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Shurukhin Pavel Ivanovich

( Hero of the Soviet Union)

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Biography Shurukhin Pavel Ivanovich
(18. 11. 1912 - 3. 11. 1956)

W uruhin Pavel Ivanovich. Born November 18, 1912 in the village of salted Eric Autograph region Volgograd region into a peasant family. Russian by nationality. Member of the CPSU since 1940. In the Soviet Army in 1931. In 1934 he graduated from military school Ordzhonikidzevsky. Member of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940.

During the Great Patriotic War, commanded a rifle battalion, a guerrilla detachment, and from July 1943 Infantry Regiment, participated in the battles in the West and the 1 st Ukrainian fronts. He was wounded twice, but again returned to the system. During offensive operations, military units under the command of PI. Shurukhin released more than 50 major towns and inflicted heavy losses in manpower and technology.

. W tion of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" Pavel Ivanovich Shurukhin awarded Oct. 23, 1943 for the successful crossing of p
. Dnipro.

In the Torah medal "Gold Star" PI. Shurukhin awarded March 24, 1945 for heroism in battle during the breakthrough in the Carpathians.

Fter World War II PI. Shurukhin completed courses commanders of the infantry divisions, and then commanded the regiment, division. Elected deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the second convocation. In 1953 he was promoted to major general.

. November 3, 1956 Pavel Ivanovich Shurukhin after a serious illness died.

. In the name of the hero called Ilica in Volgograd.


Warrior without fear or reproach

. In the fierce battle for the Dnieper Offensive Shurukhin Regiment, as they say, was sitting on the shoulders of the enemy
. Warriors skillfully and quickly shot down the fascists and the lines on which they attempted to gain a foothold. Our soldiers had to buy time for organized ferry parts to the right bank of the Dnieper.

These days, troops of the Voronezh Front, composed of 40 Army under the command of General KS. Moskalenko (part of the army and the regiment was Shurukhin), advancing in the general direction of an old town Pereslavl-Khmelnitsky, located north of the bend of the Dnieper, on average, during his. Already boosted many steppe valley and our troops crushed 4 Panzer Army fascists into small groups. Already near the village of Lime Valley line of defense the Nazis broken; it breached the gap, into which rushed the Soviet regiments.

The soldiers see their commander in difficult and dangerous parts. Shurukhin the eyes of soldiers. Not very tall, agile, intelligent eyes gleaming, he and a mortal moment lose his presence of mind: cheerful and witty at the jokes, fast decisions, swift in action. A small high-rise dense Nazi machine-gun fire pinned the soldier to the ground. The commander was wounded, the deputy killed in command of Lieutenant Petrov. He dare to recklessness, inexperience. Officer flaunt their bravery, he is in full growth rises under fire, shouting: "Follow me!" - But the soldiers as stuck to the ground.

Shurukhin worried and angry about the folly officer. He quickly, where a run, but where crawling - tommy has not kept him - his way into battle formations Battalion. At the district teaches inexperienced officer, military stratagem, maneuver. The impact is applied from the rear and the flanks. Fascists are rolling with the high-rise buildings and flanked come under fire in advance forward of the guns.

In the little hut close steppe hutorka Shurukhin judged the conduct of operations to capture the height. "The commander should be afraid of cowardice, - he said the officers .- The courage needed. Nat will not get it. Hrabar one who will spare no life for compliance. But people need is not the death of a soldier or officer. The country needs a victory. I will strictly enforce a bravado and recklessness, to recover as for cowardice in battle. Win a little blood. "

In the fighting on the approaches to the Dnieper River appeared in shuruhinskoy notebooks and this entry: "Before I give orders to his subordinates, give him a ca -. And as to comprehend that the order to fulfill, then lend with a clear conscience and sought vigorously and persistently its implementation ". In one battle Pavel Ivanovich watched bewildered as the officer gave orders to the soldiers - one ill-considered another. Unit stood still, suffered heavy losses while fighting the problem remained unsolved. Then Shurukhin broke, fix commander, helped him carry out military orders. And after fighting a long talk with him.

