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MEMET David Alan

( American playwright and screenwriter)

Comments for MEMET David Alan
Biography MEMET David Alan
MEMET, David Alan (Mamet, David Alan) (p. 1947), American playwright and screenwriter. Born November 30, 1947 in Chicago (pc. Illinois). While still high school students, enrolled in the 'Hull House tietr'. He studied at Goddard College in Vermont, dropped out, went to New York to study dramatic art in 'Neyborhud pleyhaus' (1968-1969), returned to Vermont and in 1969 graduated from college, receiving a Bachelor of Arts. While still a student Memet wrote his first play "Camel" (1969), then odnoaktovku "Vessel" (1970), set in the Malboro College, where he was by that time he taught acting.
. Memet tried many professions, managed to get a taxi driver, a cook in the canteen, factory workers, to swim in a merchant ship, ride a traveling salesman as an agent for real estate agencies
. Back at Goddard College as a teacher of acting, and in 1972 he organized a theater named 'Saint-Nicolas Company'. In 1973 the company moved to Chicago, and up until 1976 Memet continued to be its leader. In Chicago, held the premiere of his plays "Duck Variations" (1972) and "sexual perversion in Chicago" (1974). Prestige Memeta consolidated after in 1975 he was awarded a Joseph Jefferson Award for best play written by Chicago playwright.

But the real fame came to him after the play "American Bison" (1975). The play brought Memetu Oubi Award in 1976 as the best playwright-novice, as well as the prize of the Association of New York theater critics for best American play in 1977.

In the late 1970 Memet produced several plays a year. In the play "Water Engine" (1977), subtitled 'an American fairy tale', he develops the theme begun in American bison: the myths that exist in the business world. The play "Life in the Theater" (1977) - cold-ironic view of the world theater, to show 'with the wrong side'. The play "In the Woods (1977) opens the subconscious of a young couple's relationship, left alone 'in the lap of nature'. The first performances of these plays were held in Chicago. The following three works: "Reunification" (1977), "Dark Pony" (1977) and the "sanctity of marriage" (1979) - play 'family', mostly built on dialogue. All three were placed in vnebrodveyskom 'Circle repertory tietr' autumn 1979.

In the same 1979 Memet first tried his hand as a writer: writing a new version of the film, first filmed in 1946 based on the novel by James M. Kane, "The Postman Always Rings Twice". In 1982, the film comes out "Sentence", whose script is written Memetom the popular novel by Barry Reed. All three - writer, director and leading man - were nominated for an Oscar.

Memet is often said that writing the script was for him an invaluable experience, many taught him: 'Once I started working in film, I learned to obey the need to introduce the subject and the development of a rigorous framework'. One way or another, but it was after "sentence" he wrote his most famous play "Glengerri Glen Ross", for which in 1984 was awarded the Pulitzer Prize Memetu.

Premiered in 1983 in England, then in Chicago, and only in 1984, the play came to Broadway. In addition to the Pulitzer Prize, she was also awarded the Association of the New York Drama Critics. In 1992 the play was filmed with Jack Lemmon in the title role.

Plays, which appeared later: "The Spaniard, a prisoner" (1985), "Drive fast" (1988, notable for the fact that this play took Broadway debut of Madonna), "Oleanna" (1992), "Cryptogram" (1994), "Old Neighbors "(1977).

In addition to plays, Memetom also written many screenplays. In 1987, the screens taken out by him and sensational film "House of Cards". The most significant and following his work in film: "The Untouchables" (1987), "Everything changes" (1988), "We're No Angels" (1989), "Murder" (1991), "The Spaniard, a prisoner" (on his own play and in his own statement, 1997). In the same year, Memet co-wrote the script in the political farce to "walk the dog" (starring Robert De Niro), entirely built on real facts, including events in the life of President Clinton. The last film, also shot Memetom on his own script - "The State and people" (2000), which is a funny parody of the famous people from the world of cinema.

Memetom also written a large number of telestsenariev, published several collections of essays, plays, children's stories. Among other things, he was lyricist for the songs, which supports his wife, actress Rebecca Pidzhen.

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MEMET David Alan, photo, biography
MEMET David Alan, photo, biography MEMET David Alan  American playwright and screenwriter, photo, biography
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