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Pushkin Natalia-Lanskaya, nц?e Goncharova

( Wife AS Pushkin)

Comments for Pushkin Natalia-Lanskaya, nц?e Goncharova
Biography Pushkin Natalia-Lanskaya, nц?e Goncharova
(27.08.1812 - 26.11.1863)
God has generously bestowed upon the birth of her. She thought - beyond measure. She said later: "The beauty of my - from God!"
. Even in the age of eight all drawn attention to the rare, . classically antique perfection of her face and playfully scared mama - very nice beautiful woman, . - That the daughter eventually eclipsed her beauty and the suitors will not be hanging up! The stern and resolute mother in response pursed lips and, . shaking head, . said: "Too quiet, . no faults! In still waters run deep "and her eyes gleamed darkly ...,
. Tasha was born August 27, 1812 in the estate Karia, Tambov province, where the family lived Goncharovs with children following the forced departure from Moscow because of Napoleon's invasion
. Mother, . Natalia Ivanovna Goncharova, . thought, . that the youngest daughter incredibly spoiled in-law, . Athanasius N., . not produce up to six years to take away a granddaughter of linen factory (the vast family estate Goncharovs Kaluga) in Moscow, . on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, . where the family settled in the winter.,
. The girl was brought up by his grandfather, in the open air, a huge park with 13 ponds and swan pairs flying in them
. Grandfather of soul in it not chayavshy, . ordered for her toys and clothes from Paris: delivered to the estate of carefully packed boxes with satin ribbons, . which lay, . eyes closed, . porcelain dolls, . similar to the fairy princesses, . books, . balls, . more intricate toys, . expensive frocks, . even small children's hats for the crumbs, fashionable woman named Tasha.,
. One of the dolls mama in anger broke, only later, when Natasha returned to her parents' house.
. No one saw her despair, . but mother, . its unpredictable outbreaks of anger and rage, . quiet and thoughtful girl with long feared unutterably! Its amazing brown eyes with a mysterious uncertainty is often filled with tears glance, . but she dared not cry - after the tears would follow a more severe punishment! Remained one thing - to go into hiding in a corner and wait out the storm,
. So she did and being quite mature.

. Living next to a strict, always tense mother, sick father, Nikolai Afanasyevich, did not go to the benefit of Natalia she was morbidly silent and shy.
. Later, when she appeared in the fashionable salons of Moscow and St. Petersburg, this shyness and tendency to silence many considered a sign of low intelligence.
. So the quality, encouraged by the power mama - obedience, unquestioning obedience and silence - was joined by Natalia Goncharova disservice.

. Otherwise, . probably, . could not be in the family, . where he was seriously ill father - a passion for horse riding led to a tragic fall from a horse: a result of head injuries suffered Nikolai Afanasyevich Goncharov Blinded, . only in rare moments of becoming good, . charming, . witty - so, . it was in his youth, . before his illness,
. And all the decisions for male power, male mind and logic, the mother took. Goncharovas possessed extensive estates Yaropolets, . Karia, . Polotnyany Plant, . factory, . horse plant, . were famous in the whole province of Kaluga and Moscow! Manage Goncharivske entailed (estate, . no subject line and passing by inheritance to the eldest in the family, . usually the son) woman, . once a brilliant in the court of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevny, . accustomed to the delight, . worship, . noise balls, . was hard,
. She did not cope at times with a huge number of cases, but admit it to themselves or others, considered impermissible. Until age son Dmitri will manage everything herself completely and uncontrollably!
Such a power spoil the final character of the already difficult. But it is quite possible that for the sharpness and unrestrained hid Natalia Ivanovna usually female bewilderment and bitterness of life, the current is not too easy.
. Despite all the shortcomings of their children Natalia Ivanovna liked, like every mother
. Sons of Ivan and Sergei, . Grown, . identified in military service, . and their three young ladies gave great for those days for girls education: they knew the French, . German and English, . basis of history and geography, . Russian grammar, . versed in literature, . good library, . (collected by his father and grandfather) under the supervision of Natalia Ivanovna kept in a big way,
. Poems famous throughout Russia Pushkin knew by heart, copied to albums. Could they lead, and Housekeeping, knitting and sewing, well sitting in the saddle, drove horses, danced, and played not only on the piano - and could play a game of chess. Especially in a game of chess brilliant younger sister, Tasha.