Nearer Dnipro. Wind already conveys the battlefield moist breath mighty river. Commander of the regiment known problem, which is faced with the troops of the Voronezh Front. They should not dwell on the left bank of the Dnieper, and the move to force the river to seize bridgeheads and keep them. Such an order is received and his regiment, which came out on the Dnieper shore south of Kiev and north of Kaneva.

Long before the release of the Dnieper Pavel Ivanovich preparing people to cross the wide water hazard. Soldiers have already had experience in overcoming the river boundaries. The regiment has long established itself an unwritten rule: if the front of the river, then the operation is completed, subject to the seizure of a bridgehead on the opposite bank. So it was, for example, on the river Psel. But now is not to cross Psyol and Dnepr. Everyone thought about how to speed up, what, on what means. Clear to all was one thing: to rush to the right bank of the most profitable on the move in pursuit of the enemy.

. Fulfilling an order of command, Shurukhin all tightly to the enemy, constantly attacking, not let him off, goes barriers and sites of resistance, rushes forward and forward.

. One night, checking the orders of battle, Pavel Ivanovich for thick: willow bushes he heard muffled voices.

. - Duryan head! - Restrained boomed someone .- For civilian Dnepr - is the son of the Valdai Hills, the third largest river in Europe, and for the soldiers - water barrier
. No more. The order to overcome it to go ...

A deep accent someone explained how best to improvised means to overcome the water barrier, as the dig on the beach and fire support floating comrades. Pavel Ivanovich smiled: the order concerned soldiers, deeply understood by them. He came closer.

In the machine-cell lay three: a mustachioed sergeant and two young of replenishment.

- What's ahead? - Shurukhin asked, sitting down to the soldiers.

- Moved by a fascist ... - Where does it see? ..

Seasoned warrior looked at the regimental commander and confidently replied:

- Signs are: shooting on duty ... Fires blaze ... Zhget damned ...- Sgt hand stuck in the darkness. On the horizon shone smoky fires. Stitch bursts of automatic fire. They choked and cracked again. "The sergeant was probably right," - thought regimental commander. He raised the alarm a reserve battalion, threw him in the persecution. That night the regiment did not have to rest.

Battalions drawn into pursuit of the enemy, knocked him to the last line without stopping and drove toward the Dnieper. Soldiers seized the pontoon and the boat, crossed over to them and improvised tools - quickly shot down from the board rafts, on the beams associated cane, in old tires. All went to the. One of the first on the right bank went Shurukhin operational group. The regiment had already penetrated deep into enemy positions. Shurukhin stops fascinated prosecution of soldiers, forcing them to dig deep. He hastens to bury the dawn of the regiment in the ground, carefully place the firing means, to build a tough defense, to place people with the most advantageous to reflect the counter-attack.

They began with the dawn. Above springboard sirens Nazi storm troopers, pouring fire a narrow strip of land. Rumble exploding shells, mines. Over barrage were Nazi tanks with infantry. Shuruhintsy faces death. They beat off the first counter. This is followed by the second, third, fourth. By the southern side of the base breaks Nazi tank. He irons the trenches, does not raise soldiers heads. Create a critical situation. The tank rushed smoke warrior figure. The explosion shook the air, and the tank caught fire. But the Nazis had come close to the trenches. They marched under the cover of their artillery, tanks. In the trenches confusion. Fear of danger crept into the hearts of soldiers. Another moment - and all backed away. Silent gun: assassinated gunner Vasiliev. Rarely bursts of automatic fire. Before the Nazis about fifty paces. Delay can. Shurukhin easily jumped on the parapet and rushes forward:

- The Communists, for me! - Far resounds his ringing voice. A strange thing: among the soldiers was a dozen Communists, and got all the hundreds. Shuruhintsy furious squall came down on the Nazis, crushed them. Where a bullet, and where a knife and crushing the enemy in melee.

