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Vladimir, Vasily Vsevolodovich (Monomakh)

( Yaroslav, son of Vsevolod, one of the most remarkable Russian princes of Kievan Rus)

Comments for Vladimir, Vasily Vsevolodovich (Monomakh)
Biography Vladimir, Vasily Vsevolodovich (Monomakh)
Born in 1053, Mr.. In father's life was at first Duke of Smolensk, which later joined the Chernigov. When Vsevolod died Kievites want to see their prince Vladimir, but he was keeping all of seniority gave Kiev to his cousin Svyatopolk Izyaslavich. Soon he had to leave Chernigov occupied by his other cousin, Svyatoslavich, and withdrew an initial "desk Autun, in Pereyaslyavl. In 1113, Mr.. died Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, and Vladimir on new insistent requests Kiev Kiev took the table at this time, violating the right of seniority in the way, Oleg Svyatoslavich. Civilians suffer the same time and the princely strife and from attack Polovtsy. Vladimir used a lot of efforts to combat those and other. Earlier his opposition Polovtsy were not entirely successful, so, in 1093, Mr.. , acting in alliance with Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, suffered from their double defeat - on the river Stugna and the village of Desire. Likewise, do not always succeed at first attempt to unite the Russian princes to fight the common enemy, his influence, . was achieved union princes Lyubech Congress (1097), . but soon it was broken, . and Cumans again appeared in Russia, . called up by the princes,
. Over time, however, the efforts of Vladimir unsuccessful: he made sure that after a series of defeats inflicted by allied Russian princes (eg, the tract Suten and Lubny) Polovtsians stopped at the time of their raids. Not once helped Vladimir peaceful outcome, there is strife, as usually, the defender insulted by. When, for example, Vasilko Rostislavich was blinded Davyd Volhynia, with the consent of the Grand Prince Svyatopolk, Vladimir warned threatens to become the common strife, and convinced the princes to restore the shattered justice punish the perpetrators. This peacekeeping Vladimir takes a particularly large size from the time he becomes the Grand Duke of Kiev. Some of its activities are now beginning to emerge in a political system. It tends to concentrate in their hands the most important Russian regions, assigning them to their sons; puts Mstislav of Novgorod, in Pereslavl - Svjatopolka, and after his death - Yaropolk in Smolensk - Vyacheslav in Suzdal - Yuri. By marital relationship, and partly by force, it is subject to its influence and more distant lands - Turov-Pinsk, Volyn and Polotsk. As a result, Vladimir is really "the old prince" in the Russian land, which could be directed to the common cause scattered power feudal princes and the fear of punishment to keep them in check. On the other hand, in politics, Vladimir markedly favor the desire to consolidate the achievements consolidation of holdings, and with it stareyshinstvo for their ancestral roots to the very idea of stareyshinstva put on a more solid foundation dynastic. In these species, he was still alive puts his eldest son, Mstislav of Novgorod in Belgorod, providing an opportunity to give him the Kiev throne, already on the new order. Much attention is paid Vladimir and the inner life of the population, in particular - a device trial and control. With his name, for instance, relate merged into "Russian Truth" ruling on interest (on REZE ") and purchases, made at the convened them in Berestove Congress" men "of his and Oleg Svyatoslavich. In his "Instructions" for children contains a variety of instructions, clearly inspired by his own experience. Brilliant performance by Vladimir attracted the sympathies of the population and surrounded his name in the folk memory of a special halo. Chronicler calls him a "wonderful prince," "merciful beyond measure," "pitiful". The name "Monomakh he was probably in his case by the mother, who, according to some accounts, was the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh. According to another explanation, he got this name because, during a hike in the Genoese, killed in a duel Genoese prince (monomial-edinoborets). Exclusive position, . What Vladimir took among Russian princes, . gave rise to the formation of Legends, . though he was crowned king Metropolitan Neophyte, . which then laid on him the insignia of imperial dignity - the crown and barmen, . sent by the Byzantine emperor,
. Therefore, the crown of Muscovy later became known as the cap Monomakh. Vladimir died May 19, 1125, Mr.. He was married three times, his first wife was an English princess Guide Geraldovna. - See: AND. Lashnyukov Vladimir Monomakh and his time "(Kiev. Un. Izv. ", 1873, N 11), C. Prozorovskii "On the question of regalia, attributed to Vladimir Monomakh" ( "Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the archaeological") and. Zhdanov, "The Tale of Babylon and The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir" ( "Journal of the Ministry of National Education, 1891); Kostomarov" Russian history in the biography "; Presnyakov" Princely Right ancient Rus'. A. Z.

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Vladimir, Vasily Vsevolodovich (Monomakh), photo, biography
Vladimir, Vasily Vsevolodovich (Monomakh), photo, biography Vladimir, Vasily Vsevolodovich (Monomakh)  Yaroslav, son of Vsevolod, one of the most remarkable Russian princes of Kievan Rus, photo, biography
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