. Here is what recalls early years of Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova her close friend and neighbor of Hope is what Eropkin: "I knew Natasha Goncharova, but it was more than friendly terms with my sister, Darya Mikhailovna
. Natalie is a girl is a remarkable beauty. Take her became very early, and she was always surrounded by a swarm of fans and admirer of the first place beauties of Moscow left behind her. "
(A notable fact. Among the admirers of Natalie was a lot of students of Moscow University - archival boys "in the words of Pushkin. It is unlikely that students historians began to communicate with the stupid young lady! - Author)
"I always admired her - continues further Yeropkina - Education in the countryside, in the fresh air has left her a legacy of ruddy health. Strong, agile, she was remarkably composed in proportion, which is why it was every movement is committed Graces. His eyes kind, funny, egged on with the flame from under their long eyelashes velvet ... But the chief charm Natalie was the absence of any affectation and naturalness. Most felt her yoke, but the accusation is unfair.
Unusually expressive eyes, charming smile and an attractive ease of use, against her will, she conquered all. Not her fault that everything in it was so amazingly good!.. Natalia was a surprising nugget in the family "- said in the conclusion of Nadezhda in his memoirs. (Quoted from the book of H. Rajewski "Portraits talking" t. 1. Izdatel'stvo "Zhazushy". A-Ata, 1983.)
This nugget is instantly struck by the heart and imagination of the famous poet, when he saw her dancing master balls Vogel, in a house in Tver Boulevard, in the winter of 1828-1829. She was barely 16 years have passed. In a white dress with a gold hoop on his head, all his regal splendor, harmony, spiritual beauty, she was introduced to Alexander Sergeyevich, which for the first time in his life was timid.
In a letter to the future mother-NI. Goncharova, on 5 April 1830, startling in its frankness, depth and power of feelings, he wrote: "When I saw her for the first time the beauty of it just started to notice in light of. I loved it, . my head swam, . I made a proposal, . Your answer, . with all its uncertainty at the moment, drove me crazy, the same night I went to the army; you ask me - zachemN I swear to you I do not know, . but some involuntary longing drove me from Moscow, I could not make it any of your, . or her presence ... "(Save the author's spelling of the letter) Natalia Ivanovna, . its usual captiousness and avarice, . has agreed not immediately, . Pushkin year took place in fiance Long and tedious resolved issues related to dowries.,
. Maybe, . from this losing in some ways his passionate, . infatuated with nature: the painful were his feelings of anguish and self-doubt and his right to happiness, . ability to give this happiness to another person, . especially the woman he loves, . who znaetN.,
. In a letter to Natalia Nikolaevna - the bride is the line: "Maybe she was right, (the mother of the bride - author) but I was wrong, for a moment believed that happiness is created for me. In any case, you are perfectly free, as for me, I assure you my word of honor that I will only belong to you, or never married ". (From a letter by the bride at the end of August 1830)

. But how gained from such a painfully beautiful, . long novel Russian literature, . received a gift of poetic genius of a brilliant series of poems ( "I loved you ...", . "Do not Sing, . Beauty, . with me ... ", . "In the hills of Georgia"), . and in the future and the masterpieces of epistolary genre - the poet's letters to his fiancee and his wife! Due to the tact, . intelligence and nobility Natalia kept carefully all Pushkin's letters to her, . even notes, . its the same - modesty - destroyed.,
. Rereading the even rows, . excerpts, . incomplete translations from French (modern translation can not convey the one-hundredth of originality and expressiveness of Pushkin's letters to his favorite!) can not get rid of the strange sensations: the unconscious man in love, . who wrote these lines a hundred years ago,
. Like you hear a voice, engaging and fascinating way that you can forget for a time to forget everything ...

. And then you understand why Natalia gave her hand and heart of man, much older than her, not rich, who had a secular society in the glory of the brilliant poet, but not very trustworthy person ...
. She put the blame of her age and say that she wanted to escape from the yoke of the mother, to gain confidence and freedom, which gives the position of a married woman, and love of the poet really could ever
. This is a complete nonsense!
. First of all, . Natalia that first dared to stand up for the honor of her future husband, . when it became finally clear that "Ms. Goncharova is afraid to give his daughter to a man, . which would have the misfortune to be in bad odor with the Emperor ",
. (A phrase. Pushkin from his letter to General aX. Benckendorff April 16, 1830)
. Natalia wrote a letter to his grandfather Athanasius Nikolayevich Goncharova on May 5, 1830: "I am saddened to learn the views of those thin, . that inspire you about it, . and I entreat you by your love for me not to believe onym, . because they are nothing, . as a vile slander! ",
. "She defended him from the infamy of slander, whether it was then not stand behind her honor to the death, that no sluchilosN!" (In
. Kunin.)
May 6, 1830 Alexander was officially announced her fiance Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova. Sent out notices of intent to marry.

