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Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)

( singer, composer, poet, musician, director and political activist)

Photo Gallery Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso) (4)
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Biography Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)
A man named Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso) of his five names left only the first and last, but forced them to rattle around South America and then around the world. This Brazilian magician - singer, composer, poet, musician, producer and political activist in one person - called the Brazilian Bob Dylan. In this comparison have not the slightest exaggeration. Caetano Veloso - the initiator of the tectonic shifts in Brazilian music, the creator of the new directions and new forms of largely affect the whole complexion of today's Brazilian culture. It is no accident, he became one of the few holders of the special prize by Michelangelo Antonioni, which is awarded to authors, who had a dramatic impact on the development of art. "

. August 7, 1942 in the family of postal employees Josц? Telles Velloso (Jose Telles Velloso) was born the fifth son, who was named Caetano Emanuel Vianna
. That happy event occurred in the town of Santo Amaro da Purifikasao (Santo Amaro da Purificacao) not far from El Salvador, where the family lived while Velloso, stood up to seven children. Caetano, early demonstrated a talent for music and painting, grew up in a bright musical environment - the local culture has absorbed the African and Caribbean rhythms, echoes of the North American pop-music. But the strongest impression, do not fade throughout his life, fired at the young singer Caetano stylish and seductive bossa nova Jao Gilberto (Joao Gilberto), the Brazilian superstar 50's. He was the dramatic effect on the formation of a very eclectic musical style Veloso.

In 1960 the family moved into a two-million Velloso El Salvador, and Caetano, fascinated by the latest novelties of the theater and film, is taken to write stories and critical articles for local newspapers. For 19-years old young man he began to take voice lessons and master the guitar over the years perfected ownership and voice, and instrument. Caetano enters the Philosophical Faculty of the Federal University of Bahia. It appears new friends - Gilberto Gil (Gilberto Gil) and Gal Costa (Gal Costa), novice musicians with whom he had to go side by side more than one decade. Soon the boy gets first major order - musical accompaniment to the play "O boca de ouro" Nelson Rodriguez (Nelson Rodrigues). The work seemed incredibly exciting, and Caetano makes the final choice in favor of music

. Another man, . played an important role in the fate of Cayetano, . - His younger sister, Maria Betania (Maria Bethania), . which in the early 60's moved to Rio de Janeiro in the hope of a music career (eventually it will become very famous singer),
. 23-year-old Cayetano, had already left the University, comes to her in Rio, began working with local artists, for whom wrote music and lyrics. And soon decides to participate in a national contest for best songs Lyrics. His composition "Um Dia" won first prize, and Veloso automatically becomes the owner of the contract with the Brazilian label Phillips. These events unfolded against the backdrop of the rapid rise of a new wave of Brazilian pop music, known as MPB, or musica popular brasileira. "Triumph of the perpetrators" who initiated this musical maelstrom, there were several: by that time already known Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil, and, of course, Caetano Veloso personally. Music MPB, bright, ambitious, intriguing in form, in the works Veloso acquired and new content. Texts of his songs were undeniably political - he was a staunch supporter of left-wing ideas. In addition to the growing popularity of this actor and guarantee sufficient scandalous social reputation in Brazil.

In 1967, Veloso joins the ranks of the Brazilian hippy movement. Vigorous, gushing with new impressions life stirs imagination. His bursting with ideas. And along with Gilbert Gil, he holds another bloodless mini-revolution - creates a new trend in pop music, which gets the name tropicalismo. This ambitious and eclectic style was based on the traditional bossa nova craze, colored elements of folk-rock and art-rock: loud electric guitars, dissonant sound, brings him to jazz. Noticeable influence on the aesthetics of tropicalismo, . direction sufficiently predictive, . have favorite movies and Veloso, . particularly unusual, . World literature - Pessoa, . Marcel Proust, . Oscar Wilde, . School of the Brazilian modernist writers in Sao Paulo,

