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Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich

( The historian, archaeologist and journalist)

Comments for Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich
Biography Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich
(1800 - 1875).
His father was a serf "steward" Count Stroganoff. The atmosphere of the manor court, iskatelstvo father's rich and noble were not without influence on the character Pogodina: he was remarkable for his great practicality, combined it with a considerable share of sentimentality on the one hand, and the critical mind, on the other. At the 11 th year, he was given for education to the printers A.G. Reshetnikov, but soon entered the 1 st Moscow gymnasium. Sentimentally patriotic mood it has found support in the hobby then a theater, where reigned Ozerov's tragedy, as well as familiarity with the "History of state Rossiyskogo" Karamzin, which he bought on his last money. At Moscow University, where Pogodin enrolled in 1818, he came under the influence of professor of the theory of poetry Merzlyakov, belated admirer University, Sumarokov and Derzhavin. Summer stay in the teaching condition at Prince Trubetskoy was for Pogodina some counterbalance this effect: here he became acquainted with the works of Rousseau, Ms. Steel (of Germany) and Chateaubriand. The university began to take shape and scientists tastes Pogodin, he became interested in the original Russian work, the question of the origin of the princes, as well as issues of Common Slavonic history (translated works DobrovskцҐ on Cyril and Mifodii). Almost all of his views he found the enemy in the face of the then professor of Russian history Kachenovsky, which kept a strong polemic, and subsequently, as is his fellow professors. After finishing the course in 1823, Pogodin year later defended his master thesis "On the Origin of Rus', which was the protector of the Norman schools and relentless critic of the theory of the Khazar origin of the Russian princes, behind which stood Kachenovsky. This thesis has been welcomed by Karamzin, on the one hand, and specialists-historians Schlozer and academician around - with another. In his dissertation Pogodin found remarkable critical ability. Plans for his future at this time not yet decided: he dreams of a magazine, then on the educational activities, an administrative career. His application for travel abroad was not honored. In the Committee of Ministers had decided that "no good to send this master's degree in foreign lands for the completion of the course of science on the current circumstances, and easier to give a university education, which will be convenient to the Government". Since 1826. Pogodin was asked to read a general history for first-year students. Professorship Pogodina lasted until 1844. In 1835, Mr.. He was transferred to the Department of Russian history, in 1841, Mr.. elected as a member of the second branch of the Academy of Sciences (in Russian language and literature), was also the secretary of the Society for the History and Antiquities of Russian and was in charge of the publication of "Russian Historical Collection," which placed an important article on localism ". By the end of a professorship Pogodina also began publication of "Studies, . lectures and observations ", . which proves the, . mainly, . Pogodina value as a historian, where he found most of all his critical talent, and least of all the negative side of his mind - an excessive fondness for fantastic ideas,
. "Research" (7 volumes), brought to the Tatar period of Russian history, and now serve as one of the necessary tools for dealing specifically ancient history. At the same time Pogodin started picking up his "Drevnehranilischa", contains a lot of monuments, both written and real, Russian Antiquity. Handwritten part of this meeting, which was bought later by Nicholas I, is kept at present in St. Petersburg Imperial Public Library and is a lot of interest to historians. Pogodin several times been abroad, of his foreign travel has the greatest value first (1835), when he started in Prague, close relations with prominent representatives of science among the Slavic peoples: Safarik, Ghankay and Palacky. This journey is undoubtedly contributed to the convergence of the Russian scientist peace with the Slavic. Since 1844. specially-academic activities Pogodina freezes and grows only at the end of his life. By 1860, Mr.. is it a public debate with Kostomarov on the origin of the Russian princes. Right in this dispute was more Pogodin, which was not noticed by the public was interested in opponents as representatives of certain social parties, and not as scientific researchers. At the end of life Pogodin led debate on the same issue with the DI. Ilovajskij. In 1872, Mr.. he published "An ancient Russian history to the Mongol yoke," added nothing to his glory. In the writings of scientists Pogodina not affect the philosophical mood that has enveloped the University of Moscow in the 30's and 40-ies: strong as a specialist researcher, Pogodin was weak as a thinker. Combining passion with Schelling patriarchal Moscow leaven, . Pogodin in his views held the so-called theory of official nationality and belonged, . with Professor Shevyrev, . the Party, . defending this theory arguments of German philosophy,
. His views, he spent two unreleased their journals: "Moscow Gazette" (1827 - 30) and "Moskvityanin" (1841 - 56). First had to contend with giant Russian journalism early 30-ies, "Moscow Telegraph". Almost exclusively, the literary content, "Moscow Journal" was too often scientists in tone and therefore, despite the participation of Pushkin, complete success was not. Another magazine Pogodin, "Moskvityanin", the program had a more political nature. It found refuge commencing stand apart at the time of obschegegelyanskih hobbies Slavophil direction. Slavophiles had to work here with the defenders of the theory of official nationality, the aspirations which they had only a purely external proximity, the moisture in the formula of a completely different meaning and protecting it by other means. In the history of science name Moskvityanin "due to the polemic against the theory of tribal, whose representatives were Soloviev and Cavelin. Criticism of the excesses of this theory failed Pogodin more than the estimate of the benefits of its. Moskvityanin "put forward at least Common Slavonic issues and defended the right of West nationalities for national freedom, at a time when, according to KN. Bestuzhev-Rumin, "fashionable belief was the view that the Austrian policeman is civilizing the beginning of the Slavic lands". The lack of philosophical education and the adverse external conditions did not give Pogodin develop a thinker and public figure, in which role he claimed. Love of knowledge and natural intelligence made him a prominent historian, researcher, from unquestionable value in Russian historiography. See. "Biographical Dictionary of professors of Moscow University (Moscow, . 1855; a complete set of actual data to 1855), "Historical Notes of the Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society for the first 25 years of its existence" (M., . 1890; biography Pogodina belongs here P.N Peru,
. Milyukova); Bestuzhev-Ryumin "Biography and characteristics" (very lively, full of apt observations, characteristics); NP. Barsukov "Life and Works Stamp. Pogodin "- the most complete set of all related to the very Pogodina embodying a lot of interesting data at all for the history of the time (work is still far from finished). M. Polievkt.

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Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich, photo, biography Pogodin Mikhail Petrovich  The historian, archaeologist and journalist, photo, biography
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