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Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold

( Company founder, FA Brockhaus in Leipzig)

Comments for Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold
Biography Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold
born May 4, 1772. in Dortmund, attended a local high school, then studied in business in Dusseldorf, and in 1793, Mr.. went to Leipzig, where in the course of two years of very hard in science and the study of modern languages. In Dortmund he founded in 1795, Mr.. wholesale British draper, which in 1802. transferred to Amsterdam. Due to the closure of the European continent to British goods at the end of 1804, he was forced to stop its. Feeding a special tendency for the book trade, Brockhaus founded October 15, 1805, Mr.. Amsterdam Enterprise Trade and publication of German books, the title of which took over the printer IG. Roelof because Brockhaus, as a foreigner, could not be a member of knigoprodavcheskoy corporation, and which therefore acted first under the guise of "Rohloff u. Comp. ", And from 1807 g. became known as the "Kunst-und Industrie-Comptoir". Undertaken by Brockhaus in 1806. and devoted to modern history and literature periodical in Dutch "De Ster" ( "Star") after treatment Batavian Republic in the Kingdom of the Netherlands have already been banned after the first quarter of the year, . and replacing it "Amsterdamsch Avon-Journaal" suffered the same fate in a more short-term,
. However, Brockhaus founded the monthly magazine in German "Individualitaten" Cramer (1806 - 1807), . as well as the fictional French edition, . overlooking three months: "Le Conservateur" (1,807 - 1808) and published many works of the sciences, . politics and belles-lettres,
. But his knigoprodavcheskoe enterprise under adverse circumstances at the time, especially after the junction of Holland with France, could not run smoothly, so he decided to leave Amsterdam and move their business to Germany. In 1811, Mr.. he resumed in Altenburg its publishing activities, first under the guise of "Kunst-und Industrie Comptoir von Amsterdam", which is January 15, 1814, Mr.. replaced preserved until now by "FA. Brockhaus ".
In 1808. Brockhaus bought the publication rights started in 1796, Mr.. "Conversation Lexikon" and finished his first edition in 1809 - 1811 with the addition of two additional volumes. He understood the importance of this enterprise and in 1812. proceeded to the second edition of its in keeping with the spirit of the time change, taking on himself and his editors. Thus Brockhaus can be considered the real founder of "Conversations Lexikon'a". A few days before the Battle of Leipzig and another in the sight of the enemy, Brockhaus proceeded to publish a political newspaper under the title "Deutsche Blatter" (from 14 October 1813. to May 1816), which soon acquired the meaning and impact. In 1817 Brockhaus moved to Leipzig. In several editions of "Convercations Lexikon" (from the 3rd to 6 th), Brockhaus in the course of a few years managed to release a lot of great books that started it partly still in the old days. These publications include: Almanac "Urania" (from 1810), "Zeitgenossen" (1816); Oken "Isis" (from 1817); "Hermes oder kritisches Jahrbuch der Litteratur" (from 1819), whose editor from 1820 g. took himself Brockhaus, then, . founded by him as "Litterarisches Conversations Blatt" (from 1820, . as continuing the Kotzebue in 1818 "Litterarisches Wochenblatt"); similarly, . numerous works on all branches of literature, . including works Raumer ( "Geschichte der Hohenstaufen"), . A,
. Schopenhauer, Foss (translations of Shakespeare), and others. With this extensive publishing activities connected frequent visits, very lively and not less extensive personal correspondence, preparation of notes and pamphlets on reprinting and freedom of the press. Fierce struggle had Brockhaus lead to censorship, which in 1821 took even the extremely strict measure on all its publications - repeating censorship (Recensur), will end only after his death. How these censorship carping and undermining of its publishing businesses, especially "Conversations Lexikon" reprints, poisoned his life and thwarted his hitherto flourishing health. He died August 20, 1823. Wed. Henry. Edward Brockhaus "Friedrich-Arnold B. Sein Leben und Wirten nach Briefen und andern Aufzeichnungen geschildert "(3 v., Leipzig, 1872 - 81).
