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( The Director-General of the Agency `Information Resources' member of the World Club Petersburgers.)

Comments for IVANOV Sergey
Biography IVANOV Sergey
Born in Leningrad in May 1954. Until twelve years he lived on Vasilevsky Island on the waterfront Makarova, then the family moved to Goladay (this is also part of Basil). How many can remember, always in front of the windows were expanse of water: first, Neva, then - a bay with a looming on the horizon Kronstadt cathedral.
School days remembered incredible number of books read and watched movies. Study itself did not bother. From childhood he loved the theater, music, circus. Always amazed talents, abilities and creative people, writers, composers, artists, athletes ...
In 1972 he entered the Naval School of Radio Electronics. A.S. Popova. School. Beautiful place - New Peterhof. Fountains. Proteins in the Lower Park, visits and walks with my girlfriend. First meeting with not only professional, but also possessed by people - "romantic professionals". Chief among them was the head of department Alexey Dronin Gavrilovich. About him was legendary, and he created the legend. His myth-making morally supported the students, creating a romantic vision, which gives strength to overcome the daily routine. Many of the reserves will last for years of service.
Married in 1975. Wife Maria. So far, my only love. In 1976, a son.
Between 1977 and 1996, the office of the Northern Fleet with two-year break to study at the Academy.
He started his service on engineering positions. Distrust of the classical interpretation of the laws of physics and the need to solve complex technical problems ancillary facilities have initiated an intensive creative process, . which was accompanied by the development and introduction of new technical solutions, . writing applications for inventions and extensive correspondence with VNIIGPE,
. The results of this activity - more than 50 implemented inventions and technical solutions, more than 20 scientific publications.
After the Academy of inventive activity has become a hobby. I had to command a large number of people to learn and practice social psychology.
He graduated from the service with the rank of captain 1 rank in 1996.
The first acquaintance with the Internet in 1995. Full delight. Since this is his main passion, and then - the main professional occupation.
Adapting to civilian life was short, but painful, especially for families. Rescued professional computer skills and belief in success.
In 1997 he organized a company for integrated information support for business and the implementation of the Internet - projects. At the two commercial projects there is one for the soul. Total has more than 40 sites, including the "official sites" St. Petersburg.
Among the achievements of the company:

Developed and integrated support to a number of major economic and social projects supported.
Effective number of leading PR firms (media, Internet, exhibitions). For the period of customers of AIR, in addition to the committees of the city administration, were more than 100 companies, including leading enterprises of St. Petersburg and the region.
Creating a basis for the formation of a unified information space of the North - West Russia
. Receiving Agency status of firm-operator St. Petersburg Administration Information Management Investment Program (www.investor.spb.ru) and inter-regional cooperation programs (www.kvs.spb.ru), . image projects and programs citywide values (www.ceo.spb.ru, . petersburgcity.com, . www.wwclub.spb.ru),
Effective implementation of own projects, among them: Russia project "Russia's shipbuilding portal" (supervised by academician VM. Pashin) project on ritual or cultural memory "Rekviem.ru" Petersburg Social Portal.
Work in the field of information and telecommunications makes it possible to form the information space, creating the conditions for intellectual development and spiritual evolution of everyone. As those who create the Internet, and of those who only enjoys.
A special task - representing the world of St. Petersburg. Seven thematic Internet projects, created and supported by agency, form, interconnected English-language news space - a virtual frame of our beautiful city.
Why am I delayuN
I love to Leningrad, I know and feel it.
I love my countrymen, and I want them to know and understand themselves and their families.
I know that the world's distrust of Russia and Russians.
Look PochemuN Petersburg sites, read about the participants of the project "Personalities of St. Petersburg". This is a decent, wonderful person. Hundreds of thousands more, not less worthy, are living in our city. Lend a hand.

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  • me for IVANOV Sergey
  • Half of the sites, so vividly described in the media, made by people who promised to pay - and traditionally overlooked. Concerning me, the internet posted two sites - the North Sea and PetersburgWeb, rights belong to me, but payment for which I have not received. And they exhibited on behalf of the AIR. That is so kidalovo. PS. I have documented my Reaffirmation is interested Movie grant.
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    IVANOV Sergey, photo, biography
    IVANOV Sergey, photo, biography IVANOV Sergey  The Director-General of the Agency `Information Resources' member of the World Club Petersburgers., photo, biography
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