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Marianovskoe Moses Froimovich

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for Marianovskoe Moses Froimovich
Biography Marianovskoe Moses Froimovich
(25. 10. 1919)

M aryanovsky Moses Froimovich - Deputy komandipa Battalion, 23rd Guards Tank Brigade (49 Army, 2 nd Belorussian Front), Guard Captain. Born October 25, 1919 in the village of Novy Bug, now the city of Mykolayiv region. Jew. Member of the CPSU since 1941. Graduated 10 classes. Worked on behalf of the auto factory in Moscow, Sverdlov. In the Red Army in 1940, is intended. He graduated from the Gorky voennno-political school in 1941.

In the army from March 1942. He was appointed Commissioner of a tank company 187 Tank Brigade 16 th Army. He took part in defensive battles of Zhizdra. C end of 1942, the commander of a tank company. He took part in offensive operations in the Orel and Bryansk areas. For skillful command of the company, the military successes in July 1943 he was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky and appointed deputy commander of a tank battalion.

. August 15, 1943 was seriously wounded and after the treatment in November 1943 sent to the 23rd Guards Tank Brigade of the former deputy commander of a tank battalion
. He took part in the hostilities in the area of Orsha, Vitebsk.

June 23, 1944 23rd Guards Tank Brigade Brigade launched an offensive in the Mogilev area. Tank battalion Marianovskoe, acting in the van, walked around the city of Mogilev in the north, left on a highway Mogilev - Minsk, crossed to the west bank of the Dnieper. Then the battalion saddled highway Mogilev - Ossipovichi and cut off escape routes of Mogilev enemy troops. Tankers for six days fought stubbornly with large forces of the enemy, who sought to break through to the south-west.

. Tankers destroy enemy convoy, destroying dozens of tanks, artillery and mortars and thousands of vehicles, more than half of thousands of enemy soldiers and officers, 70 Nazis were taken prisoner
. Maryanovsky was wounded, but remained in the ranks.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Moses Froimovichu Marianovskoe awarded March 24, 1945.

. The war ended in Poland August 13, 1944
. At the storming of the fortress Osovets, an enemy shell hit his tank.

After curing in the hospital between July 1945 and Major Maryanovsky Б?? retired. In 1951 he graduated from the Faculty of History, Moscow State University. Worked in the Moscow Energy Institute. Associate. In 1992, retired. Chairman of the Union of Jews with disabilities and war veterans. Lives in Moscow.

. He was awarded the Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Alexander Nevsky, World War 1 degree, the Labor Red Banner, 2 orders of Red Star and medals.


From vospomiinany MF Marianovskoe:

. We often hear that the fighting scenes of the past war of interest only to historians and military experts
. But thoughtful people saw in the battle scenes are not only a separate incident, but the very life of its participants Б?? soldiers and officers, understand their feelings and experiences.

. Did you, . what it means to get out of the trench at full height and under enemy fire, rush to the attack? Move the tank to the fire-breathing enemy pillbox or bunker? What does it mean to give the commander of the military order, . as a result of which may die subordinates and comrades? Courage and Fear, . dedication and hatred for the enemy holds a word Б?? battle.,

. And how many there were, different battles?.
. Attempts by our infantry force in the upper Dnieper, in the Mogilev region were repulsed. The Germans were entrenched on the high right bank and suppress any intentions of our troops cross the river. Brave souls who managed to get on the right bank, shot at point-blank. The river red with blood. The onset of choking. And then the front commander ordered that the aid of the infantry tanks. But no matter how the engineers tried to restore military vehicles pontoon bridges, the German artillery ran down into chips. We are up against a powerful defense of the Germans, which they erected on the Dnieper River for three years of occupation and they named the Eastern rampart Б•  Б•?. Inaccessible to Soviet troops, as announced. This strategic direction of the Nazis attached great importance. For the upper Dnepr opens the way to Poland and East Prussia.

Time was slipping. The situation worsened and: require bold and unconventional solutions. I was told that a coded message intercepted by the commander of the Mogilev Hitler's Army Group, General Muller. Hitler demanded the immediate withdrawal of German troops from Mogilev in Belarus. The implementation of this order would lead to a multiple increase of German troops in Minsk and turned to us for additional victims. But in the upper Dnieper is not so wide as in the middle and lower reaches, and the birds to fly, and a good swimmer swim. A sixth fathom Б?? is not so deep.

