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Rauschenbach Boris V.

( Raketostroitel)

Comments for Rauschenbach Boris V.
Biography Rauschenbach Boris V.
(genus. January 18, 1915)
. Before the war the Institute, . where he worked Rauschenbach, . focused on building rockets with solid propellant missiles (in the war they call "Katusha"), . cruise missiles were considered hopeless, . Rauschenbach and took up the theory of combustion in air-jet engines.,
. Boris Rauschenbach was born January 18, 1915 in Petrograd - not St. Petersburg, but not Le ningrade
. His father worked as a foreman at a large shoe factory, and her children tried, insofar as was possible in those troubled years, educate originally German industriousness. Po-boy asked his father figure gave him a magazine "Airplane", he did not understand what they described, but with gusto looked at pictures of winged vehicles. So the father was not surprised when his son became a student of the new Leningrad Institute of Civil Aviation. Already on the second year you could see his aviation addiction. Boris's not so much worried about engineering questions: "How sdelatN" than theoretical: "Why takN". His first scientific work was called "Longitudinal stability beshvostnyh aircraft. He built a glider and flew it in Koktebel on the Black Sea, which have long competed with the glider. There in the summer of 1935 and the first time he saw a scowling black-eyed guy, not knowing yet that life is so intricately perepletet two of their fate: Sergei Korolev and Boris Raushenbaha.

. After graduating from the Institute, . Boris moves to Moscow, . trying to do the work in TsAGI - the first ISS-ledovatelsky aircraft center of the country, . but learns, . on the outskirts of the capital there are some seconds the differentiated Institute, . learn where the rocket, . - Something capricious and theoretically little meaningful,
. He was hitting-o Department Queen, who appoints its leading constructor of its cruise missile "212". Wi-laty airplane "212" was the biggest rocket queen, created before the war. It was for him the germ of rocket, which will win the stratosphere and all that endless, that stretches you-she stratosphere. But in the first flight on Jan. 29, 1939 Rauschenbach sent a rocket "212" without her chief designer: declared enemy of the people, Korolev, was preparing to dig gold mines to-lymskogo gulag.

. Before the war the Institute, . where he worked Rauschenbach, . focused on building rockets with solid propellant missiles (in the war they call "Katusha"), . cruise missiles were considered hopeless, . Rauschenbach and took up the theory of combustion in air-jet engines,
. The Institute On th start of the war were evacuated to the Urals, from the conscription Rauschenbach was released, as worded the work for the needs of the front, but because he was very surprised when I received a summons to the military commissariat. There he was immediately suspicious of one thing: all were caused by German names. Obviously, . Stalin was absolutely clear, . that man, . the passport which is in the column "nationality" means: "German", . simply can not be a Nazi spy! And if so, . they must be isolated in advance-ment, and especially with them without further ado: would die, . both would die, . means to live did not want to ...,
. So Rauschenbach was in a death camp - "Stroyotryad 18-74"
. But how else to name the camp, where for one day died ten chelovekN "I once knocked the wind - recalls Rauschenbach .- No, not a hurricane, but just the wind ... However, in the camp, I spent a short time: from spring to autumn 1942. I had an excellent position: controlling the master brick factory. I got 400 grams of bread and boiled grass, . so ate well ... "The same Korolev was sentenced to 10 years in the camps, . but he saw the edge of its a-her captivity, . he could wait for the release, . but that could wait RaushenbahN It in no way blamed, . nor sentences, which he could not endure, . no deadlines captivity he had not determined,
. There is, however, it ob-blaming that he was German, but he then realized that ethnicity is unlikely to undergo the years ca-Kie some changes ... Then he procured for him a special status: he was sitting in the camp and take up defensive positions calculations. When he finally appeared in Moscow, absurdity is not over: he made reports to the Defense Institute, was admitted to the joint. classified documents, but the police equates it with-rides in Moscow escaped from custody.
Everything will work out after the death of Stalin. Rauschenbach worked in SRI, which was led Mstis-lavas Keldysh - authoritative aerodynamics, future president of the Academy of Sciences. There he dealt with problems that require a virtuoso ownership mathematical apparatus: the theory of vibrational combustion, acoustic oscillations in single-flow engines, and other higher mathematics, re-pletayuscheysya with thermodynamics and acoustics. At 34, became a candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, 43 - the doctor, the 51 - member of the Academy of Sciences, 69 - Academician. However, we Zab-pressed forward ...

... Korolev met him, as if they had parted yesterday, though there was no Kolyma, or "stroyotryada 18-74". Just talking about the main. But the main thing that interested then Queen: The problem of governance of spacecraft. A distinctive feature Raushenbaha: it rarely and reluctantly took up a work-the one required to continue to develop, but always enjoyed the tasks before him there is no-lished. Before him lay the virgin virgin land, and he happily accepted it plowed. Rauschenbach said today, . that he and his young staff to guide and management resolved in principle for many years, . what, . example, . system, . made 30 years ago for our first communications satellite, Molniya, . for simplicity and reliability can hardly be surpassed in the future,
. Photos-tion of the lunar "neck" flights "East" and "Soyuz, Salyut and the World" - all this works Rauschen-Bahц?. Man incredible curiosity, he finds the food to his inexhaustible curiosity in areas that are impossible to predict. For example, fascinated by systems perspectives in Show-tion art, he has written two books on the subject. Before he wrote about this Filippo Brunelleschi and Paolo Uccello in the XV century ...
Once Boris Viktorovich expressed a wish to become a professor emeritus of the Soros Foundation. The representative of the Fund, Professor Valery N. Soifer embarrassment noticed that the title usually given only after 70 years.
- Do you think I skolkoN I am already 80! Well, not yet 80, but already tight for 70! - He corrected himself. - I exercise, I confess, not doing, but every day I go walk 10 kilometers. Probably because you younger-looking ...
Next year Raushenbahu turns 85. Vera M. - wife, Oksana, and Faith - the daughter. Amicable, a good family. Vnukov named in honor of grandparents: Boris and Vera. Vera is now 17 years old, a student at Moscow University ... Yes, you are ingenious: she is studying cybernetics and control processes ...

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Rauschenbach Boris V., photo, biography Rauschenbach Boris V.  Raketostroitel, photo, biography
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