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( Japanese artist)

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Biography SESSON
Sesson Japanese artist (1504-1589) declared himself a disciple of the great Sesshå? Tå?yå? and in behalf of his creative use of character se-tsu, in order to express the spiritual continuity with. However Sesshå? Tå?yå? died when Sessonu was only two years, so about any apprenticeship in the literal sense there can be no question. It was to be faithful to the art system Sesshå? Tå?yå? at a time when the Japanese painting became increasingly manifest markedly different stylistic tendencies. But Sesson almost spent his whole life in small towns and villages in the north-east of the country (its name means "snow village") and was practically not affect the capital with the latest trends. With snow Ship (CESC), his family did not only purely formal methods of craft, but also the general mindset, desire to express his creativity pristine snowy purity of spirit, not laden with joys and vain. Like Sesshå? Tå?yå?, Sesson was a monk. In the Zen monastery, he came after his father, belonged to the samurai clan Satake, influential and powerful in their territories, appointed heir of half-brother Sessona. Monasteries in medieval Japan was an essential part of social organization. They flocked to those who, for whatever reason could not lead a life of a soldier or a courtier of the monks became the youngest sons of samurai houses. Sesson, like all others like him, became known as "syukke" - "gone from a sort of". This common monastic epithet means not so much that now for him were the only important things divine, not family, but what kind of assistance in maintaining the existence of hope he no longer had to. And in the Zen monastery newcomer taught primarily not an abstract dogma and transcendent wisdom, . but given the amount of practical skills that, . how to maintain the clarity and strength of spirit in brutal conditions poor, . riven by bloody unrest the country,
. Assigned the Zen teachings of the Scriptures and religious services of secondary importance. Inexpressible revelations of the Buddha was considered impossible to transfer directly, they could hint, indicate, using the so-called "noble tricks". These tricks were art - painting, poetry, theater - which, by acting emphatically and aesthetically pleasing, relatively speaking, "aroused a sense of good and, in the words of Confucius," straightened "touches them. Therefore, Zen monasteries were not so much theological centers as centers of education and fine arts. Paint was regarded as occupation, approaching enlightenment. However, we note another point - as edifying fishing, painting acted more as a craft, the artist served as a source of income neobhodim.ogo. Thus, Sesson in his younger years made a living selling them painted fans. This work was quite traditional for the majority of artists of medieval Japan. The importance of fan etiquette as details of the costume led massive demand for this art and decorative products. The most significant masters, not excluding Sesshå? Tå?yå?, engaged in a list of fans. A monk Ikkyu (son of the Emperor, the painter, poet, calligrapher, artist and tea garden, etc. - and a legendary personality as the most characteristic type of medieval artist) has even named one of its cells Vaysen-in - "Abode of fans for sale". Sesson not stay in the monastery for life. Having established a spiritual and mastered the craft, he began to lead a life of a wandering artist in a monk's robe. The movements of the artist covered the north-east of Honshu Island - the province of Hitachi, where he was born in the town of Ota, and around. To the south beyond the town Kamakura, the former in the preceding period rate military rulers, Sesson did not go. Quite early Sesson gained fame in the district. In 1542 he wrote a small treatise on painting, where in the form of instruction the students expressed their ideas about painting. Terms of interest to its problems quite traditional - in the treatise emphasized the importance of copying the old masters, as well as the necessity of ceaseless study of nature. Much of the text assigned Sesshå? Tå?yå?, in relation to which Sesson used the most respectful epithets. Genre instructions to his disciples and detailed answers to their questions was one of the most common forms of writing treatises, . but we can assume, . that Sesson guided not only genre cliches, . apparently, . already at this time (he was 38 years old) had been students,
. Four years later Sesson gave lessons in painting the head of the clan Asino Moriudzi in Aidzu. This indicates a fairly high recognition of his talents. Relations with the authorities Sesson will support until the end of life, and speaking as an artist and as an enlightened judge, and as a scholar monk-philosopher. Sesson led a fairly active lifestyle, but did not try to be in the center and was known as a hermit. His name often appears in various documents Zen. Since 1550 Sesson settled in the town of Odawara - the castle town of a powerful kind of Hojo, who was holding under his control the whole area. There he taught Zen teaching himself Prince Hojo Udzimasa. At the court Hojo - a significant political and cultural center, independent of Kyoto, there were many enlightened people, including the capital. Apparently, Sesson albeit modestly name was "snow village", many of his talents and knowledge superior. Art style Sessona was an important part of the eastern provincial style of Japanese painting of the XVI century. This style, formed around Kamakura, whose tradition is largely opposed to the capital, hitherto little studied, but without it can not properly judge the overall picture of Japanese artistic culture of the time. In contrast, flourished in Kyoto, decorative and colorful, creative way Sessona should basically traditions of Chinese artists Sung period (X-XIII cc.), Transformed into Japanese fashion Sesshå? Tå?yå?. In landscapes dominated by upland Sessona and concise. In the spirit of Ma Yuan, he usually moved the main image in one corner of the composition, usually the lower right. Mountains and reeds Sesson portrayed thin strokes, vigorously posited semi-strong brush. Sessona scrolls are written on traditional themes - this majestic landscapes with towering mountains in the clouds, with a calm smooth surface of the river and a lone fisherman in a boat or a stranger, stopped on the bridge. These first appeared in Chinese painting motifs in time Sessona long been naturalized in the Japanese soil, and acquired specific Japanese flavor. So, rather willed treats Sesson one of the most popular themes in Chinese and Japanese painting - "Seven Wise Men in the bamboo grove". The seven wise men call living in the III century, scientists and poets, who in time of troubles the court pointedly avoided the hustle and everyday dirt and, gathering in the estate Ji Kang, poet, musician and freethinker, led the so-called "friendly conversation". Chinese artists from the IV century typically portrayed the seven wise men, engaged in conversation and playing music, Japanese artists are taking this iconography, writing wise calmly and majestically situated in a grove. Sesson changed this tradition, portraying the magnificent seven at the time of reckless fun feast. Following, . historical truth, . which has brought fame to the fact, . that Ji Kang, . Ruan Ji and their companions were desperate revelers, . Sesson showed their heroes in a dance with abandon - with loosely flowing hair, . flowing sleeves and happy faces,
. One of the characters with a bushy beard and ch'in in his hands - apparently, Ji Kang. Behind his back and around Sesson put several groups of spectators - sluzhek, women, and, perhaps, neighbors, attracted by the noise and the rare spectacle. Thus in the canonical and more than a thousand years, almost ossified plot Sesson introduces genre top, . showing the going merry and attractive scenes from the life, . as the wise men themselves - the wise men in the true sense, . not dry and pedantic book biscuits, . and people, . who appreciate the joy of life,
. Chinese and Japanese sage, passing through penance and seclusion in mountain refuges, it is truly perfect, as is true humanity and returns to the world. At the end of his life he signed his work Kakusen Rhode zine - "Crane St. - the old man". Crane in ancient beliefs was considered a sacred bird, move made perfect in the country of eternal life. Sesson left in this country, having lived .85 years, one year less than Sesshå? Tå?yå?.
Used materials article E. Steiner in the book.: 1989. One hundred and anniversaries. Arts Calendar. Annual illustrated edition. M. 1988.

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