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Lehmkuhl Fedor Viktorovich

( Artist)

Comments for Lehmkuhl Fedor Viktorovich
Biography Lehmkuhl Fedor Viktorovich
Fedor V. Lehmkuhl (Rhode. 1914). Not too often that an artist is given to only one type of creativity. But Fedor Viktorovich Lehmkuhl this is true - he fully devoted himself to work in a book for children.

. Original art education Lehmkuhl had received in Moscow Polygraphic College, which at that time produced art book - it was before the war, then joined the army, where he worked as an artist
. Main his teacher, he finds remarkable Soviet timetable PA Alyakrinskiy, who have given the young artist, both in terms of professional skills and understanding of art.

. He started his artist with work in children's magazines "Murzilka" and "Pioneer"
. The very first work that attracted attention was typography C. Baruzdina "Tale of the tram, and M. Karem My Snake" (1956 - 1958 gg.). The artist vividly conveys the mass scenes in the city where enthusiastically lists the details - people, transport, home, pets. Light line drawings aptly complements the rich colorful range. Especially successful with Lehmkuhl baby figurines, full of life, humor, movement. He loves to paint the whole dances kids, artfully arranging them on a white ground sheet. Much attention in his books also pays a landscape painter, solved concisely, but at the same time and in some detail (Zagorska city views in the book A. Bart Vovk - a gentle soul ". Moscow, 1963).

Lehmkuhl was lucky to book design to. Chukovskogo "Jack the conqueror of giants" (Moscow, 1966). She is dressed in a fancy colored jacket; drawings in the text, although black and white, give the impression of colorful. Illustrations, freely dispose of the turns of the book, extremely dynamic. Rapid ease elastic line is combined with the lush and beautiful wash. The artist emphasizes not fabulously fantastic start, but rather a domestic, everyday. In his interpretation of the terrible giant Cormoran and Blenderbor seem ridiculous, eccentric old men.

One of the first, after a long break, illustrates children's poems Lehmkuhl Daniil Kharms. Many forces have given the artist design classics of children's literature - S. Marshak, and S. Mikhalkov. In work on the books that illustrated many of our artists, Lehmkuhl is their individual colors. So, . in the design of "Fire" by S. Marshak master emphasizes not so much the nature of heroes, . many passes atmosphere EPO hee, . juicy, . colorfully zhivopisuya features of the old Russian city, . with its small cozy houses, . watch tower and numerous idlers on the streets.,

. An important milestone in the design Lehmkuhl was "Fairy Tales" in A. Nechaev (Moscow, 1977)
. First of all, the book draws its intense colors of. The artist gives figures of heroes close. With great humor, he paints a funny and foolish kings, and cunning courtiers servile, and simple peasants, jeering at the naive princess. The nature of the characters vividly and convincingly recreated. The style of the artist is free and unfettered, color, sound in full force.

With an inexhaustible sense of humor and imagination, and a small framed tale of the Polish writer K. Makushinskogo Pan The thread "(M. 1973). With all the comedy and the grotesque characters of the heroes of fairy tales do not lose credibility and readers immediately remembered. Easy, artistry artistic manner to delight in the design of the famous book to. Collodi The Adventures of Pinocchio ", published by" Progress "in Italian in 1975.

. The story M. Twain "The Prince and the Pauper" Distinguishing the treatment of most of the characters: court, . vagrants, . inhabitants of the notorious Court of refuse - does not contradict the basic characteristics of heroes - the Crown Prince and the poor boy, . are outlined with great sympathy,
. Following the strict binding should be a beautiful color endpaper, playing the role as the overture to fine decision, "Prince and the Pauper". Polupolosnye figures are given, as in most books Lehmkuhl, conditional on a white ground, large as an illustration, in turn, are built with a real background - is well-defined landscape or interior. At the same time such a background has deep space and looks rather backdrop scenes. The coloring of illustrations is built on a tight combination of red, blue, orange with black shading.

. Recently Lehmkuhl almost everything in his power to illustrating fairy tales - the best example is released in 1981, a collection of "Girl-Swan
. In those tales, which he illustrated earlier, Lehmkuhl solves all the design for a new (Czech fairy tale "Goldilocks"). The new figures, in contrast to earlier works, emphasizes not the dynamics and specificity, but the beginning of the lyric. Slimmer, more elegant flavor becomes paged illustrations, enclosed in a light gray box. More complex and is characteristic of heroes. Rapid line drawing acquire rigor and clarity. Softly, sometimes on blurry tones, solved long-range landscape plan, but the design does not lose decoration: some muted colors paged illustrations shaded tense finale plot initials.

. Fedor V. Lehmkuhl known to art lovers, not only as an artist, but as a passionate collector and a thin
. Lehmkuhl Family gathered for many years, a remarkable collection of art glass, from antiquity to the early nineteenth century. Unique works of masters belong to different countries and peoples. Here, cups, bottles, vases of various shapes and different colors, made in numerous glassmaking techniques. This valuable collection of family Lehmkuhl means a gift to the State Historical Museum.

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Lehmkuhl Fedor Viktorovich, photo, biography Lehmkuhl Fedor Viktorovich  Artist, photo, biography
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