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LUKOMSKY George Kreskentevich

( Russian art historian and painter, representative of Art Nouveau and znatochesko and local lore areas of historical and artistic thought.)

Comments for LUKOMSKY George Kreskentevich
Biography LUKOMSKY George Kreskentevich
Born in Kaluga, 2 (14) March 1884 in the family of engineer-railwaymen. After unsuccessful attempts to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1903) studied at private art schools in Kazan, and in 1903-1915 (with breaks) at the architectural department of the Academy of Arts. In 1907-1913 studied at the Moscow studio KF Juon. Many travel to Western Europe, Russia and Ukraine, studying ancient architecture. Was close to the 'World of Art'. Speaking at the press since 1908, publishing articles in magazines 'years old', 'Architect', 'Capital and Country', 'Apollo'. Initially, he lived mainly in St. Petersburg

. Cycles of architectural drawings species Lukomski, . usually tinted watercolor, . gouache or pastel (Drevlyane tunes, . Kazan, . Old Warsaw, . Italian cities, . Old Paris, . Old and new Russia, etc.), . inseparable from its historical observations, . the more so because these drawings he always illustrated his publications,
. His romantic graphics, however, and poetically a price that reflected, in particular, in compositions that accompanied the first publication of poems about Italy Blok ( 'Apollo', 1910,? 4). As a researcher combined the delicate aestheticism of the beholder, an expert with a profound interest in the center and the provinces (anxious to emphasize the important and quite distinctive role in the recent history of culture). After the February Revolution was a special conference on the Arts and directed the Commission, who was responsible for inventory and restoration of monuments of Tsarskoe Selo. In 1918, became chairman of the architectural department at the All-Ukrainian Committee for Protection of Monuments of History and antiquities, . in this post has scientific registration of many buildings in Kiev, . and in early 1919, organized and led the museum on the base assembly BI Khanenko (now the Kiev Museum of Western and Oriental Art),
. Later went through the Crimea to Constantinople and in 1920 settled in Paris.

The West continued to work actively as an artist, but primarily as arhitekturoved and critic. Published articles in emigre publications ( 'Firebird', . 'Eve', . 'Latest news'), . Western art magazines ( 'Apollo', . 'The Studio', . 'Emporium', etc.), . as well as in the Soviet periodicals ( "Among Collectors', . 'Living Art', . 'Red panorama'),
. To his vast Russian bibliography (books about art architecture of the province; walks through the old quarters of Paris; Kostroma (all - St. Petersburg, 1912); old theaters, t. 1, St. Petersburg, 1913; Vologda in its antiquity, 1914; Galicia in its antiquity, 1915; Old Petersburg, 1916; monuments of architecture of Russia in the types of artistic construction, h. 1 - 'Russian province', 1916; Modern Petrograd. Essays on the history and development of the classical construction. 1900-1915, 1916; old manor Kharkov province, h. 1, 1917 (all - Petrograd), Tsarskoe Selo. M., 1923; Artist and Revolution. Berlin, 1923; Khanenko Museum, Paris, 1925; Tasks of Russian art outside the Soviet Union, Paris, 1925) added editions in other languages: Vicenza. Vicenza, 1923; Russisches Porzellan, Berlin, 1924; Russische Baukunst. Berlin, 1924; L'art dans le Russie des Soviets, 1925; Andrea Palladio, 1927; Jacques Vignole, 1927; Les Russes, 1929; Kiev, la ville sainte de Russie, 1929; Les Sangallo, 1934 (all - Paris); History of Modern Russian Painting. 1840-1940, 1940; Charles Cameron, 1943; The Jewish Art in European Synagogues, 1947 (all - London). He has made a great contribution to the study of Russian art in the European context, . as well as in the study of Italian Renaissance architecture, the book is about the artistic antiquities European synagogues (1947) has significantly increased scientific interest in Jewish art of the Middle Ages,
. From 1940 he lived in London, at the end of the war often people came to France

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LUKOMSKY George Kreskentevich, photo, biography
LUKOMSKY George Kreskentevich, photo, biography LUKOMSKY George Kreskentevich  Russian art historian and painter, representative of Art Nouveau and znatochesko and local lore areas of historical and artistic thought., photo, biography
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