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Soren Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard Seren)

( Danish philosopher and religious thinker and writer)

Comments for Soren Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard Seren)
Biography Soren Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard Seren)
Born May 5, 1813 in Copenhagen. He studied at the grammar school in 1830 entered the University of Copenhagen. Significant influence on its fate has his father's death in 1838. Two years later, he passed the exam in theology at the University of. Prepared Kierkegaard's master's thesis on the concept of irony, was published in early 1841. At the end of this year there was another critical event - Kierkegaard broke off his engagement to Regina Olsen. This gap, caused public disapproval, both played a catalytic role in the creative life of Kierkegaard. Everything he wrote, bears the trace of this sad experience.
During a brief stay in Berlin (from October 1841 to March 1842) Kierkegaard attended the lectures of Friedrich Schelling. In 1843, he published several important works: Either - Or (Enten-Eller), Repetition (Gjentagelsen), Fear and trembling (Frygt og Baeven) and in addition - nine religious discourse in three volumes, called instructive conversations (Opbyggelige Taler). The first three books came out under a pseudonym because, as Kierkegaard explained later expressed their views were not his own. Under the Talks is the author's own name. In 1844 came Philosophical Fragments (Philosophiske Smuler) and the concept of fear (Begrebet Angest), as well as nine interviews. Published in 1845 book Stages of life's journey (Stadier paa Livets vei) summarizes some previous work, in the same year came three more interviews, called Thoughts on critical situations (Tre Taler ved tnkte Leiligheder). The most significant philosophical work of Kierkegaard, also published under a pseudonym - Concluding Unscientific Postscript (Afsluttende uvidenskabelig Efterskrift) - released in early 1846. With exceptional skill, Kierkegaard describes the different life positions, changing the styles of writing, but rather consistently showing that the Christian way of life is achieved through the movement from the aesthetic to the religious ethics. In the works of Kierkegaard contains precise definitions of these categories, . as faith, . truth, . revelation, . mind; given brilliant critique of the Hegelian system and philosophical idealism; analyzed the problem of ethical responsibility in specific situations; developed an original and profound philosophy of religion,

Attacks on Kierkegaard in Copenhagen boulevard sheet in 1846 was the third major external event of his life. The answer came two centuries (To Tidsaldre) analyzing the spirit of modernity. In 1846-1848 he published a number of specific religious works: Acts of Love (Kjerlighedens Gjerninger), Christian conversation (Christelige Taler), instructive conversations of various kinds (Opbyggelige Taler i farskjellig Aand). The end of 1852 were written by illness to death (Sygdommen til Doden), . Exercises in Christianity (Indvelse i Christendom), . By self-examination (Til Selvprovelse), . The judge himself (Dette skal siges), . and a small autobiographical work point of view (Synspunktet for min Forfatter-Virksomhed),
. These were the last work of Kierkegaard. In early 1854 his attention was attracted extravagant eulogy to the former bishop of Munster, . pronounced the famous Lutheran theologian Martizenom, . and Kierkegaard wrote a series of articles, . directed in the name of Christianity against the 'Christian world' (Hvad Christus dmmer om officiel Christendom),
. In September 1855 he felt that his internal task performed. Kierkegaard died in Copenhagen on November 11.

Kierkegaard's works and ideas had considerable influence on European and world philosophy and literature. He is indebted to Ibsen, M. Unamuno, A. Chekhov, Nikolai Berdyaev, Karl Barth, Heidegger and Karl Jaspers.

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Soren Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard Seren), photo, biography Soren Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard Seren)  Danish philosopher and religious thinker and writer, photo, biography
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