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Loris-Melikov, Mikhail Tarielovich

( Graf - a Russian general and statesman)

Comments for Loris-Melikov, Mikhail Tarielovich
Biography Loris-Melikov, Mikhail Tarielovich
(1825 - 1888), an Armenian by origin. He studied in the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, then the school guard sub-ensigns and cadets. Served in the Caucasus, separated during the Crimean War 1853 - 1856 period, in 1852,. appointed head of the Terek region. In the war with Turkey 1877 - 1878 period Loris-Melikov, . the rank of general of cavalry and the rank of the Adjutant General, . commanded a separate corps at the Turkish border; stormed Ardahan, . Then began the siege of Kars and Erzurum; managed even during military operations on Turkish territory to convince the local population to take Russian credit notes, . which led the war and, . than to save a considerable amount,
. At the conclusion of peace was the title of Count (1878). In January 1879, in the types of combat chumoyu, which appeared in Vetlyanke, appointed temporary Astrakhan, Saratov and Samara Governor-General. Thanks to his energetic measures by the plague has not been spread. In April 1879. Loris-Melikov was appointed governor-general of the Kharkov. Here he tried to act not only by repressive measures, but also to concessions to public opinion. After the explosion in the Winter Palace was appointed (February 12, 1880), director of the Supreme Administrative Commission, established to deal with sedition. Chief of the commission were given extraordinary powers: he was subject to all higher institutions in the state, including the 3rd Department of His Majesty's own Office and the Corps of Gendarmes. Loris-Melikov was like a dictator (the dictatorship of the heart). He appealed to residents of the capital, with special appeal, . which, . promising to work against sedition, without softening, . At the same time declared, . that the main force, . could lead to the resumption of the correct course of public life, . He sees the support of society,
. February 20 to life Loris-Melikov in a failed attempt daring, which, despite a personal request to Loris-Melikov. Garshin, was executed in 24 hours on a verdict of court martial. In April 1880, Mr.. Loris-Melikov insisted on dismissal particularly hated the society of Minister of Education Dr.. Tolstoy. Have been released quite a few people from administrative exile, while at the same time, arrests and deportations did not stop. Print mode became somewhat freer. The temporary lull in the activities of the revolutionary party has created the illusion that the Supreme Administrative Commission did its work, and on 6 August it was closed. At the same time abolished the 3rd unit, but replaced by the Police Department in the Ministry of Interior. Gendarme Corps also subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Loris-Melikov was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs. As Minister of Loris-Melikov continued the old policy, which was to some weakening of the oppression of censorship, in preparing the measures had in mind the economic advancement of the people, in sympathy with the self-governing bodies. He designed the reduction of redemption payments, support farmers in buying land, facilitating the conditions of the resettlement; managed to hold the abolition of the salt tax. In the kinds of ascertaining the needs of people have been taken senatorial inspections. Material collected by the audit and its projects, Loris-Melikov intended to refer to the special commission, which was to include, besides officials, elected from provincial zemstvos and some urban doom. This plan later became known as the Constitution of Loris-Melikov, although the constitution was not, as part of public figures allowed only for very specific task and only in an advisory capacity. To convince the Emperor Alexander II, Loris-Melikov had made 17 February 1881, Mr.. consent to this plan, the execution of which, in acknowledgment that Kravchinsky and many other revolutionaries, could have prevented the accident on March 1, but he kept a strict secret, and society was not known. The murder of Tsar Alexander II was fatal to the project Loris-Melikov and for his career. At the meeting in the palace, where Pobedonostsev denounced the constitutional aspirations of Loris-Melikov, his project was rejected by the Emperor Alexander III. Despite increased repression, among other things, and against the press, adopted after March 1, Loris-Melikov in conservative circles was considered the bearer of the ideas of liberalism and the cause of the disaster on March 1. April 29 was published a manifesto on the principles of loyalty to the autocracy, written Pobedonostsev, and May 7, Loris-Melikov resigned, along with D. Milyutin and Abaza. It was the end of the relatively liberal period and the beginning of a long period of extreme reaction. The last years of his life Loris-Melikov held abroad and died in Nice. Print: "On the Caucasian rulers from 1776. the end of XVIII century, for the Stavropol archive "(" Russian Archive ", 1873)," Note on Hadji Murad "(" Russian Antiquities ", 1881, t. XXX); "on the navigation on the Kuban" ( "New Time", 1882), "The status of the Terek region" ( "Russian Antiquities", 1889,? 8). Very precious memories of him and his characterization cm. y N.A. Bald in "Memoirs" (Moscow, 1897) and п?.пє. Horses in the "Voice of the past" (1914, # 1). V. In-in.

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Loris-Melikov, Mikhail Tarielovich, photo, biography
Loris-Melikov, Mikhail Tarielovich, photo, biography Loris-Melikov, Mikhail Tarielovich  Graf - a Russian general and statesman, photo, biography
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