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Keisler preorders Ivan Avgustovich

( writer on economic issues)

Comments for Keisler preorders Ivan Avgustovich
Biography Keisler preorders Ivan Avgustovich
Born in 1843. in Livonia, graduated from the course at the University of Dorpat, which received a master's degree and doctorate in political economy for his work on Russian land commune (cm. below), read in Riga Polytechnic lectures on the history of trade and statistics, then joined the Ministry of Finance. Almost all his works Keisler preorders printed in German, in Russia and abroad, but he dealt almost exclusively to questions of Russian and mostly peasant farming, which he knows. From 1879 to 1881. was editor of the newspaper "St-Petersburger Herold". Died in 1896. In the "News of Europe" an article Keisler preorders: "The rural community and its current situation" (December 1887), in "Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften", . published by Professors Conrad and Lexis - article about the world and the emancipation of the serfs in Russia, . a Festschrift in honor of Professor Hanssen'a (1889) - Article on peasant co, . formed for the purchase of land by peasant land bank,
. Literary fame Keisler preorders in Germany even more than in Russia. His writings have served to familiarize foreigners with the land systems of our peasantry and significantly influenced many German Economists, . in the sense of recognizing the benefits of communal land ownership in comparison with the private, . sole (such as Hell,
. Wagner). Main essay Kesler: "Zur Geschichte und Kririk des bauerlichen Gemeindebesitz in Russland" (Volume 4, . 1876 - 1887) has no equal, . on the completeness of the content, . in Russian, . especially on the part of the history of Russian land communities from ancient times to its current position,
. Keisler preorders - not only one of the best experts on Russian land communities, but her ardent defender. Subjecting the most careful analysis of this form of tenure, in connection with its administrative and financial unit and value, Keisler preorders do not go to extremes, and often one-sided infatuation purely Russian adherents of the community. At the end of Volume IV (or, rather, III parts) Keisler preorders gives the whole project needed change in community structure, approaching in this respect, to some extent, the views of Kavelina, but differing from it in certain particulars. According to Keisler preorders, . must notify the excessive fragmentation of peasant households, . give preference to the heirs entitled to the same bands, . provide plots of zadolzhaniya, . in connection with the device special peasant loan, . recognize the right of priority community and its fellow members to purchase a plot of land and, . Finally, . organize community colonization policy, . through the formation of community banks and charges, . with the aim is brought to the excess population of new community land,
. This plan, . being based on close acquaintance with the case (Keisler preorders investigated the community in many areas directly), . strangers to the fantastic and the violent break-up of modern secular system of land tenure, . Being as it would be a natural transformation, . according to the needs of developing agricultural technology and policy,
. V. I.

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Keisler preorders Ivan Avgustovich, photo, biography
Keisler preorders Ivan Avgustovich, photo, biography Keisler preorders Ivan Avgustovich  writer on economic issues, photo, biography
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