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Al Binshtok Mironovna

( Artist)

Comments for Al Binshtok Mironovna
Biography Al Binshtok Mironovna
Born in Moscow in 1929.
She graduated from Tartu State Art Institute of the Estonian SSR in 1955.
In 1955-56.. taught at the Art School of the city Kostroma.
Since 1957 he has participated in national and Moscow exhibitions.
From 1957 to 1989 worked in the factory of monumental art, the author of many stained glass windows, mosaics, chekanok etc.. in different cities of the country.
. Collections where works
. Works are in the Museum of Fine Arts, Kostroma, Russia,
. Pavlodar Regional Art Museum of Fine Arts, Russia,
. Museum Research Center Pushchino, Russia,
. private collections in Moscow, Prague, Minsk, Chicago, New York, Montreal

Participation in exhibitions and auctions

1981 Personal exhibition. Kostroma Museum of Fine Arts. Russia;
1991 Personal exhibition. Exhibition Hall Street. Vavilov. Moscow;
1993 Personal exhibition. City Library. Beersheba. Israel.

Autobiographical notes

Finally I decided that I would be an artist in 14 years. I think that the artist - is the one who creates his own world, finding your paint, your colors, your images.
This world can be tremendous, may be a chamber. Let it be a chamber, but this is my world, lives in my soul. I want it to be intrinsically bright and warm. Then close the mood of my people will strive for this world, regardless of the language in which they speak.

... Al Binshtok - not just an artist-master. Al Binshtok - artist-poet.
What I mean by calling her poetomN
Look closely to her work, my memory of Sarah "(1985)," Farewell to Moscow "(1976) and others. Your first impression: they are not finished! they are not finished! - Lasts only a few seconds, . yielding guess, . that before you in every case absolutely poetic work! You look at the canvas and gradually realize, . that the apparent incompleteness - incompleteness of some strokes, . nepropisannost some parts, . sometimes sharp clashes colors - these are the "omission of meanings", . that leave the viewer amazingly deep space for guessing, . dovoobrazheniya, . doperezhivaniya,
. In this case there is no shadow of a doubt that the author of the picture knows what is missing, omitted, left out (literally!) Images.
. Apparently, I must say that it was not alien to the political motives ( "Removing the monument," 1985; "Seven Angels", 1986, and others) - we live, we are all not on a cloud, in the words of Alexander Galich ..
. She can write a tight, expressive landscape, after which long reigned in the soul of mischief and restlessness. She is not afraid to experiment with and a sharp way of expressing their thoughts and feelings picturesque. Her portrait work can be located at all gradations of the genre - from the most realism to pure romanticism and symbolism, even ...
... And, finally, self-portraits, painted in 1951, 1957 and 1965. Some fear, confusion in the first, careful glaring in the world around us in the second and firmness of spirit, true to its path in the third - that's clear to read in them. Artist-poet tells about itself. But is it only about sebeN not about whether what he wants to see us with you - intelligent, kind, honest, and sometimes, in spite of that, happy people.

H. Basovskii

Bio-bibliographical Dictionary of Artists of the USSR, Volume 1, edition 1970;
Magazine "Youth", N9, 1969, color. inset;
"World lexicon of artists", Volume 9, Germany;
Catalog "Al Binshtok. Painting. ", Moscow, 1990;
"The world of the artist", Moscow, izd. "Soviet Artist", 1991;
Product Group exhibition "As pure spring", Moscow, izd. "Moscow artist, July 14, 1991, p.. 3-17.

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Al Binshtok Mironovna, photo, biography
Al Binshtok Mironovna, photo, biography Al Binshtok Mironovna  Artist, photo, biography
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