duvanov Genadij

( President insurance company ASKO.)

Comments for Duvanov Genadij
Biography Duvanov Genadij
(1951 - ...)
"Proactive people are able to make our country rich". Gennady Duvanov. Married, two children. He graduated from Voronezh Civil Engineering Institute. He worked as foreman, superintendent, chief of a site for construction sites. In 1979 he came to Gosstrakh as Engineer and worked there assessing the damage caused by natural disasters. In 1988 he resigned and registered independent insurance company. Now president of an insurance company ASKO.
If we talk about the case in detail and to order, it must begin with the idea. It appeared I had while working in state monopolies, which still is part of the Ministry of Finance. I knew that in normal countries, there are many insurance companies - independent, of course, neprikovannyh to any ministries. They compete with each other.
When started, it did not even think that my case will be the pervasive. A year before leaving the state monopolies in parallel, I got a job in a medical cooperative, organized by my friends. I was invited to preside. Friends have chosen me and the Union of cooperators, believing that there is useful to my experience in financial affairs. It was then that I suggested: let the dwelling for twenty or thirty thousand, and will insure cars. Money to me then no one has, but we had a gentlemen's agreement: if you need funds - will. I knew that the payments ahead of payments. At first - a couple of months - I only payments and went ...
In early 1991, we ceased to be a cooperative. Our company became known as the Limited Liability Insurance Company ASKO. Several months later the stock insurance company ASKO was registered in Moscow interdepartmental commission and included in the State Register. Then I became President.
I was a party and starting to combine service in the state monopolies to work in co-op, was to pay the relevant fees. And it turned out that my salary is almost more than the Deputy Minister. He's the one called me and asked: "Are you on which side barrikadN you for us or for nihN" I told him in detail what we do. "Your wife is - I say - come to us, if that diagnosis is ..." But for him it was the barricade, and nothing more. Then, I say - I can and leave. And he answers: that's agreed.
But I told him that we'll get insurance. He wondered what exactly I will insure, and I said that cats and dogs. For some reason I thought that dog in my life no one killed. Then, of course, learned and other. Some hunters, if the dog is weak, and can shoot it well, and insurance to get together.
I always knew that cooperatives should do what the state does not have time to do. The deputy minister then told me that the animals will also insure. I decided that I will do it better. So we parted. He wrote little articles about me, saying that such "adventurers" as Duvanov, with no reserves, become involved in insurance, that they "hype" clients. Because of this went to all sorts of letters, began testing. It was alleged that the insurance industry - a monopoly of the state. We wrote a request to the Institute of State and Law and found that such a monopoly is not. Their responses are preserved me until now.
I knew the statistics, he knew that the payments are always ahead of the payment. Could take a chance. Someone is always something started. First, we had five or six people. Then he drew another agent state monopolies, they have worked here and there. We had five managers and twenty agents. Gathered at one lone employee in the two-room apartment, where they spent planning meeting, something worked out. Of those who then began, now almost no one left: either left, or were rogue. I always thought that in such a case should participate nimble, intelligent people, but nimble and dynamic - it is basically dishonest.
So, we began to insure cooperative cafes, snack bars, restaurants ... At that time only cooperators and understand me. They even promised me money to insure their property on the proposed rate me. They did this simply out of respect for me.
Then he quietly went machines. People are always want to protect yourself, and we declared that we pay within 72 hours. In the monopoly as a pay for six months. But, of course, the main customers were cooperatives: restaurants, cafes, studios - they are then, in the 88-m went up like mushrooms after the rain. Another came to us pilots. Insure the life and goods, say those who dumped on the polar ice. We assume an enormous responsibility, but we were lucky.
Client we were looking mostly "feet". Then it started to process our insurance agent. Make it could nesrazu. When the third, when the fifth call. Those who have switched to us from state monopolies, have their clientele. Gradually we began to insure and apartments. Insurance was a million, paid 15 thousand. Rich became more and they no longer hide.
