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Grevs Ivan Mikhailovich

( historian)

Comments for Grevs Ivan Mikhailovich
Biography Grevs Ivan Mikhailovich
Born in 1860. landed family in Voronezh Province (ancestors came from England: British mark - Greaves). He studied at the Larin's gymnasium, the historical-philological faculty of St. Petersburg University, where the circle of his scientific interest to determine the influence of VG. Vasilevsky (cm. essay Grevs "VG. Wasilewski as a teacher of science ", in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education, 1899). By student years include the work of "the Roman-Byzantine State in the VI., Legislative collections of Christian Emperors. After graduation Grevs became a teacher in the gymnasium E.P. Schaff and other educational institutions, and from 1889. assistant professor at the University. In 1890 - 92 and 1894 - 96 years Grevs was sent abroad. In libraries and seminaries in Rome and Paris, preparations were great, his study of the economic structure and social psyche of the transition from republic to empire of Roman society, . of which appeared in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education "(" more rural estate in ancient Italy and the big estates in the Roman world by the end of the 1 st century empire, . September 1897, "Recovering the typical rules of the Roman peasant agriculture", . July 1898),
. Entering the circle of Parisian medievalists, when they were still alive the ideas and inspiration Fustel de Coulanges, Grevs took it deep impact (cm. Article Grevs: "Fustel de Coulanges in the 1 st edition of this dictionary, . "Introduction" to the edited by Grevs translations of works by this author "The social system of ancient France", . Petersburg., . 1907 - 10, . and the article "A new study on colonate" in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education ", . 1886),
. Under this influence matured principal basis Grevs scientific worldview: a belief in creativity, defining the role of consciousness in the depths of even the so-called natural process of history and continuing vitality of the mighty Roman cultural traditions. These ideas have penetrated both the scientific works Grevs, and its professors' course (which he in 1892, Mr.. conducted at the university and the University for Women). A committed supporter of the scientific work of the seminary, Grevs was one of its zealous planter. From this work Grevs was cut off by the Minister of Education NP. Bogolepova, dismissing him from the rank of private-docent after student unrest 1899. In 1900, Mr.. Grevs defended his master's thesis "Essays on the history of the Roman land tenure, mostly during the Empire. From volume II-the first of this work was later essay "The data Petronius to characterize the large estates" ( "Journal of the Ministry of National Education"). Retired from the University of Grevs had worked as a member or chairman of the commission, . organized a number of private schools in St. Petersburg (Tenishev School, . Commercial College in Forest, . after school in St. Petersburg (Tenishev School, . Commercial College in Forest, . later school Balayeva) and circles, . setting up a mission theoretical solution of problems of secondary school, as a teacher and chairman (18 years), girls 'high school teachers' council HORSES,
. Tagantsev Finally, as a teacher of history in all these schools and in the Alexander Lyceum. The influence of his peculiar teaching method, . solves the problem of "turning science into a subject", . knew how to use the history, . as a means of awakening noble and lofty thoughts and feelings, . left a deep mark on the pupils Grevs and numerous groups of young teachers, . working under his direction,
. General attitude to school, . broad understanding of its tasks has been expressed in a number of essays, . on it and characterization of its leaders ( "Essays on the modern history of teaching in higher educational institutions of Paris" in the "historical review", . "Long working life, . Memory E.P,
. Schaff "in the" Russian School ", article in memory of VA. Fausek, in the "Compendium" of higher women's courses, VS. Solovyov and Stamp. Dragomanova (in "Polar Star", S.N. Trubetskoy). In 1902, Mr.. Grevs again returned to the University (some previously invited professor at the Polytechnic Institute, where he taught for a year), and in 1903. returned to the University for Women. Public movement of these years has set new professorship very complex tasks. Grevs became a zealous member of the groups and committees, to work towards their resolution (the organization of students, subject system of teaching and r. etc.). Especially prominent was his work on women's courses, which as the dean of the Faculty of Philology, he was one of the principal figures of the seminar organizing seminars and device libraries. Grevs was a supporter of large historical excursions, which he valued as an instrument of general education, and as a necessary form of the historical seminary "in the opening of opportunity" to go to meet the real footsteps of world culture "(see. Grevs article on the subject: "Guided by the scientific and artistic centers of Italy", "The theory and practice, guided tours, as an instrument of the scientific study of history in universities", "Scientific Word" and "Journal of the Ministry of National Education"). At various times, under his leadership had been taken long trips in the "medieval city" the Baltic region, Poland, France and Italy. For many years, Grevs was chairman of the section of World History Historical Society at St. Petersburg University, editor of the Middle Ages to the present dictionary, where he owns the station. "Augustine" and others. In the 82-volume "Encyclopedic Dictionary" and he wrote a number of articles (the biggest: "Feudalism", "Fustel de Coulanges," "Florence", "Tacitus", "Thierry", and many others. etc.). He is the article "Alaric and the Visigoths" in the "Book reading" Vinogradova. Special Grevs scientific work in these few years is reflected in the press (note the "Sketches of Florentine culture" in the "Scientific Word"). Some started their original works are not embodied in the form of printed articles, and went to the construction of new courses and seminars; of this work in 1911. to commemorate the 25-year activity Grevs released a compilation "Ivan Mikhailovich Grevs - pupils'. As a public figure, Grevs belonged to the community, from which came the movement of the Union of Liberation "and there was konstutsionno Democratic Party. Articles, . on the university question in the magazines "Right", . "Scientific Word" and "Polar Star" ( "Creation and destruction in high school", etc.), . he defended the principles of liberty and culture, . "University, . independence from government tyranny and the party - the right and left - of bitterness ", . dream to create from the "workshop, . where forged knowledge of the truth and build life and social ideals ",
. O. Dobiash-Christmas.

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