Warm welcome from his fellow inventors tropicalismo waited not soon. Initially, many were tuned even hostile. Particularly indignant old fans Caetano Veloso (another thread that connects him with Bob Dylan, which caused the same outrage when switched from acoustic to electricity). However, the newborn style replied to the spirit of time and symbolized the arrival of a new generation of music - a bold, daring, challenge not only cultural, but also political traditions of their country. At the program compilation "Tropicalia", . demonstration of a new direction, . presented the work of different artists, . standing of the phenomenon of musica popular brasileira - Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil, . group Os Mutantes, headed by Rita Lee (Rita Lee) and Tom Ze (Tom Ze), . the poet Torquato Neto (Torquato Neto) and other,

This cultural revival concealed for many of its proponents hazards. Since 1964, Brazil established a military dictatorship (this mode will last for another twenty years), which is not welcomed such radical innovations, even if they were only music. Once the movement started to become tropicalismo on his feet, the Brazilian government has made every effort to limit duplication of records and concerts of followers of this style. Censorship of radio and television became commonplace. Given, . Caetano Veloso that by the end of the 60's turned into more than a popular composer and performer, . which appear regularly in a variety of programs on the Brazilian television, . guessed, . that it is hit seriously,
. And if you think about the political orientation of many of his songs, it is clear that Veloso, along with Gil, the same risk-takers, simply asking for punitive measures by the ruling elite. And they did not take long to wait.

Meanwhile, life went on as usual. In late 1967 there was, perhaps, in Brazil, a newspaper which would not have written about marriage Caetano Veloso on his Zemlyachka Gadelia Dede (Dede Gadelha), which is put on the wedding day in a provocative mini-skirt. In January, 68 пЁпЎпЄп° came out first solo album, Veloso "Caetano Veloso", now includes already classic "Alegria, alegria", a song-a symbol of "Tropicalia," a daring song "Soy loco por ti, America" ( "I Am п?razy for You , America "). The year was filled with hard work, participation in competitions, magazine compilation "Tropicalia ou panis et circensis", preparation of a new double album "A voz do morto", not the censor missed.

And in December 1968, something happened that should have happened: Veloso and Gil were arrested for "anti-government activities". For two months they spent in prison, then four more under house arrest in El Salvador. But the two friends is not their senses. Reeducated both stubbornly refused to. After another concert scandal both of them simply expelled from Brazil. The exiles, together with their wives settled in London.

Abroad Veloso continued to write songs for Brazilian artists who sent the article in the domestic edition, recorded in the studio. In 1971, the company Paramount Records released his new album with the old name "Caetano Veloso", for which the musician has recorded six tracks in English. Veloso has never longed to escape from Brazil, so the lingering European "vacation" did not bring him joy. His songs of this period are filled with nostalgic notes.

Reference lasted four years, to return Veloso could only in 1972. Shortly before his return to Brazil released its first "English" album, but after a few months, the company Paramount Records in the UK has issued another half an English record "Transa".

Although his political activity in fact never stopped, stepped 30-year milestone, Caetano Veloso is much more time and energy to the music as such, than against the regime. Times when he acted as writer-performer with a mandatory program set of socio-political ideas are in the past. Now, Veloso became the central figure in Brazilian pop music. Year after year, he works in a very intense mode. He wrote a lot of new music, recording solo records, constantly gives concerts, publishes a sharp article in the press, producing other artists. Important milestones in his career producing albums are "Cantar" Gala Costa and "Smetak" radical Brazilian experimenter Smetaka Walter (Walter Smetak). In 1977, the artist introduces his admirers with the literary works of the past ten years - articles, manifestos, poems, lyrics, collected in the book "Alegria, alegria".