Upon the death of Brockhaus his business continued under the old firm of his two elder sons, first in 1823 - 29 together with an experienced staff Brockhaus, Carl-Ferdinand Bohmanom, and then, from 1829 to 1849, they led him by a friend. Eldest son Friedrich Brockhaus, who was born in 1800, managed the printing department and gave him a lot of services. In late 1849 he went out of business. The second son, Henry Brockhaus, born in 1804, studied knigoprodavcheskoe case in his parents' house and added to further education by frequent and long voyages. In 1842 - 48 he was a member of the Saxon second chamber as a representative of the city of Leipzig and belonged to the Liberal Party. Its a little over 50-year-old management company is obliged to rise substantially its value and further development. He has also provided important services of the German book trade. He died in Leipzig on Nov. 15, 1874, Mr..
Under the overall guidance of Friedrich and Heinrich Brockhaus in 1823 - 1849 years the company increasingly expanded its business. By "Conversations Lexikon", . which until 1848 was processed several times (in 74, . 8 and 9 editions), . joined by three more the following books: "Conversalions Lexikon der neuesten Zeit und Litteratur" (4 volumes, . 1832 - 34), . "Coonversations Lexikons der Gegenwart" (4 vols, . 1838 - 41) and "Die Gegenwart" (12 tons, . 1848 - 56),
. In 1844, Mr.. was initiated under the leadership of IG. Huck's edition of "Bukder-Ftlas zur Conversations Lexikon", consummated in 1849. and required to support arts institutions with draughtsmen and engravers on steel and a special workshop for printing drawings. Of the other periodicals firms should be noted: "Blatter fur Litterarische Unterhaltung" (in 1826, first bore the name "Litteraresches Conversationsblatt"); "Historisches Taschenbuch" F. Raumer (from 1830 to 1880, over 50 years), continued in 1831, bought by Mr.. two editions of Gleditsia "Allgemeine Encyklopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste" Hersh and Gruber (1818 - 1882 g., 155 tons) and "Allgemeines Bucher Lexikon" Geynziusa (1812 - 1882, 16 tons), launched in 1837. edition of the "Leipziger Allgemeine Zeitung", from 1843 called "Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung"; "Der Neue Pitaval", ed. Gittsiga and Gehring (from 1842 to 1882, 53 tons). In 1837, Mr.. was based bookselling works of German and foreign literature in Leipzig and Paris, under the guise of "Brockhaus and Avenarius; Parisian company, which was conducted E. Avenarius, was in 1844. sold, and Leipzig in 1850, connected with the main company.
After January 1, 1850, Mr.. whole enterprise had become the property of Henry Brockhaus, various aspects of the case did not cease to grow. Technical branch of his more refined; in 1855 were based lithography and facility for printing on stone and connected to already existing institutions for printing on steel and copper under the name: "F. A. Brokhaus Geographisch-artistische Anstalt ", and in 1857. joined xylographic institution. Particular activity, the company took care of maintaining and establishing new relationships with foreign countries and the industry the company under the name: "F. A. Brockhaus Sortimkent und Antiquarium "from 1856 became the focus of the international literary relations. December 1, 1863, Mr.. was founded a branch in Vienna on 1 December 1871. the same in Berlin. In the summer of 1856. the company celebrated its 50-year-old and fall 1880. 75-year anniversary of its existence, and on 4 May 1872. 100-year anniversary of the birth of its founder, and together with the 50-year anniversary of Henry Brockhaus. As to the last festival was a commemorative book published "Die Firma G. A. Brockhaus in Leipzig. Zum 100-jahrigen Geburtstage von Friedrich-Arnold ". Among the most significant enterprises firms over this period belong to three editions of "Conversations-Lexikon" (tenth, eleventh and twelfth), "Unterhaltungen am hauslichen Herd", ed. K. Gutzkow (1852 - 64); "Deutsches Museum", ed. A. Prutz (1853 - 66), "Kleineres Brockhausches Conversations-Lexikon fur das Handgebrauch" (1-ed. 4 t., . 1854 - 56; 2 nd Edition 1861 - 64), the third edition of the "Staats-Lexikon" Rotteka and Welcker (14 v., . 1856 - 55); "Unsere Zeit" (since 1857), . first appeared under the title "Jahrbuch des Conversations-Lexikon" in the form of additions to the lexicon, . subsequently, . entitled "Deutsche Revue der Gegenwart" and edited Gottshallya, . as a separate publication; "Illustriertes Haus-und Famillien-Lexikon" (v. 7, . 1860 - 65); "Schiller-Galerie" (1859) and "Goethe-Galerie" (1863) and Ramberg Pehta; "Lessing-Galerie" Pehta (1869); "Shakspeare-Galerie" Pehta, . Hoffmann, . Makart etc.,