And in the midst of the tank battalion was born a bold idea: to force his way on the Dnieper river bed. But Thirty Б•  Б•? Б?? still field tanks, and not amphibians, which, by the way, then and had never heard. Rescued soldier's ingenuity.

Do you know what a breather Б•  Б•?? This is one of the elements of the Tank Engine. He sucks in air and feeds it to the engine. So, to the automotive, rubber breather attached to the camera so that they protruded above the water, and hedged their floats of logs, Б?? in order not to sink. Now to find a shallow place where the cars could go on the bottom, and the most hidden from the enemy. Soon such a place was found. But that was not enough. It should caulked the holes in the armored corps, close the barrel of a gun and gun barrels. Tank, standing on the shore, should immediately open fire. Clearly, wads-plugs will not do. The gun, stuffed with cork would blow at the first shot. After a brief dispute decided barrel of a gun and machine guns close tight oiled paper, and plug the holes in the shells tow. This is good there was plenty of Б?? dismantled the house on the river bank.

By the morning of June 27, barely dawn, howled motors, and tanks moved to the river. One after another car crawled into the river and hid in her. And only the wooden float could follow the path underwater tanks. They move confidently forward, approaching the right bank. And here again there was a growing roar of engines ... Shown in green camouflage tank gun barrel ... And the first whopper Б?? wet tank, covered with algae, like a sea monster, crawled out on shore. Without pausing, turned and opened fire on the move crazed enemy. A trace crawled out and joined the battle, second, third, fourth.

The news that the tankers crossed the Dnieper, spread instantaneously and evoked admiration of our soldiers. With cries of: Б•  Hurray! Б•? they rushed into the river who like: and the boat, and just overarm, Б?? tankers to help retain and expand the liberated piece of native land.

Assessing the situation, I led the battalion on the highway Minsk Mogilev Б??. We cut it at a time when General Mueller craned their troops to Minsk.

Beat our tank was a complete surprise to the Germans. With all its strength Б•  Б•? Thirty cut into the columns of the enemy, crushing the fire and steel of its manpower and military equipment. However, despite huge losses, the Nazis managed to regroup and bring up fresh troops. They turned around the terrible bloody battle that lasted several days. During these battles the enemy has made frantic efforts to escape from the steel ring of encirclement.

. In these battles, was severely wounded the commander of our tank brigade, Colonel Ershov, killed the commander of the Second Battalion, Major Pogodin, killed the commander of anti-tank battery captain Gapa
. He was wounded and I. But, fortunately, remained in the ranks. Command of the 49 th Army, which comprises our brigade, ordered all tanks to concentrate in the first battalion and subordinate to me. As time went on, the fighting is not abated. One day the Nazis went on a monstrous crime. From the surrounding villages, they were driven on the highway the elderly, women and children and drove them screaming and weeping, in front of his troops. They knew that the Soviet tank crews would not shoot at his men, and hoped thereby to make a breach in the Soviet troops.

This picture shocked our soldiers. Some infantrymen wavered. I fear that this could turn into a big trouble, jumped out of the tank, and I had a burning staff car to grab the banner of the Guards Brigade, and raise it high. At this time, a tank platoon lieutenant Nakonechny paid a surprise attack from the flank and cut off the Soviet people against Nazi troops. Our people have been rescued.

I raised the banner of the Guards inspired our soldiers. In unison tankers, infantrymen, artillerymen fell upon the enemy. By the end of the fourth day the Nazis surrendered.

During these battles Command introduced me to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It said: Б•  ... performing a combat mission, t.Maryanovsky, commanding a tank battalion, June 27, 1944 able roundabout maneuver out on the road Б?? Mogilev Minsk and cut the enemy's escape routes from Mogilev ... Б•?.


. ---
. Sources:
. 1) Soldiers of XX century
. 2) All deaths luck - Moscow
. Knowledge 2000
3) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.2. M.: Voeniz.1988.

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Marianovskoe Moses Froimovich, photo, biography Marianovskoe Moses Froimovich  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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