We, of course, and advertising began to give in the national press. And then, when we reported that we have, we began to call from other cities: people wanted to open branches. We also wanted. I knew that without a network of business - trash. In the State Insurance offices are in each area. Client, he's moving, and this can be fun to play.
We were the first in the insurance business, and so far our company is the first in importance. However, I already feel as we begin to breathe in the back. However, to our people more willing to go, we know more than others, new. Besides, I believe that in the next two or three years, this competition has not started - too large a field of activity in the insurance business, to the closeness far.
With respect to state monopolies, then the competitor in him, I do not feel. But he began to work well with us. They have dramatically increased the level of service, and I think that this is our direct credit. Do not give them a quiet life, but many intelligent professionals prglasili to his
Today I am more worried about competition from foreign companies. After all, they are the first year free insurance. If, say, with you something happens, the company will pay бё 1000. For them it is nothing - not take the prize in the first year. In the second year they will say: we have to take a certain amount. And mind you already get used to the fact that you are insured. They kept their lack of potential Russian clients currency. Starts exchange - there was a risk of competition from foreign capital
Duties and character.
My position - president of Joint-Stock Insurance Company ASKO. Naturally, I have a deputy. Initially, we had often done the same thing. Now - shared functions. In my part, firstly, the protection of the company, I oversee the security service. Further, approve the rules of the game and watch over their compliance. For example, if in Irkutsk someone violates these rules, I put the question to shareholders. And together we decide
As for the increase of capital, with a paid staff - this is the case the Deputy. And, it turns out we both are loaded to the eyeballs.
Every quarter we spend something like Congress. Spending a week. At this time there are people from different cities and talk about their problems. One tax inspector strangles. Together decide how to help him. The other new type of insurance appeared. Discussing and it is.
And within three years every three months I take a ship, or any hotel in the city, where people can safely communicate with each other. First, the Congress was fifteen, then a hundred, now about two hundred. We look at: that the market is that competitors are doing, what do banks. We gather all the information and take appropriate action.
Team - this is very important. And for me, still very important, our tandem with the Vice. Formally, I like the first, but in reality tandem with Gregory Fidelmanom - this is for me. There were times when we are somewhat at variance. But then always come to the unanimous opinion.
I can say that the character I Fight. In sports, for example, do not like to swim or run. I love scoring play. The last ten years playing tennis. Boxing worked for eight years. If taken to the chaos, then quickly find out. I prefer to put everything into place, to systematize. Who better than me in a brothel oriented - do not know. In gosstrahovskie times when flying across the country - to assess the damage from earthquakes - saw people running around, scurrying around, do not know what to do. First Secretaries of the regional committees are sitting - my hands were shaking, drink vodka with fear. And I - nothing worked properly. These qualities - the ability to restore order and love to fight - and made me what I have today.
Although, of course, not only is. Nose needed, information is needed. I did see that the budget is rotten, that all falls down, I have the same figures were. No doubt: there is no choice, there is one way. Not for me personally, but for the whole country. But that all goes so quickly - thought. When I started my business, then in general, understood: there is no turning back to me. Is very difficult moments, when everything rested on the mere will, on Nerves. Now, when it has been established, many here at work ask to. I say: you did remember, smeyalsyaN Here is responsible, not guessed.
For me, this path of - the last. Rushing will not. And even just do not want to twitch. Sometimes, you can earn big money: very quickly give someone a loan, something to buy, resell. But I said to myself: No. I am engaged in insurance and do it now, better than anyone in the country. This means that the company will continue.
The human condition.
My wife and two children live in a communal apartment. In it we moved from a one-room apartment, which was with me near Moscow. Not the slightest hope of getting a Moscow apartment Gosstrakh USSR we had. We moved into two rooms, now we have three of them. Five-room apartment, house - in the center. Neighbor strong drink and to depart with me does not want. But this question has to be solved.
