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Ignatius N. Danilovich

( Lithuanian Law and a connoisseur of antiquities)

Comments for Ignatius N. Danilovich
Biography Ignatius N. Danilovich
(1787 - 1843). He graduated from the course of the Vilna University. From 1814, Mr.. taught at the University of Vilna local law. Since 1821. was a member of the provincial committee "for the set of local laws, and in 1822, Mr.. - Member of the professorial committee, charged with the preparation of a new Russian translation of the Lithuanian Statute. This work was not finished, because in 1824. Vilna University was closed, and in 1825, Mr. Danilovich. appointed professor of Kharkov University, where he read Russian and provincial law. In 1830, Mr.. Danilovich was invited Sperdnski II in the Immediate Office of His Imperial Majesty's Office to work on a set of laws in force in the annexed from Poland, the provinces'. This set, then reworked officials compartment II and a special committee of local lawyers, was published in 1836, Mr.. a small number of copies (in 1910. reprinted Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University under the supervision of Professor parchment and privat-docent Baron Nolde, under the name "Body of local laws of the western provinces"). He did not become law, because of the abolition of local law decree 25 June 1840, Mr.. On behalf Speranskii Danilovich has made notes on the history of Magdeburg law, prepared the abolition of this law in the Ukraine. In 1835, Mr.. Danilovich was appointed professor at the University of St. Vladimir of Kiev and sent in Part II "Review of historical information on the status of a set of local laws of the western provinces" (reprinted Petersburg University in 1910), . sources include a history of Lithuanian-Polish law and serves as an introduction to the West to the Body of,
. When in 1839, Mr.. University of Kiev, rioting broke, and it was closed, Danilovich transferred professor at Moscow University. In "Dzienniku Wilenskim" 1823 g. posted composed Danilovich bibliographic description of all known manuscripts and printed copies of the Statute of Lithuania, with some changes, published in Russian in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education, 1838, Mr.. In 1826, Mr.. they released "Statut Kazimierza IV", in 1827, Mr.. - "Latopisiec Litwy i Kronika ruska", Chronicle, interesting for Lithuania and Russia, found them in the Bialystok region. He had compiled collection of manuscripts and extracts published in 1862. in Vilna under the title "Scarbiec diplomatow". Very interesting study Danilovich: "Looking at the Lithuanian legislation and the statutes of lithuania" ( "Legal note Redkin", Volume I, 1841). In 1841, Mr.. in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education "is placed (N 11), his article" On the Lithuanian chronicles "; in 1843. with Prince Obolensky he published "The Book embassy metric Grand Duchy of Lithuania". On his erudition in foreign literature can be judged by the note, made them in 1818, Mr.. at the request of Prince Czartoryski, and a comparison of the Code Napoleon, with the right of the Polish. It issued Alex. Kraushar in 1905. under the title "Kodez Napolepna w porownanie z prawem polskiem i litewskiem" (Warszawa). Terse and cautious in the conclusions of the works Danilovich still retain their importance for science. - See. Baron A. Nolde "Essays on the history of the codification of local civil laws". Baron A. Nolde.

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    Ignatius N. Danilovich, photo, biography Ignatius N. Danilovich  Lithuanian Law and a connoisseur of antiquities, photo, biography
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