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Leonid Nevzlin

( Entrepreneur, a specialist in the field of PR)

Comments for Leonid Nevzlin
Biography Leonid Nevzlin
(p. September 21, 1959)
Public relations, daily contact with people - the generator of success at any level - from small enterprises to the highest state institution or leader.
Born on 21 September 1959. Moscow. In 1981. graduated from the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry of. Gubkin specialty automation and computer engineering.
Upon graduation he worked in the Ministry of Geology of the USSR in the units, aimed at information provision industry (data collection, storage, bulk processing).
Later, Leonid Nevzlin got MA in Economics Academy. GV. Plekhanov, specializing in Management and Marketing ".
1981-1987 i.i. - Software engineer in the foreign trade association "Zarubezhgeologiya";
since 1987. - Head of the Treaties Division of the Center of scientific and technical creativity of youth "MENATEP" at the Frunze RK Komsomol Moscow;
Since 1988 - deputy head of the Center for interdisciplinary scientific and technical programs;
1989-1991 i.i. - President of the Commercial Investment Bank of the Scientific and technological progress;
1991-1992 i.i. - Relations Director of the Bank Menatep and simultaneously head of the Department of Natural Resources MENATEP;
1992-1994 i.i. - Head Office to work with clients of the Bank MENATEP;
since 1993. - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors OKFP MENATEP; 1993-1996 i.i. - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank Menatep, while the head of the Office of Public Relations (1994-1996);
March 1996. - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, the deputy chairman of financial-industrial group ROSPROM;
April 1996. was appointed vice-president of JSC "Oil Company" YUKOS "and was elected a member of the Board of Directors of Yukos;
since 1997. - First Deputy of the Joint Board of ROSPROM-Yukos;
September 1997. was appointed first deputy general director of ITAR-TASS, was in charge of the agency's development, analytics and economic topics, news in pictures, developed the project phase corporatisation Agency, in October 1998. resigned from that post;
in 1993. during the election campaign for the elections to the State Duma of Russia entered the federal list of the electoral union "Transfiguration";
in 1993-1994 i.i. was a member of the Coordinating Council of the All-Russia movement "Entrepreneurs of the New Russia";
in 1996. entered the top 50 most influential entrepreneurs of Russia (according to the Interfax news agency);
member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Mayor, Mr.. Moscow, a member of the Board of Directors TEPKO Bank;
. Chairman Rossiyskogo Union investors
. member of the editorial board of "Echo of the planet";
. co-author of the book "A man with money" (about contemporary Russian businessmen), author of "Public Relations - Who nadoN Basic Training Course";
. is a professor of International University;
. Presidential Decree of 25 July 1996
. received a commendation B. Yeltsin, for his active participation in the organization and conduct of the election campaign of President of Russia;
March 1, 2001, Mr.. appointed i.o. President Rossiyskogo Jewish Congress / RIVERS /;
His political views relates to the liberal-conservative. Opposes the financial support of political organizations: "The parties do not offer commercial projects, but the bank is not a charitable organization
. awarded the Order of Friendship (1997);
. Married, two children, loves to travel, read, watch Western fighters.

. Leonid Nevzlin: professional activities

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Leonid Nevzlin, photo, biography
Leonid Nevzlin, photo, biography Leonid Nevzlin  Entrepreneur, a specialist in the field of PR, photo, biography
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