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Girolamo Cardano

( Italian scholar and lexicographer.)

Comments for Girolamo Cardano
Biography Girolamo Cardano
(Cardano), romanized. Jerome Cardan (Hieronimus Cardanus)
(24.09.1501, GT 17:51:53, Pavia - 21/09/1576, Rome)
To. was a prominent astrologer-theorist. He owned outstanding achievements in mathematics, physics, medicine and mechanics. K. - Founder metoposkopii. Use of astrology and magic in their medical practice, developed astrological metallotherapy and system oktatopa. K. wrote several works on astrology: "On the recovery times and movements of celestial, . also 47 horoscopes, . remarkable because of the events, . they predict "(the first major astrological work of K.), . "On issues", . On annual, . monthly and daily treatment ", . "Examples hundred genitur", . Book twelve genitur ", . Comments in 4 books to "Tetrabiblosu" Ptolemy, . "Astronomical aphorisms in seven parts, etc.,
Holy believing in astrology, he is nevertheless (in his book "Geniturarum exempla"; 1554) provides examples of twelve horoscopes failed to show how easily an astrologer to fall into error. The most famous failed prediction KA, as reported by virtually all critics of astrology, a horoscope is a story of Edward VI (1547 - 1553), King of England. At the request of Sir John's Checks (1514 - 1557), mentor 15-year-old King, K. a horoscope weak health of the monarch, and he predicted a brilliant career, a long and happy life, a period of severe disease only in the age of 55 years 3 months and 17 days. Edward VI died 9 months after drawing up a horoscope. However, one should note that the K. subsequently claimed that he knew of the imminent death of the king, but was taught a bitter fate of other astrologers and knew that predict the death of rulers is not safe.

To. created the original cosmology, according to which the primal consists of three elements (water, air and earth), and Fire - the only form of existence of pervasive Heavenly Heat. Of great interest is also held to. astrological analysis of religions. Following Pomponazzi K. explain the emergence, flourishing and decline of religious influence of celestial bodies: "The laws of religions emanate from God, but their mode of action depends on the planets and stars. Jewish religion depends on the Saturn, or from its star, or rather, from both. The Christian religion is under the influence of Jupiter and Mercury, the religion of Mohammed ... under the influence of the Sun and Mars ... idolatry ruled by the Moon and Mars. Jewish religion was born in the East, tk. there Saturn lord, Islam - in the West, tk. there is dominated by Mars. Jupiter dominates the north, and therefore the Christian religion is settled in this part of the world ... ". Studying with the astrological point of view of religion, to. comparing their horoscopes, resulted in a system of their history and worship. He studied the origins and nature of heresy, indicating their dependence on the state of the planets, horoscopes of the founders of religions made (Christ, Muhammad) and the clergy - bishops, cardinals, popes. The appearance of the horoscope of Christ has caused great excitement in the Catholic world, though in this respect to. was not the first (see, inter alia, Aili, Ascoli).

Popular legend says that K. predicted his death on Sept. 21, 1576, Mr.. and, fearing the wrong horse, a week before the term has ceased to take food and died on the appointed day with symptoms of complete exhaustion.

In honor of K. named lunar crater Cardanus.

Selected works:
De revolutoine annorum, mensium et dierum ad dies criticos et ad electiones liber. - Nuremburg, 1547.
Claudii Ptolemaei Pelusiensis Libr. IV de astrolrum judiciis. - Basil., 1554.
Seven Segments: Selected Aphorisms. / / Anima Astrologiae; or, a Guide for Astrologers. / Ed. by W. Lilly. - London, 1676.
Carden J. The Book of My Life. / Transl. Jean Stoner. - London, 1931.
Cardanus H. Opera omnia. - Lugduni, 1663.
1. Smirnov and. Astrology from different points of view.
2. Astrological Dictionary.
3. Saplin A. Astrological Collegiate Dictionary.
4. Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists.
5. Poggendorff JC. Biographisch-literarisches Handwoerterbuch zur geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften ...
6. TSB.
7. Cardanus H. Opera omnia.

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Girolamo Cardano, photo, biography
Girolamo Cardano, photo, biography Girolamo Cardano  Italian scholar and lexicographer., photo, biography
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