Then an obstacle to the wedding were cholera quarantines ... Pushkin was locked up in the arms "Boldin Autumn". Gifts for him it was more than generous, but sometimes, not often received letters from his "Raphael's Madonna", Alexander fell into despair. He wrote a letter to his fiancee, in which the bitterness comes through in every word, despite the jesting tone:
. "Our wedding just runs away from me, and this tent with its quarantine - not whether it revolting mockery, what she could think sudbaN
. My angel, your love - the only thing in the world, which prevents me to hang on the gate of the castle of my sad ..
. Do not deprive me of this love and trust that it all my happiness! "(A. Pushkin - H. Goncharova. 30 September 1830.)
Native Natalia Nikolaevna, seeing the permanence and severity of the senses, gave way finally: February 18, 1831 (the date of the old-style) was held at a wedding in the Temple of the Ascension, on Nikitskaya in Moscow. The money Pushkin - 11 thousand, the sum in those days a considerable - the bride's dowry was sewed. And never say a word later, . no hint he would not understand either her, . wife, . nor anyone else from close, . had married without a Dowry! This later, . unashamedly, . remind others - historians and researchers, . pulling quotes from other people's letters, . memories, . and even gossip.,

. "Pretty creation (the expression of Vasily Zhukovsky, a charmed wife, friend) - Natalie" loved her, and Alexander was well aware of what is - to marry a poet
. She, incidentally, are rarely called him by name - only with very close friends. All quite understandable with such a difference in age and the respect she felt for him, the more educated the mother in the tradition of Respect for the Aged!

. Alexander Arapova, . daughter, Natalia Nikolaevna of the second marriage, . recalled the, . mother told her about the first months of life as a married lady: "Often in the morning she sat in the living room with her knitting and embroidery all alone, . she had none to exchange a word and, . because her husband was in the habit habit shut after breakfast in the office and write up to two hours in the afternoon, . but she dared not and did not want to disturb him, . forbidding and servants to make noise and disturb his master's in vain,
. The whole house went on tiptoe "- with humor finishes Alexandra. (Arapova. A.P. Memoirs. Quoted from the book in. Veresaeva "Pushkin in life. V.2.)
. In the seventeen years she became a single parent owner of a large and bright home, . almost always filled with laughter and chatter reviews, . which had to meet the constant smile, . set table, . hot tea and a friendly word, . independently because, . What is the mood and feeling ..,
. Summer 1831 Pushkin spent in Tsarskoe Selo. At one of the walks "poetic couple" met with the imperial couple,. This is what writing Pavlishchev Olga, sister of the poet: "The Empress (Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas I) in awe of Natalie and wants to be sure she has appeared at court. My sister is not happy about this, as intelligent, but she is so amiable and beautiful that and get on with the court and the Empress ". (Verbatim quotes from the letter O. S. Pavlishchev - husband. 13-15 August 1831)

Of course, she got along, of course, brilliant on the ball, but Pushkin is not quite like ... And it was linked not only with the infamous cell-cadets rank and uniform - this much has been written and there is some truth, and the great deal! - But, probably to the fact that public service is burdened by Pushkin, the poet free, pet Moose. After all, the Emperor appointed after this inadvertent summer meeting Pushkin official salary, and he has received from the Ruler job to write the story of Peter the Great and the Pugachev Rebellion. While serving in the archives, on long journeys in the Urals and the Orenburg region, he could no longer afford, as before, sit down, shut up, in Boldino or Michael and write, write, write ...

. However, he never reproached his wife in "life depends familistic, rightly judging that it is, this life," makes a person more moral "
. Pushkin was a happy family life and the happiness that was bright and rich! Who does not believe, can read his letters to his wife, they are published and printed in full, with detailed descriptions and accurate test for each date and each fact.
. We just cast a cautious glance at these letters, as befits a mannered people ...

