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Voznitsyn Prokofy Bogdanovich

( Moscow diplomat, son of Vladimir, a nobleman)

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Biography Voznitsyn Prokofy Bogdanovich
In 1668, Mr.. He traveled to Vienna to solicit the Emperor sent, in 1669, his ambassadors to the Congress, about Andrusovo agreement, Russian and Polish delegates. From Vienna, he went to Venice to announce this contract Doge. Later he had several times served various diplomatic missions in Warsaw. In 1681, the rank of clerk, Voznitsyn went to Constantinople in the embassy Okolnichy Chirikov, who died there. Voznitsyn, joining the duties of the ambassador persuaded the Sultan to give up claims to Ukraine. Peter the Great made Voznitsyn in dumnyi clerks and determined member of the order of the Kazan Palace. In 1697, Mr.. in a large embassy, Peter running for the border, Voznitsyn was the third ambassador, with the title of viceroy Bolkhov. In Konigsberg Voznitsyn participated in the conclusion of an amicable treaty with Prussia. On departure of Peter from Vienna to Moscow, in Vienna to the end of peace negotiations with Turkey at the rank of ambassador Voznitsyn left alone, will soon travel to the Congress in Karlowice. From the way he reported to Peter about the unreliability tsesartsev. Soon he was convinced of his suspicions to learn that the emperor, secretly allies, signed a truce with the Sultan. At the beginning of the congress there was dissension among the Commissioners, especially from the Polish commissioner Malakhovsky, insulting protested Russian emperor, with the ambassador that he would not be visiting. Cesarsky ambassadors tried to prevent the Turkish representative not only meet, but also to communicate with Voznitskim. In this situation Voznitsky advised Peter not to stop military preparations, . fear of the Poles and Swedes and advance to strengthen the alliance with the Elector of Brandenburg and King of Denmark, at the same time, he managed to win over the dragoman Ports, . Alexander Mavrocordatos family, . and insisted, . to conference with the Turkish ambassador had been opened in the presence of English and Dutch ministers,
. Turkish commissioner demanded the return of Azov and the five fortresses of the Dnieper; Voznitsky, by contrast, require them to bargain more Kerch. Finally, Voznitskomu managed to conclude a truce for two years, so that the question of the disputed fortresses had been resolved at the conclusion of a peace treaty. The treatise was signed on January 14, 1699, Mr.. Returning to Russia, Voznitsyn again took place in the embassy Order. Ambassador to Constantinople, to make peace, was sent Ukrainians, who tried to put into action Voznitsyn Karlowice in a bad light, asserting that Voznitsyn encouraged by the Turkish Commissioners promised concessions from the king. Voznitsyn justified in writing to the Emperor, but, apparently, for ever lost its original meaning: from that time on it no longer meets the information and do not know when he died. - See. Dictionary of memorable people "(h. I) Bantysh-Kamensky, enjoyed in a statement biographies Voznitsyn diplomatic papers of the Moscow archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Voznitsyn Prokofy Bogdanovich, photo, biography
Voznitsyn Prokofy Bogdanovich, photo, biography Voznitsyn Prokofy Bogdanovich  Moscow diplomat, son of Vladimir, a nobleman, photo, biography
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