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Balugyansky Mikhail

( scientist and statesman)

Comments for Balugyansky Mikhail
Biography Balugyansky Mikhail
Born in Hungary in Tsemplinskom Committee in 1769. He graduated from the course at the Faculty of the University of Vienna. He was a professor of the newly established grand vardeynskoy Academy, where he taught science and economic and political; later was a professor at the University of Pest. In 1803 B. was invited to teach at Petersburg, where he committed while transform teachers 'seminary, first in the teachers' school, then in the Pedagogical Institute. To fill the shortage of professors decided to write for young scientists from the Slavic countries of Austria. Mediator in the negotiations was Gough surgeon Eagle, he came from the Austrian Slavs. Among those invited was and B. In addition to professors, he was assigned to the second expedition to the commission to formulate laws for the post of editor, part of the state economy and finance. From 1809 to 1812 was Chief of Branch IV of the Commission; worked for the Ministry of Finance. From 1813 to 1817 he taught economics and political science, Grand Duke Nikolai and Mikhail Pavlovich. A commission to formulate laws passed in B. variety of change projects. He had to participate in the drafting of a set of public law, laws, rural, reorganization of ministries and in the development of individual issues of economic and financial legislation (the monetary system of land tax, etc.). He studied, . for the attention of the State Council, . history of financial administration, . starting from the time of Peter the Great until 1812, participated in the works for the release Lifliandskii peasants from serfdom, . drew up, . on behalf of the Minister of Finance, . new financial plan, . driven by the need to cover the costs of war,
. This plan was presented to the Emperor in 1814, through the Minister of Finance Count Gur'eva was presented to the Emperor and extensive note B. on the release of the peasants from serfdom. Subsequently, the formation in 1837 (on what work was involved, and BI) of the Ministry of State Property, of the note has been borrowed many ideas and guidance. Soon after the opening of the St. Petersburg University (1819) B. was elected Dean of Philosophy and Faculty of Law, where he read the encyclopedia of legal and political sciences and political economy. October 27 that same year he was elected and approved by the university rector. When the initiative of district trustee Runich and with the assistance of director of the University Kavelina began a persecution of professors (Kunitsyn, Arseniev, Galic, Raupaha), accused of spreading ideas contrary to Christianity, and revolutionary, B. very strongly and passionately defended his comrades and, convinced that his protests against the practiced methods of investigation are not successful, relinquished his title of Rector (31 October 1821). Being a professor (until April 12, 1824), B. continued to struggle with Runich. Meanwhile B. was again determined (April 21, 1822) to the commission to formulate laws of its board members, and he was charged superintendence clerical council. Here he met again with Speransky, who on his return from exile, was charged with supervision over the work of the Commission. Following the accession of Emperor Nicholas I called B. to him, gave him his intention to put in order the legislation and consulted with him about the way the execution of this intention. January 31, 1826 established Part II C. E. I. V. Office, which was entrusted with the codification of laws, and on April 4 B. was appointed head of the institution. The main leadership of the work was entrusted Speransky. Thus, B. became a close associate Speranskii when drafting the Code of Laws; good personal relations between them have contributed to the success of the case. Main role played Speranski: B. alone did not appear and was only executor or advisor on specific issues. In 1828 B. was entrusted with the training sessions for those students Theological Academy, who were elected to prepare for the teaching of legal sciences in higher education. This instruction B. paid great attention to and directly supervised the work of students, two years later seconded for further studies abroad. In 1839 B. was appointed Senator. In Chief compartment II B. and remained under the successors of Speransky (the chief superintendent II Branch) DV. Dashkova and D.N. Bludova, until his death, April 3, 1847. Scientific papers and notes B. has not yet been printed and stored in the affairs of the Division II (Archives of the State Council). The biggest is his work on the history of different economic systems. B. had a diverse and broad knowledge in the field of economics and political science, ability to work methodically and manage the work of other. As a lecturer, according to the words of his pupil, the Emperor Nicholas I, he was not distinguished by the gift of speech. Russian language he mastered bad, many foreign could easily write, but not easily explained. Contemporaries unanimously speak of him as a very humble, gentle, direct and noble. - See. P. Baranov, M. A. BA (St. Petersburg, 1882). Bar. A. Nolde.

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Balugyansky Mikhail, photo, biography Balugyansky Mikhail  scientist and statesman, photo, biography
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