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Sergei N. Glinka

( Writer, children's writer, playwright, poet, translator, memoirist, journalist, publisher.)

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Biography Sergei N. Glinka
Born into a noble family of Smolensk province, in 1776, and seven years, entered the land Cadet Corps, where released in 1795, Mr.. and determined the adjutant to Prince YV. Dolgoruky in Moscow. In 1800, after the death of his father, retired Major General, refused the inheritance in favor of her sister and went to a teacher in Ukraine. After staying there for three years, returned to Moscow and took the place of the writer and translator in the theater. Until that time, he wrote many poems and stories, and translated "Yungovy Nights" (Moscow, 1806). In 1807, Mr.. joined the militia, was brigade-major Sychevskii squads. In 1808, Mr.. founded the journal The Russian Messenger, devoted to countering French influence. The public mood is conducive of Glinka, and although it looks, and the inner content of his magazine were very gray, he attracted the attention of the public and influential areas. This is most clearly expressed during the popular excitement in 1812, when Glinka was granted the Order of Vladimir grade 4, and a lover of spectacular tirades Count F.V. Rostopchin told him: "untie your language at all useful for the fatherland, and the hands of three hundred thousand extraordinary amount". Prince P.A. Vyazemskij said: "Glinka was born tribune of the people, but legally tribune, tribune of the Government". In fact, it was messy enthusiast, quite incapable of coherent action. Characteristics of Glinka made Voeikov in a lunatic asylum ", a very apt description: the patriotic enthusiasm of his income to the recognition of" Athalie "of Racine stolen from Russia Stoglavy, and" Andromache "- an imitation of" The Burial of the cat ". The success of the Russian Messenger "was, in the consciousness of the Glinka, intermittent, and after the twelfth year, the magazine itself is terminated, and under that name comes a series of gray textbooks on Russian history. Along with the publication of the journal Glinka act patriotic plays: "Natalia, . Boyar's daughter "(St. Petersburg, . 1806), "Prince Michael of Chernigov" (M., . 1808), "Olga Beautiful", . Opera (M., . 1808); "Boyan" (M., . 1808); "Minin", . Drama (M., . 1809), "The siege of Poltava", . Drama (M., . 1810) and pr,
. He wrote also poems and stories in verse: "Pozharsky and Minin, or donations of Russians (Moscow, 1807)," The Queen Kirillovna Natalia (Moscow, 1809) - and many historical and didactic stories and anecdotes in prose. His collected works published in Moscow (1817 - 1820). Russian Messenger "ended in 1824, and in 1821 - 23 years. He was replaced by the "New Children's reading and Plutarch for Children. In 1827, Mr.. Glinka was appointed to the Moscow censor censorship committee, which was promoted retirement and then retired. Until the end of his life, he left no literature, wrote a lot of poems, short stories, children's books, published anthologies and t. d. Of the vast mass of written and they should be mentioned again: "Notes on the year 1812" (St. Petersburg, 1836), "Notes on the Moscow" (St. Petersburg, 1837), "Essays on the life and works of a favorite. Sumarokova (St. Petersburg, 1841), "The Russian Reading (St. Petersburg, 1845). Glinka did not have any noticeable literary talent: It is interesting to note, scattered in various publications. Man, despite all the enthusiasm, Glinka was a direct, honest, unselfish: it is enough to say that the data at his disposal three hundred thousand rubles, he returned to the treasury, without spending one penny. Died April 5, 1847, Mr.. See. B. Fedorov "50 years of literary life Glinka (St. Petersburg, 1844) and op. kn. P.A. Vyazemsky, t. II. M. NASA.

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Glinka, Andrei (Andrej Hlinka)

Sergei N. Glinka, photo, biography
Sergei N. Glinka, photo, biography Sergei N. Glinka  Writer, children's writer, playwright, poet, translator, memoirist, journalist, publisher., photo, biography
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