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Gorbunov Ivan

( connoisseur of folk life, the well-known storyteller, writer and an actor)

Comments for Gorbunov Ivan
Biography Gorbunov Ivan
(1831 - 24 December 1895), . Born in the Moscow district in the family courtyard Rights landowner Batasheva, . studied at the Moscow 3rd Gymnasium, . but out of the 6 th grade, . then attended the University and independently studied Russian history and ancient writing,
. Getting Started in the early fifties, with a young editorial Moskvityanin ", who had great influence on him, prompting him to record his observations on scenes from the life of the people. Pisemsky Turgenev, who heard his story-telling, persuaded him to move to St. Petersburg, where it took a great part Prince VF. Odoevsky, who presented his Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, who helped him enroll at the Alexandrinsky Theater. As a dramatic actor, . He singled out only a few roles (eg, . Kudryash in "Thunderstorm", . Athos in "Sin so bad" and other plays by Ostrovsky), . but as the narrator was a kind and sensitive artist, . knew how to initiate an uncontrollable laughter, and at the same time avoid all trivial, . banal, . imitative and beaten,
. Russian life and Russian people in his stories are presented in the most diverse combinations, always not only plausible, but damaging his faithfulness in all respects. Believe in and customs of Russian people, . their kindness and their weakness, . manifestations of their warm-heartedness, . and sometimes moral decline, . their relation to power, . tried, . the church and science, . - Weekdays and holidays, . grief and tragedy of their existence, . - Replacing each other and intertwined, . are a motley procession in his stories,
. Love for the Russian people, despite the sober look at its weaknesses and shortcomings, warm, and felt in these stories. Without closing his eyes to the ugly side of Russian life, . setting off a sharp internal contradictions and "outrageous", . which sometimes manifests itself a Russian, . Gorbunov not forget about the heavy historical context, . forsake, . even went away to the region last, . its mark on the moral stock, and many aspects of "behavior" of the man,
. Serfdom and the pre-reform bessudie along with the rapidity and spontaneity overbearing violence, . gravest long-term military service and the darkness of ignorance, . not only dissipated, . but sometimes lovingly guarded, . find their place in many stories Gorbunova,
. In the field of public life, public entertainment and various festivals creativity Gorbunova and his ability to discern, in comic form, the outstanding internal moments, found myself much food. These are descriptions of fantastic meetings Zemsky county assembly on the allowance to the mainstay of police a hundred rubles, meeting "the General Meeting of the Society of touching someone else's property" - celebration in Moscow in 1866. American sailors and t. n. Some of the stories Gorbunov as well as individual expression, such as: "a good life does not fly" (in the story "The Balloon") - became loud fame. These are: "dumb", "Nana", "Eclipse of the Sun", "The Quarterly guard", "From an easy hand," "La Traviata". Apart from the established types and shapes them in his stories was a retired general Dityatin. Gorbunov came to a happy thought to give a living image of a retired military Nicholas times, . fossilized in its outlook, . firmly established in their half unconscious attitudes and feelings, . surrounded on all sides to change reality, . the manifestation of which he had unwittingly respond in their own,
. From the stories Gorbunova gradually created an image developed with great love and fine observation. Little by little, through General Dityatin Gorbunov became a favorite visitor of all circles and gatherings, which attended the last. This general, complete original instructions on the history and situation of our literature, uttered in 1880. at a literary luncheon, given "the retired collegiate secretary Ivan Turgenev," represented a kind of perfection and enjoyed extraordinary popularity in literary circles. Live observation Gorbunov and his ability to peer into the inner content of phenomena in Russian life, . moisture it in bright image, . not limited to the present and recent past, . but forced him to represent himself and the distant past in the convex and the way of living,
. The images of the recent past belong to the excellent and fairly extensive essays and stories "From the backwoods of Moscow", . "Thoughts on the front porch", . "The Forgotten House" and "Diary of a butler", . as well as in the "Tale of a certain rabbit", . fictional correspondence between Archimandrite Photius and Prince AN,
. Golitsyn, bright risuyuschaya sad time mix together Arakcheyev, hypocrisy, callousness and sentimental mysticism. The expert on consumer stories of ancient Russia, Gorbunov in such a perfect command of the language of XVII and XVIII centuries, that a scientist researcher of ancient Savvaitov considered "Letter from ENCAD, written language of the XVII century, a copy of the original list stateynogo. Letters, . charters and petitions, . written in the ancient language, . Gorbunov affects not only the knowledge of consumer stories and ways of expressing, . but also the ability to deeply enter the appropriate time, the world outlook of the king's governor, . sent abroad Boyar, . order clerk robbery and tatebnyh Affairs, . upland buffoon (t,
. e. actor). So, . example, . he knew how to describe the victory of Lieutenant-General Komarova of Afghans to Kushka (March 18, 1885), . or in the Tsar "Okolnichy our Anatolia Godunov, detail the entire course of the modern criminal trial by jury with the terms and within the understanding of the Russian people the second half of XVII century,
. Lively interest in the history of theater, Gorbunov devoted to her eleven essays, developed from a rare and multiple sources, subjected them to rigorous critical analysis. Discover the stories and essays Gorbunova in its entirety makes see it not only valuable bytopisatelya and inimitable humorist on the ground around him, . but man, . in the works which "through eminent world laughter" heard, . if not "invisible tears", . then, . anyway, . sorrow heart, . loves his people and cares for him,
. Works Gorbunova issued to them during his life twice, and after his death, together with hitherto unpublished works included in the posthumous publication made п?.пє. Marx. In addition, Count P.S. Personal memories of Gorbunova T.I. Filippova, п?.пє. Horses and Count P.S. Sheremetev, printed in New Times "in the Journal of Europe" and issued separately, contain detailed information about the identity of Gorbunova and its characterization. A. F. K.

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Gorbunov Ivan, photo, biography Gorbunov Ivan  connoisseur of folk life, the well-known storyteller, writer and an actor, photo, biography
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