In the 70 years of Caetano Veloso and learns the joy of creative discovery, and the first mass success, which brings tangible tangible dividends. In 1974, he released a very nice Long-play "Temporada de Verao," two songs from that, "O conteudo" and "Felicidade", have become fashionable hits. A year later came an excellent record "Joia" (1975) with a curious cover versions of Beatles and experimental compositions of authorship Veloso. In 1976, four friends - Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa and Maria Betania, ten years ago for a short time united in a group Doces Barbaros ( "Tender barbarians") again came together on stage and played a memorable show in Sao Paulo. This was the first concert in the small tour, with which the "Barbarians" rode on the ten largest cities of Brazil. The brightest moments of the show depicted on a double disc "Doces Barbaros" (1976).

Finally, in 1977 with the advent of the plate "Bicho" in the artist comes undeniable, massive success. The album includes an enthusiastic hymn to the wisdom of the Indian people "Um Indio" and something completely different kind - a humorous song "Leonzinho", dedicated to a friend Veloso, bass guitarist with feline habits. These compositions, along with such things as "Tigresa", "Odara", "Gente" (a song of protest in the dance rhythm), entered the golden fund of the Brazilian pop-music. Widely known album, "Bicho" underpinned and uncomplicated word "odara", rendered in the title of one of the songs and led to heated debate in the press. From now on, so will be called a hippie, or, in the tradition of the Left, "Les Miserables" - those who took a clear anti-government stance. It was designated the ideological divide between supporters tropicalismo and simply implementing "a new Brazilian pop music".

At the end of 1977 Veloso, maintaining a long tradition to meet the annual Brazilian carnival new songs and released the album "Muitos Carnavais", which included both new and old things, suitable for such a fabulous event.

If in the 50's, 60's and early 70's fame musician rarely spilled over the border of Brazil, by the end of the 70's Caetano Veloso learn far beyond South America. In 1978, together with Gal Costa, he holds a series of striking show in Rome, Milan, Geneva and Paris. In the 80 years he made several tours in Africa, has successfully performed in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and Israel.

In 1981 he published his plate "Outras Palavaras", which became the most popular artist release at the time. It sold hundreds of thousands of copies in Brazil and received a gold certificate. Hits "Lua e estrela" and "Rapte-me, camaleoa" become the highlight of the concert programs of the Executive.

In 82 th year of forty singer, not just composing music for theater and cinema, for the first time he appears in the frame. Directed Bressane Julio (Julio Bressane) offers him the role of the great Brazilian pop composer Lamartine Babo (Lamartine Babo). And in 1983, the first time an artist comes from his show in the United States. Three nights in a row Hall Public Theater in New York was packed to overflowing, and the press corps to accompany each statement Veloso rave reviews. Among those reporters was ecstatic and then columnist "New York Times", and later became a famous musician Robert Palmer (Robert Palmer). The popularity of Caetano Veloso in North America since then has consistently grown, despite the fact that to get his record here was very difficult, except perhaps in the form of expensive imported CDs imported from Brazil. In the early 80's musician once had to interview Mick Jagger (Mick Jagger) for Brazilian television, which stretched out another thread between his homeland and the U.S..

The same Robert Palmer and many of his fellow journalists much helped popularize the art Veloso. Sam Caetano Veloso, . however, . paid little attention to their success outside of Brazil, and what exactly would never do - so this is to change yourself to please the U.S., . European or by whatever other tastes, . even if it is promised in the future some commercial advantages,
. True to himself, he has evolved and changed, when I felt this inner need. The lion's share of his songs are written in Portuguese, but when he wanted, he was wonderfully sung in English. He had an excellent relationship with the fashion of New York musicians, originally from Brazil, Arto Lindsay (Arto Lindsay) and David Byrne (David Byrne), the leader of the group Talking Heads, but he never was able to draw from that any benefits for themselves. Caetano Veloso is one of those rare celebrity tribe, . who - despite their huge popularity and unquestionable authority (at least at home) - did not seem to attach all this importance, . not suffer from narcissism, . not despair, . if you go out of fashion,
. How often in this lies the guarantee of human and creative longevity.

