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Korf Nikolai

( Baron - a public figure and publicist)

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Biography Korf Nikolai
Born in Kharkov in 1834. He graduated from the course in the Alexander Lyceum, . joined the Department of the Ministry of Justice, . but after a year and a half left in the village, . became engaged in farming and took part in the noble meetings, . much to implement on the ground the peasant reform,
. With the introduction of zemstvos he was elected district councilors Alexander County Ekaterinoslav province, an honorary magistrate, then chairman of the world congress. His activity was concentrated mainly on the formulation of educational affairs in the county. It is largely the merit system in Russia properly organized elementary school, with 3 offices in the same class. Elect people instituted Council of zemstvos, Korf managed to defeat the indifference to public education, opening schools in the county has gone quickly. His views on education was spent in St. Petersburg Vedomosti, "News of Europe" and "People's School". Issued by Baron Korf Reports of Alexander county council instituted "(5 issues) drew the attention of the world teaching and literature. During the six years (1867 - 1873) Korf published five textbooks and guides for the elementary school: "A Guide to Literacy for sound method"; "Russian Primary School", . as a guide for zemstvo councilors and teachers in rural schools - the first in Russia to work uchilischevedeniyu (sold in quantities of 32 thousand copies), "Our friend" - a book for reading in the traditional school; "Baby" - the first since the alphabet book for elementary school and family, . which has been included then a part of "our friend", "Our school work" - a collection of articles on, . relating to public education in general and public schools in particular,
. In preparing "our friend" Korf set out to "by educating the student with the outside world to influence the improvement of its material and moral life". Some teachers reacted with hostility to this book, Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education has made some of its publications in their catalogs, others - has not made. Sam Korff constantly rewriting them, in accordance with the instructions of experience. Activities Korff made his name popular throughout Russia. Trustee of the Caucasian school district Neverov, who organized the case of public education in the Caucasus, sent by the Director of Kuban Seminary, renowned educator DD. Semenova, to familiarize themselves with korfovskimi schools, sending him to the inspectors and teachers. In 1870, Petersburg Pedagogical Society Korff elected an honorary member, in 1871 did the same thing Moscow University and the Literacy Committee. At the same time Korf visited St. Petersburg, where he was trying to promote the idea of the necessity of universal education. In 1872, Korf was voted down in the vowels at the Congress of landowners. Elected to three peasant congresses, he nevertheless refused to zemstvo and despite the sympathy which all sides expressed to him the Russian public, went to Switzerland. The reason for this was, incidentally, there is no sympathy for zemstvo activities in education, which then began to detect the Ministry of Education to the schools. From Switzerland, where Korf spent 8 years, he continued to write in the Journal of Europe "," People's School "," Week "and" St. Petersburg Vedomosti. Some of these articles came out in book form under the title: "Our educational issues" (1882). In addition, he compiled a "History of the East, Greece and Rome for learning and self", based on his readings of them as home-based Russian school in Geneva. In 1880, Korf returned from abroad and took a test of knowledge studied in schools in Mariupol and Alexander counties, this check is denied exaggerated opinion of relapse illiteracy. In his address the kinds of perfect Korf was "Head of repeated for Sunday schools, in which with great art program and outlined the guidelines, in line with this goal. At the same time in a number of articles he fervently preached the idea of universal compulsory education, as well as the need for the Teachers' Congress. The last he sometimes, at the invitation of zemstvos, led. In 1883, the death of P.E. Basistov, opened up the head of city school in Moscow. The then mayor of Moscow, BN. Chicherin proposed Corfu run for this position. Korf agreed, but "Moscow News" and "New Time" began a campaign against him, which forced him to withdraw his candidature. This affected his health. In early 1883, he has worked very strongly: I wrote "people reading" of the "Bread beetle (Kuzko)", in June, led the teachers' congress in Berdyansk district, 13 November 1883, he was gone. Peskovsky, in a biographical library F. Pavlenkova, they also published the correspondence of Baron Korff, in "Russian Antiquities" (and separately 1895). - See. also "Notes educator, Baron Nikolai Alexandrovich Korff (" Russian Antiquities ", 1884, book 3, 4 and 5); Kashin," Trip to the Baron Nikolai Alexandrovich Corfu ( "Modern Chronicle, 1871, # 1 and 2) D . D. Semenov, "Pedagogical Essays Alexander County Schools" ( "The People's School", Journal, 1871 - 1872); D.T. Gnedin, "My Memoirs" ( "Russian Wealth", 1893, book 5, 6 and 7); obituary Corfu? 12 "Messenger of Europe" for 1883 and there is an internal review, "the Russian Biographical Dictionary". N. Vasilenko.

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Korf Nikolai, photo, biography Korf Nikolai  Baron - a public figure and publicist, photo, biography
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