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Modestov Vasily Ivanovich

( philologist and publicist)

Comments for Modestov Vasily Ivanovich
Biography Modestov Vasily Ivanovich
(1839 - 1907). He studied at the Main Pedagogical Institute and the University of St. Petersburg. For the protection of master thesis: "Tacitus and his writings, he was appointed assistant professor of Roman literature in the Novorossiysk University, from where moved to Kazan. Ph.D., received for the essay: "The Roman alphabet in the period of the kings" (German translation: "Der Gebrauch der Schrift unter den romischen Konigen", Berlin, 1871). In 1869, Mr.. moved to Kiev, where, besides the university, I read in the Theological Academy. In 1878, Mr.. passed professor at St. Petersburg Theological Academy, but after the appearance in 1879. his articles in The Voice of the extremes of our classical system, had to resign. Published a series of articles on politics, social life, literature and philosophy in the "Voice", "Historical Messenger," News "," Novi ", etc.. From 1889 to 1893. was a professor at the Novorossiysk University; recent years had lived in Rome, where he died. And as a professor, and as a publicist Modestov different gift of live presentation, making not only his journalistic articles, but also purely scientific work accessible to a wide audience. Without changing his chosen specialty, . He always treated with great responsiveness and to the phenomena of contemporary reality, and has written several books and articles, . which affected many aspects of European life for the last quarter of the last century: "On Germany,
. Science, schools, parliament, people desire "(St. Petersburg, 1888)," On the French (St. Petersburg, 1889), "Articles for the public on the historical, social, philosophical, etc." (t. I, St. Petersburg, 1883), "Modern Italy" ( "Historical Journal", 1893), "Academic Life in Rome" ( "Journal of the Ministry of National Education, 1892). Devoted to the history of Russian education: "School issue" (2 editions during 1880), . "Russian science in the last twenty-five years" (Odessa, . 1890), . "Memories of universities Novorossiysk, . Kazan, . Kiev "(" Historical Journal ", . 1884, . 1885), . "NM,
. The Annunciation "(" Historical Review ", V)," Reminiscences of Professor п?.пє. Kistyakovsky "(Virgin Soil, 1885)," N.A. Dob "(ibid., 1886)," VG. Vasilevskij "(" Journal of the Ministry of National Education, 1902; important in autobiographical terms), etc.. Main scientific works Modestova, except for two theses: "Lectures on the history of Roman literature" (after. ed. St. Petersburg, 1888), "History of Roman Literature", in the three No.. (9, 10, 11) "Universal Literature" edited. V. Korsch (St. Petersburg, 1881), "Works By. Tacitus, Russian translation with notes and an article on Tacitus and his writings "(Saint-Petersburg, . 1886 - 1887), . "Notes on Tacitus" (in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education "for 1893 - 95 years), number of articles on the Greek reading and pronunciation (ibid., . 1891 and 1893, "Philological Review" for 1893, translated into Greek in the magazine "He phnsis" for 1893), . "Selected Odes of Horace" (2 nd ed., . St.Petersburg, . 1893), . "Selected satires of Horace" (4 th ed., . St.Petersburg, . 1901),
. The result of interest Modestova ancient destinies of Italy was a huge number of articles in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education and Philology Review "(p. persons. in t. XVIII programmatic article - "On Rome as the center of archaeological, historical and literary education, and my lessons in it"), which served as somewhat preliminary work to a large and very valuable work: "An Introduction to Roman history" (h. I, 1902; h. II, 1904; h. I went out in French translation in 1907). Edited Modestova published "Ethics B. Spinoza "(translated from Latin, three editions, St. Petersburg, 1886, 1892 - 94) and" real dictionary of classical antiquity Fr. Lyubkera "(St. Petersburg, 1884). In the 82-volume "Encyclopedic Dictionary" Brockhaus - Ephron Modestov put a lot of articles on Roman history and literature. - Wed. I.V. Tsvetayev in Philology Review "(t. XVII, 1899) and in the "old" ( "Proceedings of the Moscow Archaeological Society") r. XXII, No.. 1; D.N. Anuchin, ibid, No.. 2; MI. Rostovtsev, in the Journal of the Ministry of National Education "(1907, Bk. 7). A. Maleinos.

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Modestov Vasily Ivanovich, photo, biography Modestov Vasily Ivanovich  philologist and publicist, photo, biography
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