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( The King of France)

Comments for CARL VIII
Biography CARL VIII
Charles VIII (1470-1498) - King of France from the kind of Valois, who ruled in 1483-1498 he. Son of Louis XI and Charlotte of Savoy. Wife: from 1491 g. Anna, the daughter of the Duke Bretanskogo Francis II (genus. 1477 g. + 1514).
Genus. June 30, 1470, Mr.. + April 7. 1498

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Carl grew up in Amboise castle, away from his father, whom he had not seen in whole years. When Louis XI died. Charles was 13 years old, and French law he was considered an adult. But because he was too weak and sickly, he could not independently manage the state. My father before his death requested custody of the king of his daughter Anna Lord. Unlike his brother, Anna was a woman possessed of cunning and shrewd mind. For several years she was a real French queen. Regents authority to Anna unsuccessfully challenged the senior prince of the blood, Louis d'Orleans (the future King Louis XII). United with the Duke Bretanskim, Louis in 1485, Mr.. started with Anna God War. In July 1488, Mr.. the rebels were defeated at St Obendyu-Cormier. The Duke of Orleans was captured and spent several years in prison. Francis Bretansky was supposed to conclude with Karl is very heavy contract. A few days later he died, leaving a twelve year old daughter, Anna heir. In 1491, Mr.. regent her to marry Charles, and thereby join in Brittany to France. However, this marriage has caused great displeasure of the Emperor Maximilian I, whose daughter, Margaret, Charles was betrothed in childhood. To meet the emperor, the French king with honor sent Margaret to her father and returned her dowry: The argument counties and Franche-Comte.

. Reconciled with Maximilian, Charles announced that, as heir to the house of Anjou, he has the right to the Kingdom of Naples, and began to prepare for the Italian campaign
. All sensible people disapproved of this intention, but the king would not listen to any advice. In August 1494, Mr.. He appointed her brother, Pierre, Duke of Bourbon, governor of the state and moved through the Mont Zhenevr in Italy. His army consisted of 50 thousand people, was well equipped and had a strong artillery. The actions of the army supported the French and Genoese fleet. This formidable force produced on the Italians the impression that Charles never met resistance. The advancing front of the detachment of the Scottish Prince Oubiц?a easily knocked out of the novels of troops sent by King Alfonso II of Naples. Pope Alexander VI had originally wanted to organize resistance to the French, but in no one found no support. December 31, he was forced to admit Charles in Rome.

In early 1495, Mr.. French have crossed the Neapolitan frontier. Nobody even tried to stop them. Nobles turned in their locks, the city sent the keys to the gate. Alfonso II abdicated in favor of his son Ferdinand II and fled to Sicily. Feb. 22 Charles entered Naples. All of Italy to the southern most tip of the French king resigned. Charles celebrated the victory of the brilliant feasts and tournaments. In May, he received the crown of Naples and will move in the opposite way. In Lombard,''near Furnuovo, Milanese and the Venetians tried to block his path. In the violent and chaotic battle, they were reflected. Charles himself was involved in the battle and fought with great courage. In the autumn he returned to his kingdom.

Europe was astounded to unprecedented and rapid conquest of Italy. But even during the life of Charles was captured almost all lost again. In 1496, Mr.. Ferdinand conquered the Kingdom of Naples back. In other parts of the peninsula is also no trace of French influence. Karl wanted to repeat the campaign, but this time its coffers empty. Besides regular feasts and love affairs did not leave him time for serious study. Many of the excesses quickly upset his already poor health, and in the age of 29 he died suddenly of apoplexy.

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CARL VIII, photo, biography CARL VIII  The King of France, photo, biography
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