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GORCHAKOV Dmitry Petrovich

( Prince - satirist)

Comments for GORCHAKOV Dmitry Petrovich
Biography GORCHAKOV Dmitry Petrovich
(1758 - 1824).
Having a good education at home, he joined the military service, was the adjutant of Prince P.S. Gagarin, in the Kuban region attracted the attention of Suvorov. In 1780, Mr.. retired with the rank of second major and took up farming in the province of Tula. For Sales harvested in its villages canvases Gorchakov went to the army, where he again met with Suvorov, entered service and participated in the storming of Izmail (1790). When Alexander I, Gorchakov was Tavrida prosecutor and his office in the Moldovan army, the commander in chief Prince MI. Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, which in 1812. returned to St. Petersburg. In 1813, Mr.. we see the prince is already the vice-governor of Kostroma. In 1816, Mr.. He retired in recent years and lived in Moscow. Gorchakov was known as an educated man and Voltairians, but, apparently, more valued in Voltaire the dramatist than a philosopher and policies; Voltairianism did not prevent him to get up in the ranks of the guardians-shishkovistov. In 1807, Mr.. He was elected a member of the Academy of Russia, and in 1811, Mr.. - Member interviews fans of the Russian word. However, Gorchakov was able to establish equally good relations with people of different directions. Its very appreciated Shishkov and swt. Aksakov, then adjoining to shishkovistam, but also - and Karamzin; arzamasets Voyeikov in his "Address Parnassian-calendar 'gave him a flattering description. According to biographer, . Gorchakov, had neither the patience, . or endurance, . keen on a military service, . that agriculture, . twice as retirement and, . despite the undoubted personal courage and dignity, . ended his official career in the rank of a collegiate adviser,
. Literature, he also worked sporadically, . from the opera went on to the satyrs, . wrote stories, . poem, . but very few cared about the dissemination of their works, . most of which remained unpublished, . partly for his carelessness and indifference to literary fame, . partly because, . that his poems were a lot of direct and indirect personalities ",
. The dramatic works of Prince Gorchakov, wrote in the eighties of the XVIII century., Performed by lozhnoklassicheskomu pattern. Suffice it to list a few individuals operating there: Plenira, Milovzor, charm, Skopidom, Petimetr, Vzyatkin. By sumarokovskoy tradition unmasked krivosude, bribery, chicanery, - sometimes not without toxicity. Gorchakov did not approve of sentimentalism in the poem touched "the new Stern - Karamzin. However, he could not escape the influence of the new literature, and his "Russia story", "Plamir and Raed" is written in the spirit of "Martyrdom Young Werther. From the works of Gorchakov enjoyed his greatest success satire. They are widely distributed among the then readers and readily written off in the cherished notebooks Albums. In shishkovistskoy Beseda Prince Gorchakov even styled "our Juvenal". Can not say that his satire was very serious. The author, revealing flaws and ugliness of social life, does not ask that creates them, and that would eliminate them. No sophistry, Gorchakov notes in his satires:

. With glitter of gold fool the crowd blind

. What to give a prized bride,

. What man with the ability to walk without a place

. But with the patronage - in the post fool

. That the money got assessorstvo merchant

. What Suslikov currently only punch sees joy

Somewhere in the satires betrays a political conservative, jealous of the old foundations and good manners Gentry. But the author knew the life of modern aristocratic society, genuinely outraged deformities in public life and the abuse of the legal and otherwise, been able to dramatically raise civic sense and could wake the public thought. In this regard it should be noted satire "Letter to Prince S.N. Dolgorukov ". Written in the early XIX century, long before Griboyedov comedy, satire reminiscent monologue Chatsky "A judge ktoN". Some influence satire Gorchakov had on Pushkin Lyceum. - For the first time a work of Prince Gorchakov collected his granddaughter, Princess Elena Gorchakova, in 1890: "Works D.P. Gorchakov (Moscow, 1890, VII +175 pages). But here did not get many works Gorchakov, printed in old magazines. - Wed. S.N. Brailovskii, "Bibliographical Notes" (1892, No.. 3 - 4, Wed. No.. 10); VV. Kallash, "Proceedings of the II Division of the Academy of Sciences" (1903, t. VIII, Prince. 3, p. 357 - 374); S.N. Brailovskii, "Literary Journal" (1904, Bk. 7 cf. 1902 Prince. 2), "Library of Great Writers," edited by. SA. Vengerov. "Pushkin" (t. I, p. 180 - 186, Article. NK. Piksanova (here - a full list of works Gorchakov). N. K. Pv.

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GORCHAKOV Dmitry Petrovich, photo, biography
GORCHAKOV Dmitry Petrovich, photo, biography GORCHAKOV Dmitry Petrovich  Prince - satirist, photo, biography
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