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Arias Mariana (Mariana Arias)

( Actress)

Comments for Arias Mariana (Mariana Arias)
Biography Arias Mariana (Mariana Arias)
Actress, model, moderator. She took dancing lessons and is eager to begin careers. In Mariana's daughter Paloma, which she tries to devote more time.

'I learned not to deny what is happening to me'

Mariana Arias returns to television to talk about balance and reincarnation. She began to "Earth opportunities," a program about different things. There will be addressed such topics as yoga, astrology, music, dance and much more.

- Are you happy with your new program?
- Yes, if you speak the truth, I am very happy. I have long waited for such a project and now I am very pleased with his new band. I feel that: I do not know, well, that I did not take the countless projects that I was offered. To the extent that, . how do these proposals, . I realized, . that should be good to think and make the right decision: In general, . You do not know what can happen to you in the future and not bring a life which some surprises: good or bad: in my case it was a very nice surprise:,

. - You worked as an actress and model, now leading
. So where is your present location?
- I would not want to put the question so one-sidedly, because I think that it is not so, and different things. My way - is the construction of his life. My goal - the game is what I like very much to do and what I studied for six years. This work is closed for the rest of my life, but I consciously made this decision. I like to talk on different topics, like the channel that I have an alternative and that I was not put on public display.

- Is not it a way to try to protect yourself:
- Of course, try to take care of themselves. No? I think that promising and hasty decisions severely limit rights. I go through life by taking small steps. I do not think about what attain in the final, I am more interested gleboko live each moment of his life. I go step by step, as the one my friend

. - And whence this came out, Mariana Arias, who will talk about art and the spirit, and many other things?
. - Do not know: I'm always looking for something that will help me cope with anxiety, will provide an opportunity to feel better, relax and feel good about themselves and others:

. - Do you have time to talk about Borges, Kartazare, philosophy, Zen, yoga, a lot of what
. These are the things that have always existed in you?
- I always read about it, but the program - it is an opportunity to open another door and another look at different things. I just show people a different style of life:

- What are you reading now?
- Victor Hugo. I gave his book a friend is a very powerful thing.

- When you have the opportunity to do this?
- In April. I have not worked in television, but was poglaschena rates theatrical skill: when we said how it will look like, in any form occur and stuff like that. In the end, we have an excellent team which is full of energy and desire to continuously and interesting work

. - How can you define your new program?
. - "Earth opportunities" - a program of alternative, . different things: music, . Theater, . dancing, . religion, . the wisdom of elders and contemporaries: an alternative, . which is not easy to find and that you can help: My program gives you some phrase, . but it is already very much.,

. - And what of all these things you linked the most?
. - And with dancing, and yoga, and theater, astrology, healthy diet:

. - They help you avoid the mud, which in real life?
. - Yes, I have learned not to deny what is happening to me
. Glory was my choice. I chose it and I can not adequately cope with this. The best thing you can do is try not to live in a constant struggle, and learn to live with conflict. Now I feel good:

- Who makes you admired?
- True identity, the people who do not lie. For example, Norma Aleandro, Susan Sarandon: the only thing I know for sure - I like the people who pass you their sincerity:

. - In what capacity do you want to continue my career?
. - I would like to gain a foothold in the role of an actress is my dream: I hope that I can do it.

. - Do you think that fate is on your side, and each of your dreams gradually fulfilled?
. - Of course, in that I did not even somnevayusyu.
. 'I'm still a housewife ...'
. She plays in the theater, and now she was invited to one of the programs on Argentine television
. She has a girl's face publicized once the cosmetics, she took dancing lessons, and she very much wants to start singing career. And one more detail: she has a daughter, Paloma, eight years, which Marian has devoted much time.

- When you were a model, thinking about a career actress?
- When I was a model of me was a lot of actresses. I did not like just to climb up on stage, I'm always looking for something else.

. - With what profession you see their future?
. - With an actor, although I always say that I am also a homemaker.

. - The most significant moment in your life?
. - Birth Paloma
. I seemed to have opened their eyes, I mobilized all its forces.

- You would like to have more children?
- The truth is that I would like more children, because it was the only child in the family. I have not abandoned this idea.

- Psychoanalysis?
- It's been a long time. Now I am doing therapy, not psychoanalysis. I priverzhenka therapy I needed.

- Male friends?
- Almost there, because I do not believe in friendship between man and woman.

