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Goering Ewald von

( German physiologist and psychologist)

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Biography Goering Ewald von
Hering (Hering) Ewald von (5.8.1834, Altgersdorf - 27.1.1918, Leipzig) - German physiologist and psychologist.
He received medical education in 1853-1858 i.i. the University of Leipzig (took a course at E.G. Weber G.T. Fechner), defended his doctoral thesis on zoology, at that time, Goering appeared particularly interested in the problem of general biology and then worked as a practical physician and an assistant in the clinic, under the leadership E.G. Weber has prepared a dissertation on binocular spatial perception to fill the post of assistant professor in 1862. He - the assistant professor of physiology at the University of Leipzig, from 1865. - Professor of medicine, physics and physiology at the Medical-Surgical Joseph's Academy in Vienna, here together with J. Breuer studied the reflex changes in respiration during stimulation of the vagus nerve ( 'Selbststeuerung der Atmung'), which was one of the first experiments studying the principle of feedback, so important for emerged much later Cybernetics. They had studied communication change in the level of blood pressure and the degree of attention ( 'Traube-Hering waves').
In 1870, Mr.. Goering accepted an invitation to work at the University of Prague (here was the first rector of the German University in 1882), in 1895. returned to Leipzig, where he became the successor to. Ludwig. Member of the German Academy of Sciences (1869), foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1905).
Goering - a pioneer of experimental psychology perception. For methodological orientations was guided by the subjective sensory experience (observation and description). Originally on many issues shared position D. Helmholtz, but then became a classic of its opponent, developing nativisticheskuyu theory.
. Being engaged in the phenomenon of constancy of perception, . Goering experimentally determined, . that black coal in the bright sun can reflect more light, . than the white paper at dawn, . yet perceived black, . explained that 'peripheral factors', . as opposed to "unconscious inferences" Helmholtz, . such as the pupillary reflex, . retinal light adaptation, . simultaneous contrast,
. He actually gave a description of lateral inhibition: light stimulation leads not only to a certain chemical reaction in the relevant section of the retina, but also to the opposite reaction in the surrounding areas.
. Retina itself confer the ability of spatial vision, . his opinion, . depth perception in disparantnosti due to, . that the neurons of the inner part of the retina and external calibrated on the perception of varying degrees of depth ( 'Beitrage zur Physiologie', . Lpz., . 1861),
. Developed the theory of color vision (1875), in which tsvetorazlichenie due dissimilation and assimilation processes taking place in three types of cells of the retina responsible for the perception of the three qualities (white, black, red, green, yellow and blue).
. Opened an optical illusion ( 'Star Goering') - by putting this figure formed by straight lines intersecting at one point, on parallel lines, those perceived curved
. Examined memory, following in the views K.G. Carus, not only as a psychic, but also as obscheorganicheskuyu function (each stimulus leaves a trace of saline, which can be reproduced), which is manifested in the form of inheritance, characterized instinct as memory type. Due to its phenomenological and nativisticheskim plants had a significant effect on K. Stumpf and Gestalt psychology in general.
Hering (Hering) Ewald von (5.8.1834, Altgersdorf - 27.1.1918, Leipzig) - German physiologist and psychologist.
He received medical education in 1853-1858 i.i. the University of Leipzig (took a course at E.G. Weber G.T. Fechner), defended his doctoral thesis on zoology, at that time, Goering appeared particularly interested in the problem of general biology and then worked as a practical physician and an assistant in the clinic, under the leadership E.G. Weber has prepared a dissertation on binocular spatial perception to fill the post of assistant professor in 1862. He - the assistant professor of physiology at the University of Leipzig, from 1865. - Professor of medicine, physics and physiology at the Medical-Surgical Joseph's Academy in Vienna, here together with J. Breuer studied the reflex changes in respiration during stimulation of the vagus nerve ( 'Selbststeuerung der Atmung'), which was one of the first experiments studying the principle of feedback, so important for emerged much later Cybernetics. They had studied communication change in the level of blood pressure and the degree of attention ( 'Traube-Hering waves').
In 1870, Mr.. Goering accepted an invitation to work at the University of Prague (here was the first rector of the German University in 1882), in 1895. returned to Leipzig, where he became the successor to. Ludwig. Member of the German Academy of Sciences (1869), foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1905).
Goering - a pioneer of experimental psychology perception. For methodological orientations was guided by the subjective sensory experience (observation and description). Originally on many issues shared position D. Helmholtz, but then became a classic of its opponent, developing nativisticheskuyu theory.
. Being engaged in the phenomenon of constancy of perception, . Goering experimentally determined, . that black coal in the bright sun can reflect more light, . than the white paper at dawn, . yet perceived black, . explained that 'peripheral factors', . as opposed to "unconscious inferences" Helmholtz, . such as the pupillary reflex, . retinal light adaptation, . simultaneous contrast,
. He actually gave a description of lateral inhibition: light stimulation leads not only to a certain chemical reaction in the relevant section of the retina, but also to the opposite reaction in the surrounding areas.
. Retina itself confer the ability of spatial vision, . his opinion, . depth perception in disparantnosti due to, . that the neurons of the inner part of the retina and external calibrated on the perception of varying degrees of depth ( 'Beitrage zur Physiologie', . Lpz., . 1861),
. Developed the theory of color vision (1875), in which tsvetorazlichenie due dissimilation and assimilation processes taking place in three types of cells of the retina responsible for the perception of the three qualities (white, black, red, green, yellow and blue).
. Opened an optical illusion ( 'Star Goering') - by putting this figure formed by straight lines intersecting at one point, on parallel lines, those perceived curved
. Examined memory, following in the views K.G. Carus, not only as a psychic, but also as obscheorganicheskuyu function (each stimulus leaves a trace of saline, which can be reproduced), which is manifested in the form of inheritance, characterized instinct as memory type. Due to its phenomenological and nativisticheskim plants had a significant effect on K. Stumpf and Gestalt psychology in general.

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Goering Ewald von, photo, biography Goering Ewald von  German physiologist and psychologist, photo, biography
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