. December 1831
. "You, my angel, so I love that I can not express ..." - That he, who knew how to express with words and rhymes slightest nuances of human emotions! - In the same letter, unobtrusive, and gentle surf and playful growl: "I do not read your poetry. Hell Whether in them, and their sick. Write to me better about themselves, about their health. (Natalia awaits first child - daughter Mary. She was born May 18 1832.g.) The choruses do not come, this is not the place for you ". Researchers Pushkin's long wondered about some verses in question, but did not understand. Probably Natalia sent her husband a poem dedicated to her ... Or maybe she was trying to write stihiN It is possible, the evidence simply did not survive.
. "You can not imagine how dreary without you - Pushkin wrote September 22, 1832, and anxiously inquired about the young daughter:" Masha-toN What it's evil and that SpasskiyN Ah, little wife-soul that is with thee budetN Farewell to write. "

. Natalia, "little wife-soul", answered correctly and in detail - in response to this letter, Alexander received as many as three, as she wrote enthusiastically
. By the way, memories of the late Vera Aleksandrovna Nashchokin, "receiving letters from his wife (1835) he was all beaming and often covered with beaded curtains handwriting leaves kisses. "He loved his wife crazy, always admired her natural good sense and kindness". While often separated from her husband, Natalia bored and sad, like any loving wife and sometimes grumbled at him, that he saves himself should not be behind him, not writing immediately upon arrival ... Pushkin playfully denied the charges: "The Russian is in no way disguises and, before reaching the place pig pig goes to the bath, which is our second mother. Do not you baptized, that just does not znaeshN In Moscow, the letters are accepted until 12 hours - I drove into the Tverskaya Zastava promptly at 11, investigative, and postponed writing to you to another day. You see, I'm right, and you're around vinovataN "- celebrates the poet. So it is heard in this celebration truly men smile!

Filled with Pushkin's letters and questions about children (six years of marriage Natalia gave birth to 4 children), probably a good mother wrote to him about them a lot and in detail. Here's one answer: "As to you, then the glory of thy beauty, and came to our priest's wife, who insists that you all took, not only the person but figure of. What do you bolsheN Forgive me, kiss you and bless. Aunt (Catherine Ivanovna Zagryazhskoy - by) the whole hand. Does MashaN Walks liN What zubkiN Sasha whistle. Goodbye. (Pushkin - NN. Pushkina 11 October 1833, Mr.. Mikhailovskoye). Were these letters and gentle rebukes of coquetry "with a diplomatic" - Madonna poet of some twenty-odd, she rejoices heartily, sincerely tells her husband about their noisy secular success. "Be young, because you are young, and reign, because it is beautiful! - He says. For coquetry and waltzes with the Emperor, promises to "tear off the ears very gently". And thanks for the clean evening prayer for him and the children: "It's good that you pray on their knees in the middle of the room ... Perhaps because of your pure prayer, God will forgive me my sins! "(Letters 1834. Quotes - literally.)

But Natalia wrote to him not only of children and balls. She was interested in his affairs, essays, creative plans and the original idea. He discussed with her in detail the plans of novels and poems - short of calls home, talks with Viazemsky, Pletnev, Zhukovsky ... But only one he wrote to her of the unseen: "I work to deposition Reese, . keep the proofs of two volumes - ( "The History of Pugachev") suddenly, . write notes "(July 26, 1834.) The most important evidence of attention to the affairs Natalia Nikolaevna husband considered the poet's letters to her from Moscow 1835-36 gg.,
. Here and in the publication "Contemporary" - Natalia perform drafting assignments her husband and explain the censorship committee, - it is the poet shared his dreams of working in the archives - and stories about the rehearsals in Moscow on Gogol's comedy The Inspector.
. Natalia helped her husband purchase the required number of paper for printing of the journal
. In her letters to his brother Dm.N. Goncharova about "paper transactions" Pushkin is the line: "I beg you, my friend and dear brother, do not deny us if our request, to which we appeal to you, do not provide for you no problems, and in no way does not overburden". (18 August 1835) The reader, of course, drew attention to the words: "we" and "our" ...
. Beloved sister in the request was denied, and already in the next letter, she pointed to his brother the specific delivery of paper and wrote about his heartfelt thanks to Alexander Sergeyevich.
. Often in his letters to his older brother and requests for money: children growing up, it was necessary to maintain a large house for a big family - from autumn 1834
. Pushkin lived with her sister Natalia Nikolaevna, Alexander and Catherine (cm. Essays EH. Goncharova, Baroness Gekkern D'Antes and AN. Goncharova, Baroness von Vogel Frizengof). How could, Natalia tried to save her husband from the hardships and trivialities of life ". "I frankly confess - she wrote to his brother - that we are in such distress, that there are days when I do not know how to run the house, my head is spinning. I really do not want to bother her husband with all its petty economic worries, . and without that I see, . it sad, . depressed, . can not sleep at night, . and, . consequently, . in this state is unable to work, . to provide us with a livelihood: in order, . to compose, . His head must be free,
. My husband gave me so many proofs of their delicacy and disinterestedness, that is quite true, if my part, I will try to ease his position ". (NN. Pushkin - Au. N. Goncharova July 1836.)

