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Popov, Nikita Ivanovich

( Astronom.)

Comments for Popov, Nikita Ivanovich
Biography Popov, Nikita Ivanovich
1720 - 1782
The son of a deacon and a student of the Moscow Slavo-Greco-Latin Academy, he along with 11 companions, among whom was Lomonosov, was sent in late 1735, Mr.. St. Petersburg to hear the professor's lecture. In September 1740, Mr.. was appointed translator for Russia conference with his responsibilities of academic high school teachers. In October 1744, Mr.. was assigned to the professor of astronomy Delisle "for further origin in astronomy and receiving ability in observation". After the departure Delisle from Russia in 1747, Popov continued his studies in astronomy under the guidance of Professor Vinsgeyma. In 1748, Mr.. Popov was elected as an associate and he was charged with lectures on theoretical astronomy students academic university. In the same year made Popov (together with Academician Brown, observing a solar eclipse, July 14, 1748; report cm. in Volume I of "Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae". The following scholars difficulty Popova was a memoir "Methodus observandi eclipses luminarium", . published in revised form on the basis of objections academician Krattsenshteyna and astronomer Geynziusa, . breviary in Russian published in the "Content scientists reasoning of the Imperial Academy of Sciences" (h,
. II). In 1751, Mr.. Popov was elevated to the rank of professor of astronomy due to submission of the "spetsimena": "Methodus observandi culminationes et azymutha, . nec non altitudines iisdem respondentes ", . remaining, . however, . not published due to objections, . made against him by academics Krattsenshteynom, . Rihmanom and Grishovym,
. The following year, Popov was read publicly "These new inventions in the lunar theory" (St. Petersburg, 1752), the subject of this speech were the work of Clairaut and, in particular, the Euler caused by the theme proposed in 1749 by Mr.. St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1761, Mr.. Popov went to Irkutsk for the observation of the transit of Venus on Sun May 26 of that year. Despite the unsatisfactory nature of their observations Popov entered into polemics with Rumovsky that have made the Academy a report on how unreliable observations Popova in Irkutsk, and observations in St. Petersburg Krasilnikova and Kurganov. Notes Popov on his observations were not placed in publications of the Academy, and he was dismissed from her in 1768, Mr.. Besides those already mentioned above, in the press appeared the following works Popova: "Observatio sclipseos lunaris Petropoli in observatorio astronomico martii 17 mane tempore civili anno 1755 st. vet. instituta "(" N. Comm. ", VI)," Observatio eclipseos lunae die 18 maii st. v. 1760 Petropoli habita "(ibid., t. IX). Popov was published by the Academy, edited by Grishova, in Russian calendars for 1755 - 1766 he. In 1768, Mr.. Academy issued a translation of the history of Trogus. In the archives of the Academy remain several unpublished works Popova. Biography Popova cm. Article KS. Veselovskogo "Some materials for the history of the Academy of Sciences in the biographical sketches of leaders of former times" (annex LXXIII t. Memoirs of the Imperial Academy of Sciences ",? 2, St. Petersburg, 1893). VV. Bobynin.

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Popov, Nikita Ivanovich, photo, biography Popov, Nikita Ivanovich  Astronom., photo, biography
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