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Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich

( President of the Moscow Investment Fund (MIGA))

Comments for Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich
Biography Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich

Date of Birth 7 December 1960, Mr.. From 1968 to 1978. attended high school in Mr.. Severodvinsk. From 1982 to 1988. studied at the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, graduating with the qualification of engineer-physicist ".
He grew up in Severodvinsk Arkhangelsk region, where the family moved in 1961.
1978. - Graduated from high school in Severodvinsk. In the same year, Ushakov did the Moscow Physico-Technical Institute, but failed to contest.
1978-79. - Worked at the Northern Machine Building Enterprise (Severodvinsk) turner.
1979-82gg. - Served in the Navy radiotelegrafistom (Pinsk (Belarus) - Vladivostok-Sakhalin-o.Iturup (Kuril Islands)).
From 1982 to 1988 i.i. studied at the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, graduating with the qualification of engineer-physicist ".
In 1988 -1989 i.i. - Unemployed.
1990. - Director of Commercial Firm "initiative" (Moscow, VDNH).
1992. - Vice President for Economic Policy of the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute.
since 1993. - Managing, and since 1994. President of the Moscow investment fund.
Lives in Moscow.
In January 1996, Mr.. the initiative group of voters nominated a candidate for the post of president of Russia to participate in the election June 16, 1996

Dossier on Ushakov VY

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  • pavluha-007 for Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich
  • I have a share of the funds received for the voucher. Maybe if it was a single fund, and now the other? Or questions? And where is the last, which should I pay as a shareholder? Just wondering the name of one, and other duties. That can not be!
  • ekolog for Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich
  • I have a share of the funds received for the voucher and the obtaining of a later date. Perhaps then it was a single fund, and now the other? Who knows anything about this fund and what happened to him, otliknites.
  • DIMA for Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich
  • Please specify whether the MIF is alive or not? Site address and where in the end though what a dividend? Share information please.
  • Eugene Kondratov for Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich
  • Hello Vyacheslav Yu, . c New Year to you!, . glad your success in business development, . I wish you good health and further prosperity and growth of the assets of the campaign and personal success. I am a holder of a certain number of shares ChIF "myth" since the exchange vouchers for shares, . unfortunately, . Information on the Fund for a long time I did not and could not accept at least some part,
    . E-Mail Facility I did not find, so I am writing to you, sorry. Would be desirable to know what happened to my shares ChIF "Myth"? With respect and best wishes, Eugene Mr. Kondrashov. Zhukovsky
  • dIM for Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich
  • Hello Vyacheslav Yu! Is a shareholder of the myth, which were acquired in exchange for vouchers. What is the fate of these shares? Please find time to answer. Yours Dmitri.
  • Evstafyev Aleksander for Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich
  • Hello, Thanks! Chance to read about you in the INE-te.Rad for you. Good luck.
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    Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich, photo, biography
    Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich, photo, biography Vyacheslav Ushakov Yurievich  President of the Moscow Investment Fund (MIGA), photo, biography
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