. Not know, . for whom, . but for me, . in those lines - a reflection of the, . that Alexander loved in his Madonna and most of what he wrote on Aug. 21, 1831: "She looked in the mirror if you, . and are you certain, . that your face nothing can compare to the light, . and your soul I love even more your face! ",
. Why could not see it this beautiful soul before - his contemporaries - and later - descendants - Heaven only knows!
. Even Vyazemskij always a little in love with the wife of his famous friend, wrote after the death of the poet in one of private letters: "Pushkin was the first victim (be it said between us) tactlessness his wife and her inability to behave"
. Replied Prince Vyazemsky serve the poet's words: "Of course, my friend, except you in my life is no consolation - and live with you apart as stupid as hard". (letter to his wife in 1833)

Write a lot of researchers and that in the last months before his duel with the consent of the family in the house of Pushkin was disrupted by frequent quarrels. Is not true. One of the visitors to the Pushkin house painting long thought that he saw "through the open door of the Cabinet of the poet, before he had to go there: Pushkin was sitting on the couch, and at his feet, his head leaning on his knees, sat Natalia. Her wonderful ash curls gently stroking the hand of the poet. Looking at his wife, he thoughtfully and gently smiling ... "(Veresaev In. "Pushkin in Life Vol.2)

. This is surprising, . But despite all the tension and emotional burden predduelnyh months, . Therefore, it is carefully guarded his peace Madonna, . that she could not guess the impending danger, . about, . that dueling challenges were two, . not one! The first marriage ended D'Antesa, . second - a mortal wound Pushkin,
. It is hard to believe, but Natalia really did not know! D'Antes and angered and amused her with his courting, bouquets, notes, she waved her hand from his importunate compliments from her sister Catherine, who threw her accusations of jealousy. She tried to warn the usually proud Coco (home name Ekaterina Nikolaevna) from the rash step, but could not, dared not insist on its. According to the memoirs of Constantia - governess children Natalia Nikolaevna - it is (NN. Pushkin) "was struck by, . that after marrying Baron D'Antes not left his courtship of her, and only, . to put an end to all this, . decided on a single meeting with him at the apartment of her friend Idalia's Poletika, . wife of the regimental commander Baron D'Antesa ",
. (Arapova A.P. Memoirs.) Idalia present at this. Rendezvous for "love" Baron - the conqueror of hearts - come to nothing: Natalia angrily broke off his ardent declaration and left the apartment to friends. She hoped no one would know about it the wrong step, for which it paid a "happiness and peace throughout his life" (her own words), but whether friend did not keep secrets, whether he D'Antes decided to turn defeat into victory ... Pushkin knew everything.

. Echoes of his candid conversation with his wife is in a letter to Baron predduelnom Gekkernu: "My wife, . Astonished at such cowardice and vulgarity, . could not help laughing, . and the sense, . which, . may be caused in her this great and sublime passion, . extinguished in contempt the very quiet and well-deserved disgust ..,
. I can not afford, . that your son, . after their vile behavior, . dare to talk to my wife, . and still less - that he let her barracks puns and playing the loyalty and unrequited love, . whereas he just rogue and a scoundrel! "(Pushkin - Gekkernu,
. January 26. 1837.) A few days after sending the letter held a duel.

