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Rurik Rostislavich

( From the kind of Smolensk princes)

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Biography Rurik Rostislavich
From the kind of Smolensk princes. Son of Rostislav Mstislavovitch. Kn. Novgorod in 1170-1171 he. Kn. Belgorod and 1173-1194 it. Conducted. kn. Kiev in 1173,1180-1182,1194-1202,1203-1205, 1206, 1207-1210 gg. Kn. Chernigovskij in 1210-1214 he. J.: 1) with 1163 g. Khan's daughter Polovtsian Belguka: 2) daughter of Prince. Yuri Turovsky Yaroslavich, Prince. Anna. + 1214 g.

The death of his father in 1168 Rurik remained to reign in Ovruch. In 1170, his brother, Roman, occupied Kiev, gave him Belgorod. In 1180 in Kiev sat Svyatoslav II Vsevolodovich. Rurik after a brief struggle gave him precedence, himself, that he took "the entire Russian land", ie the rest of the city of Kiev parish. In 1194 Svyatoslav died. The successor to him in Kiev was Rurik, whom everyone in Russia was greeted with great joy, and citizens, both Christians and heathen, because, says the chronicler, he took all with love, and Christians, and pagans, and not pushed away anyone. However, Rurik villages in Kiev not before received the consent of Vsevolod the Big Nest. Vsevolod said northern chronicler, sent their husbands to Kiev, and those imprisoned there Rurik. But soon arrived in Kyiv other ambassadors of Vladimir on the Klyazma. According to them came out, . that Vsevolod angry at Rurik for, . that he gave the best parish his son-Roman Mstislavich Volyns'ke, . just five cities: Torchesk, . Trepol, . Korsun, . Bohuslav and Kanev, . lying on the River Ros, . the border with the steppe, . country, . populous black hoods, . play an important role in the internecine wars of princes,
. Rurik sent a message to Roman: "Vsevolod asks your parish and complains to me because of you". Roman agreed to cede the disputed parish, or offering to give him another parish instead of the former, or pay for it with money ". Rurik sent Vsevolod said: "You complained about me, my brother, a parish, so here's the same one that asked".

Received from Rurik desired parish, Vsevolod immediately gave the best city - Torchesk - son of Rurik and his son-Rostislav. When Roman learned, . that Torchesk taken from him and passed through the hands of Vsevolod Rurik is the son, . then began to send complaints to the test, . Confident, . that he had conspired deliberately Vsevolod and snatched his parish for only, . order to give his son,
. Then he began to consult with their nobles like to mention an insult, and pretentious send to Chernigov to Yaroslav Vsevolodovichu, offering him to go to Kiev against Rurik; Jaroslav gladly accepted this offer. Began many years of strife between the Volhynia, Kiev and Chernigov, in which the princes of a quarrel, then again reconciled. In 1202, Rurik conspired Vsevolod Svyatoslavich of Chernigov to go against the Roman, which by this time managed to seize Galicia Parish. But Roman warned enemies, assembled shelves Galicia and Volhynia, and entered the Kiev district. All the while Russia has risen against the Rurik, . all rushed to the Roman, the first driven away from the sons of Rurik, Vladimir Mstislavovitch, . them came to Roman all black hoods, . Finally, . were detachments of the inhabitants of the cities of Kiev, Roman, . Seeing this universal movement in their favor, . with all regiments rushed to Kiev, Kiev residents opened his Podil's'ki gate, . and he took Podil, . whereas Rurik Vsevolod the Red stood at the top of the city (for Gore), they, . course, . could no longer stay in Kiev and entered into negotiations with Roman: Rurik gave up and went to Kiev Ovruch, . Olegovichy went to the Dnieper in Chernigov, . and Kiev was given Vsevolod and Roman cousin last Ingvar Yaroslavovich Lutsky,