After the attack Shurukhin sat in a trench and bandaging a scratch on his hand. He half-jokingly, half seriously reproached warriors:

- Charter Service forgotten ... Hesitated and almost died ... The soldiers were uncomfortable in front of regimental commander, they are ashamed of momentary weakness and hide his embarrassment for a joke:

- And Comrade Commander statute violated: you are not supposed to go on the attack, and went ... Shurukhin smiled.

- I confess that violated. But ... anything can happen, "he pointedly looked at the tired, wounded, those relatives and people close to him.

- And a soldier, comrade regiment commander, so ... Anything can happen.

In this hearing and an admission of guilt and the oath that "any" will not happen again. Shurukhin understands this and is already in a commander's strict interpretation:

- We will not violate the statute?

- We will not, comrade regiment commander! ..- Heard in response.

Unit for five days to 40 discourage counterattacks. And no one shook. Sometimes Shurukhin seemed that the fire was all mixed up and the earth stood on end to the sky. But when the Nazis rise to the attack, as revived red, scorched by fire, watered with the blood of the Dnieper land.

. On these heroic days of the battle on the beachhead commander of the 42-th Guards Red Banner Division, Major General Bobrov in its submission to the award PI
. Shurukhin wrote this:

"When they crossed the River Dnieper Regiment coped with the task well preserved material part and suffered a slight loss. Penetrated the enemy defenses on the disposition River Dnieper Regiment comrade Shurukhin within five days beat back the furious attacks of the Nazis. They are within a day for six to eight times our counter-parts. But thanks to the cleverly constructed defensive and proper arrangement of combat orders all enemy attacks were repulsed. In the difficult moments of battle comrade Shurukhin is in combat order. Artillery and infantry regiment Shurukhin past few days has destroyed four heavy and two medium tanks, 32 heavy machine guns and more than half of thousands of Nazi soldiers and officers.

In ce westward moving our troops. Polk Hero of the Soviet Union Pavel Ivanovich Shurukhin weeks did not leave the battlefield. Large forehead, with a stubborn chin, Pavel Ivanovich, clenching his full lips, bent over a new card, which laid before him the chief of staff.

- Serious uchastochek ...- staff officer said - tired, sleepy, with red lids man. He stood for a moment and went out of the dugout, leaving the captain alone with his thoughts.

. In this front-line night Pavel Ivanovich was studying a map on which he ordered to his regiment.

. The Carpathian mountains form along with your extension - the Transylvanian Alps - a huge arc, convex to the north-east
. About Carpathians Shurukhin heard in childhood. Old soldier, neighbor Carpo Emelyanych, sit down, happened, on my knees inquisitive lad and has a leisurely story about the Carpathian Mountains, the treacherous precipices, narrow gorges, the thorny bushes so thick forests. All overcame Russian. Everything! - Said Carpo Emelyanych .- And the mountains, and death. Maybe you, my son, when you will need to visit Dukla pass, or have Stry-Munkachi. Bow! For these rocks the bones of the Russian soldiers lie. Not flinch, they. Not to disgrace the military honor. "

Paul Ivanovitch intently to the green with brown spots Heights cloth map and sees the steep mountains, deep precipices, torrents, narrow paths and recalls stories of the old soldier Karp Emelyanycha. Terrain impassable for technology. It is up to snuff to run wide maneuver. All tied to the roads. And they are covered with concrete and fire. "Yes, - argues Shurukhin - will storm the groups to find ways to bypass it, hitting the rear. Fight at night and in the evening.

The regimental commander, explained the task ahead. He explained who the soldiers and officers familiar with the mountains. Puts them at the head of the assault teams. The regiment fought moves ever closer to the passes. And at the height of "379.2" stumbles upon the strong fortifications and stops.

