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( Roman Emperor)

Comments for ANTHONY Pius
Biography ANTHONY Pius
Antonius Pius, Titus Aurelius Fulvio Boyony - Roman emperor of the genus Antonines, who ruled in 138-161 years. Genus. Sep 19. 86 g. March 7 + 161 g.

Antonin belonged to a wealthy and noble family of Aurelius, a descendant of the town Nemauz transalpine Gaul. Ancestors and his father's side, and mother's side were the people known in Rome, not just appointed to the highest posts. Father was a consul, and his grandfather - twice consul and prefect of Rome. Antonina's childhood was far from the capital at the villa of his grandfather Lorii. From early youth he was very rich, as well as inherit state and cousins, and stepfather. In addition, many relatives - in reward for his pious love, did his successor Antoninus. He stood out for its appearance, famous for its good disposition, characterized by generosity and mercy, had a calm expression on his face, with incredible talent, a brilliant eloquence. excellent knowledge of literature, was sober, assiduously cultivate the fields, was a soft, generous, do not encroach on someone else's - for all that he had a great sense of action and lack of any ambition. Nickname its 'pious', he received an award from the Senate for what has always shown compassion and not done in his life no ill deed.

. In quaestorship he showed generosity, he had celebrated his magnificently Priory, a consul for the first time was in 120 g
. Later, Adrian include him in the four con-sulyarov, which was entrusted to manage Italy. When he was a private man, he lived mostly outside the city, but everywhere enjoyed fame. Watching Antonin for many years, Adrian finally decided to adopt it and transmit it by will their power. He did so shortly before his death in 138 city, announcing his companion in Antonina proconsular power and authority Tribunskii. After that, Antonin did not change his former way of life, . and when his wife reproached him for, . that he showed little generosity to his, . he said to her: 'Stupid, . After we called for the management of the empire, . we lost and then, . that had previously ',
. And indeed, in commemoration of his adoption he gave on race-warriors and huge amounts of spending almost all his fortune.

. By Adrian while he was alive, Antonin treated with great respect, and after death, despite the opposition of the Senate, has made his deification
. for himself, he rejected all the honors, but nicknames Pius. The height of imperial power, he united with the utmost courtesy. Subordinate peoples he ruled with paternal solicitude, custody all and all, as if it were his own. During his reign, all the provinces flourished.

Lifestyles Antonina, satisfactory, he was lean, but without avarice. Having become princes, he had made no changes in the everyday life of their private life. Unnecessary luxuries of the imperial palace and the estate he sold, and lived in their own estates alternately, in accordance with the time of the year. Unlike his predecessor, he did not take any trips to the provinces and even in Italy, it seems, not been anywhere further their estates in Campania. Nevertheless, he enjoyed great prestige, like his subjects, and among the neighboring rulers. War, he was only defensive and loved the world in such a degree that is often repeating the words of Scipio, says it's better to save the life of a citizen than to kill a thousand enemies.

. Antonin loved art and science, but especially enjoyed fishing and hunting, walking and talking with friends
. Feeling at the seventieth year of death approaching, he relegated the state to his stepson Marcus Aurelius, and then died at his estate in Lorii. His life was so blameless, and the board so soft that Antonin compared with Numa Pom piliem, a legendary king-great-vednikom (Capitolina: 'Antoninus Pius', 1-2, 4, 7, 9, 12).

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