But Rurik did not want to calmly endure his exile and suffer in Kiev's nephew: the next in 1203 he again joined Vsevolod the Red, hired many Polovtsy and captured Kiev. As seen, the allies, not knowing what to pay Polovtsy, promised to give them to Kiev for the looting, the more so because there was nothing to regret Rurik Kiev, which opened the gates to Roman. And Polovtsians scattered around the city, burned not only the Hem, but Gore was robbed St. Sophia Cathedral. Tithe Church and all the monasteries, . monks and nuns, . priests and their wives, . old and maimed, killed, . a young and healthy were taken into captivity, . also the rest of Kiev; spared foreign merchants, . hiding in churches, . - They have half the property and released,
. After the terrible devastation Rurik did not want to sit in Kiev: whether or not he wanted to reign in the burnt, . robbed and empty city, . or afraid again came the novel as whatever, . he went back to Ovruch, . which was soon besieged by the Roman, . who came, . in the words of the chronicler, . take him to and from Olegoviches Polovtsy,
. Rurik was forced to kiss the cross of the Grand Prince Vsevolod and his children, that is, to abandon seniority in the way and after the death of Vsevolod. After that, Roman said to him: "You have to kiss the cross, so send an ambassador to my matchmaker, and I will send a nobleman to his father and Mr. Grand Prince Vsevolod: and you ask, and I will ask to give you another Kiev".

Vsevolod agreed, and Rurik again began to reign in Kiev. In the same year, returning from a campaign against Polovtzy Rurik princes of the Roman and his sons are staying in Tripoli and began to argue about the distribution of counties. In the end, that Roman Rurik seized and sent to Kiev, and there ordered to take the vows with his wife and daughter, his wife, with whom before the divorce, and the sons of Rostislav Ryurikov and Vladimir took with him in Galich.

Vsevolod, however, demanded the release Ruric to freedom and one of them - Rostislav - gave Kiev. However, Rurik himself not long remained in the monastery. In 1205, Roman was killed in a battle with the Poles. Rurik as soon as he learned of the death of the novel, just immediately threw off his monk's robe and declared himself Prince of Kiev instead of his son, he wanted to defrock and his wife, but she did not agree and tonsured as a schema.

Olegovichy also rose and came with shelves to the Dnieper. Rurik came out to meet them. We agreed to go together to Galich, take away the inheritance from the sons of the Romanovs. On the river Seret allies met Galich and Volyn army, fought with him all day and forced to retreat to Galich. But the city itself was nothing they could do and therefore returned home without success.

Next 1206 all Olegovichy again went to Galich, and this time succeeded in his crusade. Vladimir I. villages in Galicia, and his brother Roman - in Zvenigorod. Vsevolod Chermnykh, glad that Galich busy his relatives, decided to expel Monomakh and from Kiev. He himself sat in Kiev, . relying on their strength, . says the chronicler, . Posadnik and sent to the Kiev city, . and Rurik, . Seeing his helplessness, . or, . expressed as a chronicler, . weathertight, . went to his former parish Ovruch, . his son, Rostislav - in Vyshgorod, . a nephew, Mstislav Romanovich - in Belgorod,
. But in the same year, Rurik, connecting with his sons and nephews, and drove Olegoviches from Kiev and Pereyaslavl, he sat down in Kiev, and his son Vladimir planted in Pereslavl. Chermnykh appeared in the winter with his brothers and Polovtsy extract Kiev, stood under it for three weeks, but could take and went back with nothing.

Happier he was next in 1207. Joining forces with Svyatopolk Turov and Vladimir I. Galitsky, he proceeded to Kiev on three sides. Rurik, hear what's on it from everywhere innumerable army, and no help from anyone, fled from Kiev to Ovruch; Trepol, Belgorod, Torchesk taken away from Monomakh, which by reason of that famine could not withstand a long siege. Vsevolod Chermnykh sat down again in Kiev, had done much evil Russian land through its allies Polovtsy, says the chronicler.

In 1208 Rurik suddenly came to Kiev and drove him from the Red. Only in 1210 Vsevolod managed to get back to the city through negotiations with Vsevolod the Big Nest. Vsevolod gave Kiev Vsevolod the Red and Rurik planted in Chernigov. Here he died four years later.

Tatishchev calls Rurik drunkard, sloth and t. village, and the chronicler describes it quite differently: hristolyubivym, mudrolyubivym, sober, chaste gentle.

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Rurik Rostislavich, photo, biography Rurik Rostislavich  From the kind of Smolensk princes, photo, biography
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