. The first words of a wounded Pushkin, . when he made the house, . were words, . addressed to his wife: "Be calm, . you do not what's not to blame! "Then for her mixed up days and nights, . she came to after fainting and sobbing, . walked into the office of her husband, . fell on his knees in front of his bed again, and silently wept.,
. There came the doctor, she tried to console himself at least a small hope
. But she was not ... She knew that was not, although the doctor said nothing. Countess Daria Feodorovna Fikelmon then wrote: "the unfortunate wife with great difficulty saved from the madness, in which it seemed to be irresistibly attracted sad and deep despair ..." (Gy. Fikelmon. Diary. Quoted from the book. A. Kuznetsova "My Madonna" M. 1983) When Natalia Nikolaevna bezotluchno were: Princess Vera Feodorovna Vyazemskaya, Countess Julia Pavlovna Stroganov, girlfriend, Princess Ekaterina N. Karamzin-Meshcherskaya, sister and aunt Alexandrina, Katerina Ivanovna Zagryazhskaya.
. Dr. Vladimir Dahl, Ivan Timofeyevich Spassky, the court doctor, Dr. Arendt, who arrived on the personal orders of the Emperor, and cared for the wounded Pushkin, and for her.

. Here's what he wrote later, Prince Vyazemsky: "And he said, and repeated several times Arendt's remarkable and wonderful word of comfort on this sad adventure:" For Pushkin sorry, . that he was not killed on the spot, . because of his inexpressible anguish, but for the honor of his wife - this happiness, . that he was still alive.,
. None of us saw him, they can not be doubted her innocence and love, which Pushkin has kept her.

. You must know Arendt, his absent-mindedness and his habit of such scenes, to understand the full force of his impressions.
. Hence, the apparent they were so convincing, so striking and full of truth, that has aroused his attention and he was seized "
. (From a letter Viazemsky - D. Davydov) Vladimir Dahl said: "In the last hours of life Pushkin done the impossible: it reconciled me with death."
. But whether it was possible to come to terms with his death she, . that, . he loved more than life, . the present value of these slovN! Shortly after the tragedy, she wrote a letter of Medicine and Sofia Nikolaevna Karamzin: "I wrote out here all his works and tried to read them, . but it is still, . that hear his voice, . and it is so hard! ",
. It is with children and sister lived in the linen factory, . the care of his brother and mother until 1839, . went to Michael, . delivered the first monument on the grave of Pushkin, . ensured that, . that his ashes were reburied properly - in February 1837 there were severe frosts and the tomb Pushkin made a temporary shelter.,
. In 1838 she went to the Board of Trustees with a request to redeem the village Mikhailovskoe and give the children in the inheritance of Pushkin
. The Board of Trustees approved the request. In a letter to Count Wielhorsky, who headed the Council, is the line "more than I would have liked to settle in the village where he lived for several years, my late husband, which he liked especially, near where the remains buried, and his. I asked about income from this estate, the price of its. Prices do not it for me and for my children! "(NN. Pushkin - gr. M.Yu.. Wielhorsky May 22, 1838.)

. In 1839, Natalia children and her sister returned to St. Petersburg, but knew it only close family friends and aunt Katerina Ivanovna, who took off his niece and her children from an apartment in Aptekarskii Lane
. Pyotr Pletnev, in a letter to the historian and memoirist I. Groth said: "Tell the Baroness Korf, that Pushkin is very interesting. In her way of thinking, and particularly in her life is something sublime. She interesnichaet, but submits to fate. She behaves well, not at all trying to show that ". (P. Pletnev - I. Grote August 22, 1840) gathered a small circle of close, read, played music, painted, were intimate conversations. They came Vyazemsky, Pletnev, Karamzin, looked at the flame VI. Dahl, when he was in St. Petersburg. In 1843, the first time after several years of seclusion Natalia visited the theater and concert hall. Accidental meeting with the Emperor changed her destiny. She again had to visit the court and to appear in society empress, which is sympathetic to her. Along with the signs of respectful attention that it has received, as the widow of the first poets of Russia, was everything: the conviction, and again a wave of bad gossip and rumors, and even hatred. She was still blindingly, amazingly beautiful. There were pretenders to her hand and heart.
There were even titlist. But she said, "all she needed, but not her children!" And she was living children. And memories. Shadow Pushkin was everywhere with her. Protect and safeguard. All stones contempt and slander fell before reaching her. In 1843, Natalia met a brother-soldier brother of Sergei Nikolaevich Goncharov, Pyotr Petrovich Lansky. Those in the 45 years considered himself a confirmed bachelor and first visited Natalia Nikolaevna simply as a pleasant acquaintance with the pleasure of speaking with the children, tied to a warm family home, more and more.

