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BELYAEV Vladimir Pavlovich

( Writer, Publicist)

Comments for BELYAEV Vladimir Pavlovich
Biography BELYAEV Vladimir Pavlovich
Belyaev, Vladimir Pavlovich (1909-1990), Russian writer, publicist. He wrote in Russian and Ukrainian languages. Born 4 (17) April, according to dp. According to 8 (21) March 1909 in Kamenetz-Podolsk (Ukraine), the family convinced the Communists, after school he graduated from Kamenetz-Podolsk factory school at the factory 'engine', in the year of Lenin's death (1924) became a member of the Komsomol. In 1926 - at the May foundry engineering plant them. P. Schmidt in Berdyansk, after serving in the army (1929-1930) moved to Leningrad, he worked at the factory 'Bolshevik', in 1931 joined the party.
The first publication Belyaeva - note in Podolsk 'and Peasants' Gazette' on the 'bourgeois mores' of his teachers ( "Teacher of the sample in 1902 ... love when they are called 'panic teacher', and scowl, when students, addressing them, use the word 'comrade'...). Since mid-1920 Belyaev actively published in newspapers, in Leningrad literary started dating (Tikhonov, M. Zoshchenko, V. Sajan, Y. Herman). One of the first of his stories, "peers", has received an award at the National competition of authors working. Of particular interest in the fate Belyaeva took Marshak, prompting the young writer's idea of memories of childhood with a key symbol, a metaphor 'old castle'. The first appeal to the plot, . was put in the foundation for the future trilogy, . became the story "In the old fortress" (1935), . Then came the story "Teens" (1936), . in expanded form as a separate edition published in 1937 called "Old Castle" (2 nd rev,
. ed. - 1939). Since 1938 Belyaev - member of the Writers' Union

. In 1939-1940 Belyaev published collections of short stories, "Ukrainian night, . Voice of Taras "(based on the eponymous story, . included in both collections, . 1941 Belyaev kinopovest created with the same title), . "Neighbors", etc., . where, among others, developed a constant theme for the writer's life Ukrainian boys during the Civil War and as actors, the heroes of the Old Fortress - Vasil Majuro and Petya Maremuha,
. In 1940 the magazine 'Star' published the continuation of "Old Fortress", 2 nd part of the future trilogy - the story "House on the Zhitomir (Dep. ed. 1941, entitled "Haunted House", released in 1951 under the title "On the banks of the Dniester River")

. Since the beginning of the war, . Once in the besieged city, . Belyaev joined the Volunteers; the spring of 1941 dying of hunger writer flown on 'Road of Life' in Murmansk, . where he worked as a correspondent for the Soviet Information Bureau (collections of anti-fascist journalism 1941-1943 "Barbarians with a monocle" (Germans in Poland), . "Leningrad Nights", . Sat,
. novels and short stories "The bay in the fog", 1943, etc.).

In August 1944, Belyaeva as Soviet radio correspondent dispatched to the area of Western Ukraine, including in 'Extraordinary Commission to investigate atrocities of the Nazi and Ukrainian nationalists, supported by the Greek-Catholic Church'. Rich in content basis novels and short stories, and especially journalism Belyaeva postwar years (under various pseudonyms) is a document, . ideological same filling - spicy revealing the pathos, . directed primarily against the Uniate Church and the 'Ukrainian nationalists' (typical name of a journalistic compilations - Formula poison),
. In years when there was still little is known about the heroes of the Brest Fortress, Belyaev wrote about the heroism border documentary novel "The border in the Fire" (1948).

In line with those identified lie and lead Belyaeva "Zastava over the Bug" (1949) and "In the old house" (1981). One of the notable works of the writer - the story "Who betrayed you?" - The daughter of a priest, who dreamed of becoming a scientist, but died in his youth caused by spiritual leaders (in t.ch. Uniate Metropolitan). For explanation of the story in 1960, directed by VI Ivchenko put the film "Ivan".

In 1950 his novel Belyaeva "City by the Sea" (Dep. ed. 1951), the final part of the trilogy, which received its common name from the name of the first novel - "Old Castle" (State Prize, 1952). For explanation of the trilogy Belyaev co-authored with M. Bleymanom wrote the screenplay, in 1955, directed by V. Naumov put the film "The alarming youth"

. As acknowledged by the author, . trilogy was more 'diary of memories' - so obvious avtobiografizm in this unsophisticated and dynamic story of the Ukrainian border town, . school, . then work on school, . Cadet hostel, . against Petliurists and the German invaders and the participation of boys, . already separating itself from the social status and political affiliation, . with 'good' supporters of the new government and 'bad' nepmanshey, . rouged old woman, . whose 'dance lounge' is not only a hotbed of corruption of youth, . but anti-Soviet safe house,
. Trilogy "Old Castle", included Detgiz a series of 'Golden Library', more than 30 times reprinted in this country and abroad, based on it made a number of drama and developed ser

. Didactic Outreach pathos, . characteristic Belyaev, . with particular clarity evident in his many journalistic statements, . among which is the volume, . devoted to the Ukrainian writer and publicist J. Galan "J'accuse!" (1978, with A. Elkin Belyaev also the author of a biographical book Jaroslav Galan, . 1971),

A typical representative of the Komsomol members 1920, Belyaev until the end of days retained boyish and naive and romantic belief in the continued victory of good over evil. Never betrayed its original ideals, have not spiritually, not through hard question, Belyaev, in a sense left in his heart to Ukrainian Cossacks, which found him in his hometown of 1918-th year.

Belyaev died in Moscow on 11 February 1990.

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BELYAEV Vladimir Pavlovich, photo, biography BELYAEV Vladimir Pavlovich  Writer, Publicist, photo, biography
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