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( Hero of the Soviet Union)

Comments for PRESNYAKOV Ivan
Biography PRESNYAKOV Ivan
(24. 11. 1916)

And Van V. Presnyakov, a senior sergeant, commander of the 82-millimeter mortar rounds, 569 Regiment, 161 th Infantry Division. Born November 24, 1916 in a. Kologrivovke Tatischevskogo district of Saratov region. Russian. Primary Education. In the Soviet Army was in 1937 - 1940 and 1941 - 1945 respectively.

Since the beginning of World War II victory over Germany fought on the Western, Central, Voronezh, 1 and 4 of the First Ukrainian Front.. He took part in defensive operations of the first period of the war, the Battle of Kursk, the liberation of Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. For military distinction was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2 nd degree (1944) and two medals.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Ivan Vasilyevich Presnyakov awarded on Jan. 10, 1944 for bravery and courage, . shown during the crossing of the Dnieper and in the battles for the retention of the bridgehead on the right bank.,

. Fter the war retired lieutenant I.V
. Presnyakov lived in g. Saratov.

P azgromiv enemy on the Left-Bank Ukraine, troops of the Voronezh Front during the second half of September 1943 went to the Dnieper. September 23 Bukrinskii bend began to force the river of the 161 th Infantry Division, which fought in the sergeant Presnyakov. Detachment under his command were ordered to cross to the right bank in the first assault of the infantry and fire support its actions in the capture of the bridgehead.

. Presnyakov found the old boat, repaired it, and by immersing the mortar and ammunition, swam to the opposite bank
. It was drizzling light rain, visibility was limited. It was the mortar and into the hands of infantrymen. They floated unnoticed, and only when approaching the right bank of the enemy discovered our rafts and boats, and raised the alarm. Above the river soared flares, with krutoyara hit machine. He was wounded the loader, the boat struck in many places.

At this point, to help assault group came gunners, vigilantly watching for enemy. Tags fire, they covered an enemy machine gun.

Soon the boat Presniakova buried in the sandy shore. Calculating Mortar found in the basin, putting right the night before an aimpoint - lamp. Presnyakov climbed the hill, looked around. Meanwhile, the infantrymen killed in the melee group of fascists and seized part of the trench.

After a while the enemy artillery began shelling the entire coastal strip. Somewhere on the right hit the enemy machine gun. Ahead of the lights blinked frequent bursts of automatic. The Nazis went to the counter. The enemy knew very well that the presence of our base near Kiev could have far-reaching consequences, and decided before dawn throw into the river a handful of Soviet soldiers, caught in the coastal edge.

. Presnyakov opened fire on the gun
. Registration fire was difficult, the situation breaks on the objective had to be determined on the eye. However, the calculation worked accurately, shortly mines laid near the machine gun, and he fell silent.

At dawn the Germans moved into a counter to an infantry regiment of 20 tanks. By this time on a base already crossed the main force battalion with two batteries of artillery regiment. Soviet soldiers bravely repelled the enemy's superior. Presniakov was shooting at the infantry. Mines were going right on target. Artillerymen cut off the infantry from the tanks, forced her to lie down. The enemy was stopped. Only on the left flank of the battalion he was able to press our units. Presnyakov on its own initiative moved to the threatened area and opened fire on a sudden counterattacks. Paving hill corpses, the Germans retreated back.

Presnyakovsky mortar into a roving. During the day, mortar firing position changed many times, falling on the enemy's fire, where the pressure it has been particularly fierce.

Our foothold in the Great Bukrin was retained and expanded. In this important victory was the proportion of military labor detachment, commanded by Presnyakov.

1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.2. M.: Voeniz.1988.
2) Rumyantsev.N.M. People legendary heroism ". Saratov. 1968

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PRESNYAKOV Ivan, photo, biography PRESNYAKOV Ivan  Hero of the Soviet Union, photo, biography
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