My wife was sitting with children. Revenue for the content of their lack. And on a personal vehicle would be enough, but I do not like tinkering with the engine. But even worry: stolen or netN Although not the main thing. I now have a normal salary, but it is a guaranteed minimum - salary. And there is the share in the profits of, say, one percent. And for the percentage must fight, work hard day and night. And then spend these same revenues once. At it's just not enough time. I have all the personal affairs time is not quite enough. Family just now started in earnest, trying to release this Saturday and Sunday.
. The ideals, values, motives.
. For me, the ideal entrepreneur and, in general, the ideal man - is, above all, honest man who knows how to keep one's word
. As the first guild merchant. What is a merchant of the first gildiiN This man, which the bank gives a loan without a receipt. He came and took. Another, of course, performance should be. And interpersonal skills, ability to assemble a team. Alone now, nothing can be done.
In Russia, many still do not believe that business - is here to stay. The State still relevant consumer. I also believe that businesses should pay taxes. My children go to school and while it's free. Emergency ambulance can be called. Someone protects our borders ... How the money redistributed - is taking care of the state, but run away from taxes do not need. For anyone not so important to the stability of society, as an insurance company. To avoid wars, robberies, accidents, that no one was sick. The insurance business will then be very profitable thing. Rather then the rates will be lower, but the heads of the leaders of the insurance companies will be hurt much less. We are interested in the fact that with racketeering, arson, looting parted company once and for all. Will say to me, for example, that a group of racketeers robbed several cooperatives - I'll pay a million to detain them. Can this be considered a public motivomN In my opinion - yes.
But the power - it's not my business. It does not please me, only burdens. When I started to do business, before my eyes all the time the picture was "Barge Haulers on the Volga". After all, the only thing in this business need - to say "forward". Simply to operate synchronously.
What else motivyN BlagopoluchieN Yes, of course. Tired of living in poverty. At the construction site he worked, he knew his business well, swearing obscenities, as expected, stuck all the time in the cold. Manual comes - the car is afraid to go out, because there dirt. And you're in it for the ears, and run in rubber boots, and get 140 rubles. And he is the "Volga" rides. Solutions can not accept no, say: "take away the garbage over there" - and went on ...
From this I escaped. But, let's say, the elite itself has not yet feel. First, I have no time to feel himself. Secondly, I simply have not yet emerged, such needs, which would correspond to my rank. I have this not yet used.
But I think we still have everything ahead. And the future will be ours. This is a great coup and showed. We do not doubt one minute that should be on the side of Yeltsin. I did a full "Rafik" hamburger at McDonald's has purchased and took to the barricades. I felt: If we do lose, then all. But - burst. In general, if we return to the problems and all sorts of difficulties, here, of course, not just psychology prevents, not only the lack of initiative of people. We like the air to the legal provision of insurance. In every country there is a law on insurance, we have it there. In addition, there should be oversight of insurance companies. Supervision, of course, is installed after adoption of the law. We have the opposite: oversight already exists, and the law - no. And, besides, nothing could be purchased for the company. Everywhere the need to pay bribes. Once we agree, but do not give bribes. It is impossible to work. These structures are public, they are also endlessly extorted.
. Employers should not engage in law, they have no time to engage in politics, but without laws and without the political stability of the civilized enterprise will not.
. Future.
. With Russia will schitatsya in the world and very soon
. Our country will become very rich in power, which will live happy, prosperous people. The main thing now - faster perebolet and grow stronger.
It is easier to evaluate at what. For example, in insurance, we are back at 150 years. We clearly know. Now our company has lagged behind, perhaps fifty years. If the privatization goes well, everything will align. Officials, of course, will hinder, but even if they grab the property, they will not be able to manage all these. After all, that just does not ASKO Duvanov and Fidelmanu, and the company may gradually come to naught. I believe that professionals should manage. And if conditions are created for their appearance, very soon the action that people can make our country prosperous.

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Duvanov Genadij, photo, biography
Duvanov Genadij, photo, biography Duvanov Genadij  President insurance company ASKO., photo, biography
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