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Borgman, Ivan Ivanovich

( Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg University)

Comments for Borgman, Ivan Ivanovich
Biography Borgman, Ivan Ivanovich
born February 12, 1849, Mr.. St. Petersburg. His father was a Russified Finnish-born, mother - Russian. Studied at the 2nd St. Petersburg. school and at the end of her course enrolled in 1866. in St. Petersburg. University of Physics and Mathematics. Having finished the course with a degree candidate in 1870, was in the next academic year on the university to prepare for the degree of Master of Physics. To improve Borgman went in 1873. Heidelberg University, where he attended lectures and worked in the laboratory of a well-known Kirchhoff. In 1875, Mr.. was appointed as a laboratory in St. Petersburg. University. Having written a dissertation on galvanic resistivity coals at different temperatures, based on their experience, and protect its "pro venia legendi" in 1877, began lecturing as a privat-docent. In the next year to protect the thesis "On the influence of environment on electromagnetic phenomena and the definition of the functions of magnetization of liquids received a Master's degree. Mention here the first time difficult to determine the scientific direction Borgman, and all his later works belong to the field of electricity and magnetism. Ph.D. received in 1882, Mr.. to protect the thesis "On the heating of iron in preryvchatom magnetization". Borgman professorship at the university expressed a number of courses he read almost all parts of physics (particle forces, optics, electricity, heat), improving the system of practical work and conduct their. The initiative Borgman and near his participation at the university was built (1901) Institute of Physics, satisfying the requirements of modern scientific. In addition, Borgman has lectured at the higher women's courses, teaching women's courses (1876 - 1883) and in the electrotechnical institute. Technological Institute in St. Petersburg also believed Borgman his teacher on the mechanical theory of heat and electrical. In 1886. Borgman was for many years editor of the physical part of the Journal of Russian Physico-Chemical Society. Since 1905, Mr.. to 1910. was the choice of the rector of St. Petersburg University. In 1906, Mr.. was a member of the State Council on the choice of university. In January, 1883. Borgman was designed to teach physics, His Imperial Highness Tsarevich, which performed until 1886, in the latter year he began teaching the same subject to the Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich, and graduated from teaching in 1890. After then taught well and the Grand-Duchesses Xenia and Olga Alexandrovna and Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. In 1911, Mr.. awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws (L. L. D.) University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Numerous studies Borgman almost all published in the Journal of Russian Physico-Chemical Society. To list them all here is not possible. Suffice it to mention only some of, . principal: "On the conductivity of galvanic current liquid plates" (1881), "On the heating of glass capacitors with their electrifying preryvchatoy" (1885), "Experiments on the spread of electrical current through the air" (1886 - 1887),
. Recent work devoted to the electric glow of diluted gases (1899 - 1904) and the radioactivity Russian healing mud (1904 - 1905). In addition, the book: "The magnetic flux and its actions," "Fundamentals of the theory of electric and magnetic phenomena" (2 volumes). Since 1910. editing collections of "New ideas in physics.

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Borgman, Ivan Ivanovich, photo, biography
Borgman, Ivan Ivanovich, photo, biography Borgman, Ivan Ivanovich  Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg University, photo, biography
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