Nemudryaschaya the height at first. But it covers an important road which runs south-west of the village Boanan. On the hill 15 pillboxes and blockhouses. They dug into the ground. Immediately they will not notice. A standing up to the attack, as the lead jet, breaking away from under the rocks, mow Warriors. Pavel Ivanovich evening sends assault groups to bypass. He regrouping firing means, directs them to found loopholes. At a signal flares night assault. Fortifications attacked from the rear and on the forehead. By daybreak all was over: part of the garrison destroyed part of the captured. And no one expected that in the hour assault in the rear of our soldiers hit lurking enemy machine gun. The soldiers took cover. Shurukhin time sent artillery fire on the flames. The machine gun was silenced. A regimental commander, already among the attackers. Loud sounds his calm cheerful voice:

- I'm with you, my friends! Next, the children of Russia!

Burst mine drowned out the words. But the battalions were already in the attack, stormed the heights.

Month Regiment Shurukhin not leave the battlefield. Fulfilling an order of command, Shurukhin skillfully maneuvering bypass centers of resistance and goes to the borders of Hungary. Receives report:

- In front of a fortified height "1510". It not escape. We went unnoticed. What will be the order?

It was one of the bastions of defensive zone in the border fortified area. Shurukhin takes a bold decision: to immediately storm the key position. Assault Group, supported by the whole regiment, capturing the height. In one of the bunkers have found a report that the Nazis did not manage to send. It said: "In the area of the fortified zone seen Russian scouts.

. - Suddenly, courage, determination - is half the battle - Shurukhin spoke at a meeting of officers after the capture of the height .- But not only that solves the battle - he warned and get my notebook
. I read the entry made in the hours of the battle for the bridgehead on the Dnieper River: "The battle is not only a contest with the enemy in knowledge, in experience, in a military skill, but racing will power, the power of perseverance."

Older officers agree with the regimental commander. They understand and know from experience what the willpower, the strength of perseverance, the strength of mind Soldier. But young people who came to the regiment recently, takes the words Shurukhin as an abstract theoretical conclusion ...

But the battle for the height of "955" and showed them how it is important to take into account the "strength of will, strength, tenacity, strength of consciousness Soldier. Height Ristolitsa covered the village, passing by a highway. In her opponent picked up ammunition, reinforcements, maneuvered reserves. If capture Ristoli-tsu, the part of the division will come in the rear of the enemy.

Daring assault regiment broke into the first line of trenches at a height and kept them. But then two days have not moved a single step. What? Opponent experienced, hard. All of this takes into account Shurukhin, but he knows something else: the mood of the Nazis bad, only the fear of being shot keeps them in the trenches.

. The officers, with whom Shurukhin consults before making a decision tend to regroup and then attack the height
. Pavel Ivanovich rejected this proposal. He pulls the firing means, personally leading the assault groups. The enemy, who had decided that the Russian will take the regrouping of forces, caught by surprise.

What based confidence Shurukhin? In-depth knowledge of the enemy, his psychology, morale. On calculations. On the wide fire and maneuver forces. On confidence in their soldiers.

- The opponent was an experienced. Look at his fire system. Skilful enemy. And we overthrew. Why? We have a stronger will power, perseverance stronger, higher morale of soldiers ... taught in this example, the commander of his aides.

43 days led the regiment fighting in the mountains. The regiment fought walked 250 kilometers. And, looking at the rest behind the mountains, Pavel Ivanovich, Shurukhin said, as if he could hear the old soldier: "Do not disgrace us, Carpo Emedyanych, military glory of our fathers and grandfathers. Multiplying in the battles for the Motherland. "

A warrior without fear or reproach, a man of high discipline and iron will, an experienced officer - so knew Pavel Ivanovich Shurukhin odnopolchane. They happily greeted the news of the awarding commander of his regiment's second "Gold Star of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Peter Nikitin

1) Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary. V.2. M.: Voeniz.1988.
2) People of the immortal exploits. Moscow submarine v.2 1975

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