. After receiving the command of an elite, the Life Guards cavalry regiment, which stood near St. Petersburg, and a large apartment, Pyotr Petrovich Lanskoy made an offer to the widow of Poet
. The wedding took place July 16, 1844 in Strelna, where the regiment was raskomandirovan. The emperor, who Lanskoy, as expected, asked for permission to marry, has congratulated the groom with an excellent choice and wished to be giving away the bride. Natalia, on learning of the request, said firmly: "Our wedding should be very modest. It may be present only family and closest friends. Give the Emperor - that he may forgive me, otherwise, God forgive me! "(A.P. Arapova. Memoirs) Even with wedding visits to friends of Pushkin - Vyazemsky, Pletnev, Wielhorsky she went alone, without Petr Petrovich. Those duly appreciated its high tact and delicacy, sincerely, sincerely wishing them. Cordial and warm relations between them with Natalia Nikolaevna went on and on.

In Alexandra, married to Lansky Natalya Nikolaevna had more daughters - Elizabeth and Sophia. In close-knit family and a large educated nephew Paul Lansky, and the sister's son Alexander Sergeyevich - Lyova a hot head, good heart - a ringer Pushkin! " - As saying Natalia. Vacations and weekends in this noisy and cheerful home board and son Nashchokin, which Natalia sorry especially since his family was far away in Moscow. She wrote Lansky: "Positively, my vocation to be the headmistress of an orphanage: God sends me my children from all sides, and I think this does not hinder, their gaiety me distracted and amused". (From a letter Lansky. June 1848) She still attended court balls, and evening, accompanied by her husband in inspection trips to Vyatka and Moscow (1854). But the whole preferred to close family circle, the society mother and children.
. Despite the fact that Natalia was surrounded with care and affection the whole family, children and the husband is often noticed that her eyes filled with some inner focusing sadness
. "Sometimes this longing seizes me, that I feel the need of prayer. These moments of contemplation before the icon, in the most secluded corner of the house, bring me relief. Then again I gain peace of mind that used to often mistaken for coldness and me in it reproached. What podelaeshN The heart has its own modesty. Allow to read their feelings seems profanation. Only God and a select few have the key to my heart "- a frank admission preserved in a letter to Natalia Nikolaevna Lansky (v1849 g.)

. What can be added to etomuN might be better promolchatN The first of these elected wore bright name - Pushkin and the name is a radiantly threw her shadow on it until her very death
. Dying, in a feverish daze, she whispered, with white lips: "Pushkin, thou shalt live!" - Although Pushkin was not there for thirty three years. Nearby was only his immortal shadow, yearning for the soul of that which he loved more than life. The soul that came to him on Nov. 26, 1863, gloomy autumn morning, accompanied by tears of cold rain, rolling in a fine snow ...
PS. Ashes Natalia Nikolaevna was buried in the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Stamped on the monument to one name: "Lanskaya". Is it time to add vtoruyuN Or rather the first, gave it eternal life in the history RossiiN
All letters and documents listed in the article quoted from the books:
1. VV Kunin. Friends of Pushkin v.2. M. Izdatel'stvo "Pravda" in 1986
2. Kuznetsova AA. "My Madonna" Izd-vo "Sov. Writer ". M. 1987
3. Veresaev VV. "Pushkin in life," v.2.
4. N.A. Raevskii "Portraits talking" v.1. A-Ata, Izd-vo "Zhazushy". 1983.
5. Pushkin A.S. Letters 1831-33 he. Edition with commentary and notes L.B. Modzalevsky "Academy" in 1933 (playing п?п?п©я€п?пҐя?пҐпЎп? M. Publishing. "Book" 1999. v.3.
Many documents, facts, strokes to the course of life poet's wife remained outside the article. Refer the reader wanting to know more than is written here, to the sea of books and publications. And most importantly - any edition of Pushkin's letters to his wife. Article 170 is completed on the day of the wedding anniversary of Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova.

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  • Lika for Pushkin Natalia-Lanskaya, nц?e Goncharova
  • I've seen many BAD translations from Russian to English, but this one "is the worsest": "with soul in it not chayavshy.. raskomandirovan - if the reader don't speak russian fluently, he or she would never guess that the granddad loved Natasha very much(loved her most of all - Her, not "it" the girl is not a cat, or another pet or thing!) Raskomandirovan - the regiment was accomodated. "Its ..brown eyes" - HER brown eyes, of cause! "Pushkin was a happy family life" - not "WAS" but "had", my dears! Very interesting text, which is interpreted very badly.
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