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Butkov Vladimir Petrovich

( statesman)

Comments for Butkov Vladimir Petrovich
Biography Butkov Vladimir Petrovich
(1818 - 81), was educated at St. Petersburg College Main. He served in the Office of the Ministry of War, has moved quickly and already in 1845. appointed business manager of the Caucasian Committee. In 1850, Mr.. appointed manager of the affairs of the Committee of Ministers, while retaining the post of the Caucasian Committee, and administering the affairs of the secret committee of the split. A year Butkov was appointed Secretary of State, in 1852,. it was entrusted administration of the Siberian Committee, in 1853, Mr.. Butkov was appointed composed of Secretary of State. The appointment comes at the request of Prince AI. Chernyshov, tsenivshego in Butkova excellent editor and speaker, - qualities for which Butkova distinguish even grudging praise to the Minister of Justice, Count VN. Panin. If Butkova acquaintance with the affairs of the Caucasus region for a long time kept in the hands of Butkova significant role in the management of this edge, . his skill to work on legal gave him the opportunity to participate in the work that opens on the death of Emperor Nicholas era of government transformation,
. Adhering hitherto very conservative views and his activities adhering to the princes of AI. Orlov Butkov in the new era came a man old beliefs and practices of government. At the end of 1856. Butkov was appointed head of the affairs of the new "secret committee" soon (January 8, 1858) renamed the "Main Committee on Peasant Affairs for review of decisions and assumptions about serfdom". Lacking specific information on the subject of study committee, Butkov unwittingly contributed to delay the issue of emancipation of the peasants. Besides, . Butkov unhealthy and intentionally, . for, . accustomed to his clerical activities guided by the views of a strong man, . he could not determine, . who - a man in the committee and in whose, . hence, . favor, he should immediately set in motion a powerful force of the office,
. Apparently, and personally Butkov was not one of the supporters of the liberation, at least in the summer of 1858. travel to Russia Butkov spread rumors to undermine confidence in the Government's intention to undertake an intense conceived reform. However, when such negligence Butkova incurred the displeasure of the Emperor Alexander, and at the same time, it became clear that ultimately strengthened the influence YA.I. Rostovtsev, and that the Government has not come down from their planned path, Butkov left his (however timid) and joined the opposition to the triumphant party. Butkov was definitely a liberal (like many others at that time). However, before he made some steps in this direction: for example, AV. Nikitenko, who saw Butkova in December 1857, spoke about his liberalism, attacks on the bureaucracy and glorification "of representation," noting, however, shallowness, immaturity, and as if his opinions naveyannost. Liberalism Butkova was indeed the case, neither the seriousness nor the sequence there is no. Thus, in 1868. Butkov vote in the Committee of Ministers with the majority of the addition, as a temporary measure, the Press Act 1865. the Provision of the Directorate General of Press Law to permit and prohibit the retail sale of newspapers, and in 1869. the State Council, too, with the majority, to end the newspaper IS. Aksakov "Moscow". In matters of a personal nature Butkov was flexible, and in the service areas called him "weathervane". Is nominated is not so much intelligence and knowledge of the merits of the case, how many clerical skills to work and excellent report, Butkov in an era of change could not play and did not play an independent role - as a peasant reform, and in other. Most Butkov played a major role in judicial reform. Since the autumn of 1861,. Butkov gradually begins to drive away from the leadership of the reform of the graph D.N. Bludova. Role Butkova reduced, . however, . mainly, . apart from his chairmanship of the committees for drafting judicial statutes (1862 - 3) and for the development of regulations to introduce them into action (1865 - 6), . to official reports and backroom agreements and negotiations with senior officials from government and court circles, . where he, . really, . managed partly to dispel long prevailing bias against radical judicial reform,
. Externally Butkova prominent role in judicial reform gave rise to those concerned not dream come rumors of his appointment to the place of the resigned Minister of Justice, Count VN. Panina. Most also work on the reform has been executed under his supervision a team of experienced and well-educated lawyers, whose involvement in the work was in itself a major credit Butkova. Some Butkov took part in the reforms: liquor and the military (chairman of the commission to revise the recruiting of the statute (1866 - 70). In 1868, Mr.. Butkov was appointed chairman of the Commission for preliminary work on the transformation of the landmark, and in 1869. - Chairman of the Commission to draw up the charter on Mortgages. Butkov in his polysyllabic activity was not a stranger to issues of teaching and scientific nature: in 1860 - 1870 years Butkov served as supreme commander of the Lazarev Institute. However, in the academic world Butkov not respected and when the Academy of Sciences at the request of its president, Count D.N. Bludova, Butkova elected an honorary member, even such modest people like AV. Nikitenko, considered this election a disgrace to the Academy. In 1865, Mr.. Butkov was appointed a member of the State Council and member of the Committee of Ministers in 1869. senior member of the committee distinguished civil servants. The disease broke in the late 60-ies further course of performance Butkova, and soon made quite Butkova abandon it. See. article in the Russian Biographical Dictionary "; there is indication of the sources and literature. S.N. Chernov.

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