In the 80 years Veloso like experiencing a second youth, his career is entering a new round of. In 1986, he debuted as a director. Inviting almost all the roles closest friends, just three weeks he takes a low-budget experimental film "O cinema falado", a very personal, non-standard dialogues and script. At the third festival of film, television and video in Rio de Janeiro, his picture is very highly rated the critics, but did not find understanding for ordinary viewers.

Published in the same 86-m, the live album "Totalmente demais", which includes many of the hits of the composer, sets a new sales record in his biography. In Brazil, costs 250 thousand disks, and the album reached platinum. In 1989, its Long-play "Estrangeiro", produced by Arto Lindsay and Peter Scherer (Peter Scherer), first officially published in the U.S.. Disc rises to 13 position ranking Top World Music and forcing strict American lavish with his compliments.

1990 The year begins uneasily. Veloso, who in recent years have repeatedly engaged in a very hot debate in the press both in the musical and political affairs, delivered a harsh criticism of the mayor of El Salvador. Two weeks later, early in the morning on January 26, at his home in El Salvador, a bomb exploded. Although at this time Caetano and his second wife were at home, fortunately, no injuries.

In the summer of 1990, the artist has once again engaged in a jazz festival in the Swiss town of Montreux and is preparing for a national tour, which kicks off in early 1991. At his concert in Rio comes more than 50 thousand people. Approximately the same number of spectators gathers show an artist in Sцёo Paulo in 1992 to celebrate the City Day. A 50-year anniversary of the singer turns into a pompous celebration almost a national scale with a few solemn show, prepared in his honor by the Brazilian radio and television

. In March 1993, the musical public of Brazil held its breath, . learning, . that Caetano Veloso and his closest friend Gilberto Gil conjure together on a new collection of songs, . which mark 30 anniversary of their friendship and 26 anniversary of the birth "Tropicalism",
. "Tropicalia 2" became the most anticipated album of the year in Brazil, enthusiastically adopted by the public. A few months later he went to Europe and America, many music publications have made it to the list of the best albums in 1993.

Almost all new entries Veloso, published in the 90 years in Brazil, were published in the United States and Europe: "Circulado", "Fina Estampa", "Circulado Vivo" (which included a cover version of "Black and White" by Michael Jackson and "Jokerman "Bob Dylan). Summer of 1997 the singer first time in its 30-year career, had the courage to undertake large-scale tour in America.

After a year in Brazil, and then in the United States appeared one of the best albums in the catalog Caetano Veloso - "Livro". Official recognition of the artist's northern neighbor has reached a crescendo: Veloso won Grammy awards as the author of the best album in the style of world music. "Livro" and became one of the favorites of the first ceremony Latin Grammy Awards, which won in the category "Brazilian popular music" (musica popular brasileira).

. In the good old tradition, the actor did not hung up on the formula, once brought him success
. Available in a choice of new topics and does not suffer from a lack of ideas, . 1999 he recorded the album "Omaggio a Federico e Giulietta", . a tribute to Italian director Federico Fellini (Federico Fellini) and his wife, . actress Giulietta Masina (Giulietta Massina),
. Then he takes a drive in the style of bossa nova "Noites do Norte". His last release: live album based on performances in Baja; acoustic album, . recorded with the poet Jorge Motnerom (Jorge Mautner), . another is to London time; collection of cover versions of American classics "A Foreign Sound" in English,

"Music - the largest gift that the United States have taught the world" - confidently declared Caetano Veloso at the presentation of the album "A Foreign Sound" in Sao Paulo. This minimally paraphrased quotation could not be more valid for most musicians.

Photos of Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)
  • Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)
  • Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)
  • Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)
  • Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)

Photos of Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)
Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)

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Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso), photo, biography
Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso), photo, biography Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso (Caetano Emanuel Vianna Telles Veloso)  singer, composer, poet, musician, director and political activist, photo, biography
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