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Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich

( Artist)

Comments for Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich
Biography Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich
Seascapes, sea battle-master of landscape. Born in Feodosia July 17, 1817 in a family of Armenian merchant, later went bankrupt. Artistic ability found in early childhood. He studied at the Simferopol gymnasium, in 1833 entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts in landscape painting class led by M. N. Vorobiev.

The very first painting by Aivazovsky, appeared on the academic exhibition - "A Study of air over the sea" (1835, TG) - was spotted criticism. Two years later, the artist receives a big gold medal for the three marine species and gets the task to write a series of landscapes of the Crimean cities. In Crimea, took his acquaintance with M. P. Lazarev, V. A. Kornilov and P. S. Nakhimova, which contributed to the emergence of the artist's interest in the genre of the battle. The works in Feodosiya, Yalta, Sevastopol, Kerch, successfully demonstrated at the exhibition at the Academy of Arts.

In 1840, the painter sent to Italy, where he studied classical art with enthusiasm and a lot of work. In Rome, an exhibition of his paintings, shown later in several European cities.

In Italy, the English painter D. Turner appealed to the Russian marine painter of poetic dithyramb. In Paris, the Council of the Academy of Arts awarded him the Gold Medal. The main thing that struck his contemporaries in his work - unusual for that time close to nature in the transfer of water elements. In 1844, Aivazovsky asked permission to go ahead in Russia and on the way home gave his exhibition in Amsterdam. Upon arrival in Petersburg, he was immediately elevated to the rank of academician and numbered among the royal decree of the Naval Staff, with the title of this painter of Staff ". During the winter, the artist executing the order for execution of the Baltic.

In 1845, Aivazovsky accompanied the expedition F. P. Litke to the shores of Asia Minor and the Greek islands. The subsequent career of the master to a large extent due to Feodosia, where he settled and where he created hundreds of works. Lived more creative life, Aivazovsky first paid tribute to the romantic landscape, a vivid example of which serve as the "Ninth Wave" (1850, RM), but over the years his works Stanovoy more stringent and severe. Among well-known landscapes, the artist in the second half of the century - "Black Sea" (1881, TG), "The Wave" (1889, RM). As a painter of the Naval Staff Aivazovsky also wrote Seascapes battle-character. The most popular of his paintings of this kind is "Chesmensky battle" (1848, Feodosia art gallery).

The artist entered the history of the city of Feodosia and as a significant public figure. On the improvement of his native city, he devoted much energy and personal funds. His efforts, in particular, is based art gallery, passed on after the death of the master in Property of the City. It currently has the largest collection of works by Aivazovsky.

Shumova MN. Russian painting of the first half of the XIX century. MA, Art. 1978. P.41
  • Shortest Help about who was and. K. Aivazovsky, a small list of his paintings (of them, according to the artist, was about 6000). Painting The Sea. Sunset.

  • Paintings and. K. Aivazovsky site A. Tarasenko, "Russian painting" presented in two rooms ". Clicking the mouse on a portrait of the artist, you can see his curriculum vitae.

  • Painting and. K. Aivazovsky's "Fishermen on the shore of the Sea" ($ 73 kb, 800x600 resolution).

  • Article about creativity and. K. Aivazovsky, an attempt to analyze the philosophy of his work, a description of the new method, which opened Aivazovsky's painting. Also here you can see the painting "Seascape" (1871).

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  • Ravil for Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich
  • Go Najera ! anything you do not have ! ligand ....!
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