- Love?
- Now I have no boyfriend. I am one, but I continue to believe in love, I think that this is the best state of mind, which I know.

- You fall in love many times?
- No, little, very little. This is good.

- When turned thirty, you have a crisis?
- Yes, certainly. Everything changed. As if in my life, a bomb exploded. I left the defile, began to play, I began to wonder other things. Regretted it very much, but now ... now I'm happy with the changes.

- What do you strike a balance between success and false expectations?
- My greatest successes occurred when I formed my family, my daughter was born, and I started to progress in their profession. As for disappointments, when you think, the joys and sorrows of the amount obtained equally.

. 'Mariana Arias student life'
. The first time she spoke at the podium in 17 years when it was to be a model, says Mariana, auxiliary rabotenka "
. At 18, won the right to leave Buenos Aires and working in New York, Paris and Milan with the grandees of the world fashion: Chloe, Oscar de la Renta and Angelo Tarlatstsi. She does not believe in chance and hates classification. Since, for example, for a lifetime label stuck to her top-model. For Mariana Arias days spent on the podium were the days of training. Then there was the debut kinomatografe with Eliseo Subiela and fleeing the theater off Corrientes, then she was able to pursue a career.

The first time she came to the podium in 17 years. A girl from Colegiales, who studied four years in Las Esclavas de Luis Maria Campos y Maure, debuted at the fashion shows with no experience, and all this thanks to one of her friends Aleanzy Frances, have recommended it and said: "You must be a model". It was a mandate of trust. Posed for the camera Adrian Kanila and a month later, she called her Susie Chebar for La Clocharde and Graciela Vaccari. "I was very high," - that's all. The idea to be a model she liked, but all that got through, she knows only. "Being a model is a totally different lesson from what I'm doing now. Nowhere in the world did not exist the possibility of such a move, so no need to lay oneself out. Now, you must appear in all the magazines and, in all, have their photo to you and I signed a contract. My era was different, be model-it was an auxiliary job of work ", - says Marian uncertain tone.

She sits, tall and thin, such as it is, on a chair made of white linen, surrounded by rustic furniture and paintings, which drew her father. This is a house in the suburbs, without claims on the mountain slopes, the walls colored flesh melon. There are plants, pictures, smell of jasmine and dog labrador named Paloma (dove), her daughter, constantly entering the lens.

With Paloma, Mariana examines the role that he knows very well: the role of mother. They are having fun, caress each other and pose for photographers as two friends.

One story.
Marian is the only daughter in the family. One year, the first in her modeling career, my mother accompanied Mariano everywhere. "At this time I had no managers, no make-up artists, or producers, or hairdressers, no one needed in this giant machine, and anything that is acquired later. After some time, each of us get up, they came with their makeup, "- she said, smiling broadly for its stunning lips. Fame, fashion shows and photographs in magazines, which are many times placed her face on my pages, did not change the life of a girl who studied at the Las Esclavas, who wore her hair and had embarrassed expression on his face. Also, do not change any place of residence, suburb, or habits. Her house is located in Colegiales, a few steps from where she was born. She likes to drink mate, and it makes a small pause in the conversation, to say what she thinks and feels in a world in which "many judges, but little justice" Everyone talks about all and believe that they have the right to decide for you ". When she spoke those words, it becomes serious, because she seems to have tired of this state of affairs: "This mania for Argentines, classify, to exaggerate and spread all on shelves. People often ask me whether I prefer to be a model or actress. Imposed the need for clarification and, if I take anger. This is similar to this situation: if you made a product, then it must have one or another form, so you stick the label ".

Without makeup, in jeans and white t-shirt, Marian feels free. Her 31 year. Last 14 years she has gone, A dream most models. She made a bridge and was able to make international travel: Milan, Paris and New York. Catwalks for Tarlatstsi, Anne Marie Beretta, Oscar de la Renta and Chloe. She liked, but she returned. Mariana-natural brunette. Never afraid of fat and can admit when it gets serious, which cost her to earn a place in the sun in the fashion Buenos Aires. "The main thing is that for me it was not easy when life intervened in my journal, some time later, they did not cease to entice me to come.

