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Arseniev Konstantin

( statistician, historian and geographer)

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Biography Arseniev Konstantin
Born October 12, 1789 in the priest's family sat Mirohanova, Kostroma province, Chuhlomskogo county, education in the Kostroma seminary and St. Petersburg Pedagogical Institute. He taught at the Institute of Latin language and geography, in addition, he taught at the engineering college, which attracted the attention of the Grand Duke Nicholas. In 1819, with the transformation of the institute in the university and. was identified by adjunct faculty of Geography and Statistics. Two years later the storm burst over the University: Trustee of his notorious Runich became clear the University of "harmful" elements. Having reviewed the lectures of, . published under the title: 'Font Style statistics Rossiyskogo States "(St. Petersburg, . 1818 - 19), . and selecting from them "bad place", . in which free labor triumphs over serf labor, . glorified freedom crafts, . deplores the lack of codification of laws (the body did not yet exist), . condemned corruptibility judges and t,
. n., Runich found that these lectures are "a deliberate system of unbelief and the rules of vicious and destructive in regard to morals, ideas and spirit of the students," and ordered the immediate suspension of the rector of the university lecture A. Along with other professors who had undergone the same fate, A. was devoted specifically established "the university court". It would end for A. very sad, but it saved the intercession of the Grand Duke Nicholas. Retired from the university, and. continued to teach in the main engineering and artillery school, and soon he was even allowed to devote his "History of the peoples and republics of ancient Greece" (St. Petersburg, 1825 - 26) named after the emperor. In 1824 A. was appointed editor of the commission to formulate laws. Post which he held until 1828, when he was appointed teacher of the heir to the throne. By voluntarily Nicholas, A. was charged with the teaching of statistics and history, as well as printed material on Statistics of Russia were then in a very sad state, then immediately on the appointment of a. held Supreme Order of habeas him "from all the ministries of information needed to compile statistics for the teaching of Russia Empire heir to the throne". In 1835 A. The highest was allowed to retrieve from the state archives and archives of Foreign Affairs of the acts necessary for the presentation and teaching of modern Russian history. This unique position delivered a. opportunity to enrich our historical science of the mass of new data, . extracted from the protocols (the Supreme Privy Council), . from the investigation of cases (Column Denier, etc.) and other documents, . and, . thus, . shed light on the era, . former at the time for the science of protected,
. Until now, to preserve the scientific value of his historical works: "The reign of Peter II" (St. Petersburg, 1839), "The reign of Catherine I" (St. Petersburg, 1856), as well as his "Statistical profiles of Russia (St. Petersburg, 1848), in the preparation of which A. used unpublished data mining department, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments. As a teacher, a. had unquestionable impact on the way of thinking and the nature of the future Tsar-Liberator. Individual student to teacher ratio was heartfelt. Dedicating their Tsarevich "Statistical Essays," A. wrote, among other things: "I remember with what you mourned the participation of the various barriers to the free development of new and better life for the people". These words aroused the wrath of secret censorship committee, established in 1848, and were, by his order, excluded from the dedication, they have survived only in a few instances. There is no doubt that they belong mainly to Serfdom. When the rescript was issued November 20, 1857, initiating the release of the peasants, the comrades A. the Academy welcomed him as one of those who planted in the soul of the emperor thought about the need to abolish serfdom. When in 1837 Cesarevich undertook a trip to Russia, he was accompanied by Zhukovsky and A., who led the educational side trips and indexing sites, requiring a more detailed examination. From 1832 to 1853 A., with the rank of a member of the Council of the Ministry of the Interior, in charge of the statistical committees established under the Ministry of his thoughts, and did much for the organization of the Russian Statistics. In 1836 A. was elected to membership in the Academy of Russia, in 1838 - an honorary member of the St. Petersburg University, after the abolition of Russia's Academy was an ordinary academician of the Academy of Sciences (Department of the Russian language and literature). In 1845 he, along with Count F.P. Litke, laid the foundation of the Geographical Society, which from 1850 to 1854 was Deputy Chairman. A. died November 29, 1865. In addition to the already works, A. published: "A brief general geography" (St. Petersburg, 1818, 20-ed. 1849), written on behalf of school authorities and for 30 years as the only textbook on the subject, "Review of the physical state of Russia and the benefits derived from that for crafts, now existing" (St. Petersburg, 1818). In addition, A. belongs to many articles and studies published in periodicals of the time. After his death the Academy Pekarsky issued collected a. from the archives of documents under the title: "Historical Paper KI. Arsen'eva (St. Petersburg, 1872), a book of this biography is attached A.

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Arseniev Konstantin, photo, biography
Arseniev Konstantin, photo, biography Arseniev Konstantin  statistician, historian and geographer, photo, biography
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