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Paskevich Ivan

( Serene Highness Warsaw, Earl Erivan, General-Field Marshal)

Comments for Paskevich Ivan
Biography Paskevich Ivan
(1782 - 1856). Was made of Pages of the Court of His Imperial Majesty's lieutenants in the Life Guards regiment of the Transfiguration and at the same time was appointed adjutant. From 1806 to 1812. he took part in the war against the Turks, commanded by small bands, and performing various administrative and diplomatic assignments: in 1811 he was appointed brigade commander. In the Patriotic War of 1812 II. took a prominent part in the battles of Saltanovka, Smolensk, Borodino, Vyazma; in 1813 blocked the Modlin fortress, and then state the army Bennigsen, participated in the affairs of Dresden, in the battle of Leipzig, in the siege of Hamburg. Appointed head of 2 nd Grenadier Division, in 1814, participated in the battle of the Arsis-on-two and in the capture of Paris. In 1817, P. was elected head of travel Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, . which was until 1821, then commanded the 1 st Guards Infantry Division, . brigades under the command of Grand Duke Nikolai and Mikhail Pavlovich (so the first of them, . already a sovereign, . called P,
. "father-commander). In 1821, P. received the command of the 1 st Army Corps, in 1825 he was appointed adjutant-general, on the accession to the throne of Emperor Nicholas was summoned to St. Petersburg to participate in the trial of the Decembrists. In 1826, P. was ordered to go to the Caucasus to command the troops against the Persians with Ermolov (XI, 675), where he was presented with a secret decree - to replace the latter, if it finds it necessary. His actions against the Persians were fortunate: he smashed them under Yelizavetpol (XI, 616), and for the mastery of Erivan was erected in the Count's dignity with the name "Erivan". In 1827, P. replaced in the Caucasus Ermolov, who was sacked resigned, and in 1828 - 29 years of artfully directed military operations against the Turks in Asia Minor. In the first year of the war they were taken Kars Akhalkalaki Ahaltsih; in 1829, defeating the enemy when Hasan-Kala, he took Erzurum, and the day of promulgation of Adrianople was promoted to general feldmarshaly.Otvlechenny War II. did not have enough time to delve into the case management Caucasian edge, and he had to stay there for long, since the summer of 1831, on the death of Dibicha (X, 569), he was appointed commander of troops in Poland. Here, in his actions, he showed too slow and cautious, although the main Polish army before it was completely broken down under Ostroе?д?ka (see). The capture of Warsaw covered it, however, new laurels: he received the title of His Serene Highness Prince of Warsaw and the title of regent of the Kingdom of Poland. Restoring order in the province agitated, he has concentrated all its efforts to maintain Russian rule there. In 1849, when Emperor Nicholas I decided to submit help the Austrian Emperor against the insurgent Hungarians, P. again became the head of the army. His actions in this campaign (see. Hungarian war in 1849) has not been instructive and successful conclusion of the war can not be attributed to orders. In 1854, during the Crimean War (VII, 290), overly cautious and hesitant P. made known to the new force, and military authority has been undermined by his. Wed. Prince Sherbatov "Field-Marshal Prince P." (St. Petersburg, 1888 - 94), H. Schilder "Field Marshal P. in the Crimean War ( "Russian Antiquities", 1875, t. XII); A. Berger's "Book. P. in the Polish kingdom in 1846 "(" Russian Antiquities ", 1885, t. XLVIII); correspondence P. with the Emperor Nicholas I, in the "Russian Antiquities", 1972, t. V and VI; 1880, t. XXIX; 1881, t. XXXII; 1884, t. XLI; 1896, t. LXXXVI; with the Emperor Alexander II, 1855, ibid, 1881, t. XXXII; "From the notes of Prince P. to August 1826 "(" Russian Archive ", 1889, t. I).

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Paskevich Ivan, photo, biography Paskevich Ivan  Serene Highness Warsaw, Earl Erivan, General-Field Marshal, photo, biography
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