Publications have been for me a profitable business, but fashion shows more. All that was outside, it is not only great expertise, but also my great professionalism. "" Once in Paris, we were presented with Monica Labard on casting. We were among the nearly fifty girls, with their photo albums, of which only two have. If you choose you can visit the whole world, . which, . first, . seems you and most others, . but for a few minutes he could only be yours. "Debut Mariana coincided with the great moment in the fashion world Argentina, . When Gene Boganov and Elzy Serrano opened and closed, . it was the longest period of time defile,

It was a time of strong national industry pret-a-porter, and the high level of demand models with superb style, such as they were Coke, Sylvia Albuzu, Christina Gonzales. "When I started, were great Mora Furtado, Tina de Bukourt, Evelyn Sheidl, Mononen and Ana Maria Soria. With Andrea Frigerio and Ethel Brera we started together. If you look outside, it seems that everything was easy, but for me, it was not so. It helped that I had a training school "- she recalls. Mariana Arias remembers his first time on the fashion show. Boganov admitted that she has the gift to walk naturally as thin and tall girl who goes through the streets, as "the goddess of a dream".

One movie role, the other in Corrientes, so began the history of the formation model. The answer to the question proves that modeling career is only halfway, and finish all the other career. Why hybridize television, cinema, theater? "Look, this work is the same as any other, has its funny parts, here you can earn some money. Much depends on how you manage their career, you must know your dose and have the discipline to come once the case, and always reject the other work. Also, this work, which has a ceiling. Europe has models for fashion shows, . example, . as Dalma, . that no one asked, . when it is going to end career, . because it looks great and you can verify, . that she is forty. "On the local scene, . career Mariana has tacit protection, . that name is Ricardo Pireyro,
. This is her manager. Pireyro - administrator, who reviews all contracts. He finds the best opportunities. Looks strategy.

The former model and owner of the agency, whose name we call, a very modest. Unlike Pancho Dotto, it's closest competitor. Ricardo lives in a small estate and is seen in public only if it is really necessary. It is necessary outputs are included and defile Mariana. A very close friend of model, Ricardo is sitting with Paloma, the daughter of Mariano and Marcelo Cepeda. Cepeda is her second husband and the man who accompanies Marian in many enterprises: fashion shows, fashion, photography, video and the ability to dream about a future in which Marcelo could make a movie, and she removed it. They also shared by another dream, already very close and tangible: to have a little house in Capilla del Senor, where they spend weekends and located an hour from Buenos Aires.

Linking the world of light, the model nineties returned to the scene. Marian entertain such a prospect. They chose Cepeda small estate away from the noise of secular. Each summer, the couple spends in Cabo Polonio, where, every time a mandatory ritual is performed on the beach with friends and dinner by candlelight. Cabo Polonio-a pause in the year where there were only the work and change. Changes began to happen in the day when Eliseo Subiela proposed role in "Thou shalt not die, until you tell me where the left" (No te mueras sin decirme a donde vas). "It was a great opportunity which I could not fight. Besides, I was coming to a very special moment in my life. My father was sick, very sick, and I felt that I should see death and learn to accept it ".

Mariana's father died of pancreatic cancer in 58 years. Experience with Subieloy was obtained, it was the pain and teaching. "I liked working with the entire group, . I liked Subiela, . but when I saw myself on screen, . then remembered all, . had lost, . all, . What was supposed to learn. "days of training included weekly lessons and four hours with Julio Chavez, . actor, . who received fame with "Do not play GIRL" (No toquen a la nena), . and, . which, . also, . draws, . using the name of Julio Hirsch,
. Julio, a great man who helped me in the work that needs to be done. He also studied singing with Carlos De Martino and acrobatics with Osvaldo Bermц?dez: "Here we do not refer to constantly be made vertical, or about to be a crescent moon (although it also takes practice). Osvaldo taught to move on stage and helped you keep a balance between what is happening between your head and body. To all other, you should know where you do not exercise the skill, it has its drawbacks ".

Meeting in two days. Kaldirola Luggage Daniel is ready to shoot. How beautiful model, Marian knows his body, his angles, the best kind. Playing goddess and feels like a goddess. In her house in jeans, with her fan, her life is calm and we ask a few questions to which she responds unquestioningly.

- You go to a shrink?
- Yes, with ten years. It helps me live.
- You seriously their job?
- Very.
- Actresses role models.
- Three: Barbara Mujica, Susie Pecoraro and Chin Zorilya.
- Role.
- The character of Natasha Kinski in "Paris, Texas".
- Girlfriend.
- Two: Teresa Garbesi and Andrea Frigerio.
- Balance 96.
- I like the part in "The Word Tango" (Letra de tango), because I was obliged to come close to its limits, it was like expressive massage.

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