. (1876), "Library of the German national literature", in five editions, from the Middle Ages to modern times (1864, 92 tons. to 1882), "Library of foreign authors in their original languages: Spanish, Italian, Polish, and t. E "(1860 to 1882, 180 tons), a new translation of Shakespeare's dramas Bodenshtedt, Gildemeystera, Herwegh, etc.. (9 v., 1867 - 71); "Deutsches Sprichworter-Lexikon" Wonder (5 v., 1867 - 80); "Bibel-Lexikon" Schenkel (5 v., 1869 - 75), the third edition of the "Illustrierte Bibel" Betdemanna , Schnor von Karolsfelda etc.. (1874 - 75); "Internationale wissenschaftliche Bibliothek" from 1873 until 1882, 54 tons), the second edition of the remake "Bilder-Atlas" (8 t. tables, and 2 m. Text, 1869 - 75). In addition, the company issued in all branches of literature works Bunsen, Carriera, IG. Fichte, Kuno Fischer, Gottshallya, Gregorovius, Gutzkow, Lassalle, Prutz, F. and K. Raumer, Renan, Reymonta, Rennes, Schlagintweit, A. Schopenhauer, Schwartz, L. von Stein, Tika, Tischendorf, Farngagena von Ense, K. Vogt and others. The catalog of publications the company until the end of 1882, Mr.. appear on a 3500 essay. Wed. "Vollstandiges Verzeichnis der von der Firma F. A. Brockhaus in Leipzig seit ihrer Grundung bis 1872 verlegten Werke "(Leipzig, 1872 - 75).
Upon the death of Heinrich Brockhaus (November 15, 1874) it passed into the ownership of two of his sons, who long before had become parties to the firm and is now continued to conduct it in the old scale and in the same spirit. Elder, Heinrich Edward Brockhaus, born in 1829, attended the University of Leipzig, Heidelberg and Berlin, in 1850, Mr.. a Ph.D. and then devoted himself to the book trade; in 1871 - 78 years he was a member of the Reichstag germanskogo and there belonged to the National Liberal Party. He wrote the aforementioned biography of her grandfather, Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus. - The youngest son, Heinrich Rudolf Brockhaus, born in 1838, studied the case of book trade and printing establishments in the art of his father, as well as in Vienna, London and Paris. Died in 1898. January 1, 1881, Mr.. joined the company on the Rights of the members of the company and the eldest son of Henry, Edward Brockhaus, Albert Edward Brockhaus, born in 1855, and in 1889. eldest son of Rudolf Brockhaus, Rudolf, was born in 1864. In 1905, Mr.. the latter was made from the enterprise, but instead entered his brother Albert, Fritz, was born in 1874,. From publishing companies the firm since 1874, Mr.. deserve mention: "Brockhaus 'Kleines Conversations-Lexikon" (1,879 - 1911, 5 th ed.), "Brockhaus' Conversations-Lexicon" (14 th and a commemorative edition. 17 min., 1908 - 10); "Der Neue Plutarch", ed. R. Gottshallya (Tm. 1 - 9, 1874 - 82), fifth and sixth continuation-based F. Raumer "Historisches Taschenbuch", . descriptions of travel and research Ave-Lallemand, . Bera, . Hedin, . Wisman, . Vambery, . Werner, . Johnston, . Cameron, . Kremer, . Landora, . Nachtigall, . Nansen, . Nordenshilda, . Paulichke, . Radde, . Ratzel, . Rohlfs, . Sverdrup, . Slatina Pasha, . Stanley, . kn,
. Ukhtomskii, Schweinfurth, von den Steinen, Tschudi, etc.. The firm has offices in Paris and London. Outline of the company for 100 years (1805 - 1905) published by Edward Brockhaus. In 1890, Mr.. St. Petersburg publishing house founded Brockhaus-Efron (cm. Ephron).

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Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold, photo, biography
Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold, photo, biography Brockhaus, Friedrich Arnold  Company founder, FA Brockhaus in Leipzig, photo, biography
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