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( The philosopher and writer, publicist.)

Comments for ROZANOV Vasily
Biography ROZANOV Vasily
20.4/2.5.1856 - 5/2/1919

Trivia In 1882 he graduated from the History and Philology Mosk.un-ta. He taught history and geography in secondary schools. Since 1893 he worked in the Office. In 1899 he became a member of the newspaper "New Era". Belonged to the late Slavophiles after 1905 - the representative of God-seeking. From 1917 he lived in Sergiev Posad. Developed the ideas of understanding, as distinct from empirical knowledge of the mind. Human nature is irrational and is available only religion. Individual being worthiness and comes from the "womb Supermarket". Shared concept of catholicity, community of Russian life. Paul understood as a mystical connection with God. One of the first advanced the thesis that the dignity of Christianity and Christians unworthiness, subsequently developed by NA Berdyaev.

Characteristics of views "in books and articles ROZANOVA paid much attention to criticism of Christianity. He sees a bright Christianity elder Zosima and Alyosha Karamazov as Dostoevsky's fiction, in his opinion, religion is a sad death, propoveduschaya celibacy, fasting and asceticism ". (Lossky N.O. History of Russian Philosophy M. 1991. S. 436)

Teaching What to do?
'- "What to do?" - Asked the impatient young man of St. Petersburg. - How to deal: If this summer - to clean the berries and make jam, if the winter - to drink tea with this jam. "
(Rozanov VV. Embryos. / / Russian Philosophy. End X! X - the beginning of the twentieth century. SPb., 1993. S. 166).
'Western life goes under the laws of the lyrics, we still - in the forms of epic, but once we come in the form of poetry. Chernyshevskogo question posed in the title of his novel, is a question much lyrical, untimely, it can only be given consumer response: do want what was being made yesterday. "
(Ibid.. S. 166).
The people, its shape.
'When people die - it leaves some form: it is - the skeleton of his spirit, his creativity, his movements, internal and external. Republic, . monarchy - is not that form? Tragedy, . epic, . "shestistopny iamb" - did not form? No form - the Parthenon, . as the Ninth Symphony? And, . Finally, . metaphysics of Plato or Hegel? So why, . again: when people will finish their existence - the formal aspect of all of them to create things nearing completion '.,
. (Ibid.
. S. 167).
'Genius is usually childless - and this is his deepest and perhaps the most explanatory feature. He can not bear, and who knows whether it is for him? It is some ding an sich. As a tool, as a means of baseness, as the earthly side of the celestial secrets - sexual abnormalities, so often encountered in men of genius; attracted to debauchery, early sexual development, "the vices of childhood". Lermontov, Byron 11 - 14 years experience love, as ugly as they are brilliant. Rafael and Alexander of Macedon is childless, and childless Caesar and Newton. The offspring of genius, even if it is, - sickly and die quickly, for the most part it is - the female offspring. Recall Napoleon I, and our Peter. Here lies the explanation why, after the brilliant monarchs of the dynasty, for the most part, are stopped and begin "the Troubles" '.
(Ibid.. S. 167).
'The whole world is a game of potencies, I want to say - the game some embryos, spiritual or physical, living or dead. The triangle is half the square, . certain way lined, . this is based on its properties, . measurability, . relation to different shapes, the Earth is a "Saturnov Ring, . detached themselves from the sun, . ruptured, . sklubivsheesya, . and therefore it tends to the sun, and every thing is part of the countless other things, . their embryo, . potency of their education - and so soon as he enters into relation with those other things, . associated with, . and other, . contrary, . repelled,
. Therefore, I say, the life of nature is the life of embryos, and its laws are the laws of embryonic, and all science, ie. every kind of science, are only some branches of space Embryology '.
(Ibid.. S. 168).
Feeling God
. 'Sense of God is the most transcendent in man, . most of it far, . most difficult to-reach: only the richest, . powerful soul, . and only after testing, . sorrows, . suffering, . and more than just a sin, . old age is often only years, . be reached these heights, . - A little, and only the edge of its development, . odnoyu sprig, . relate to "other worlds", others merely mediocre - provided mental purity - be reached second zone: it is - the Church,
. Referring to "other worlds", the fathers of the Christian world - left the word about this touching, they have developed a ritual, a ritual requirements; grown as a custom, as an institution; stronger canon, created a liturgy, a temple was built. Create an array of material relics, perceptible forms of time and space. And here he rested the Light of God as a righteous man asleep in his relics. Touching here already available to anyone, it is - a means of salvation, all proposed. But do not relate to the same hand of man that the highest sanctuary of humanity. What - a shake here, displace and worsen correct, even better (without the knowledge of "other worlds") - more terrible than cause bloody war, to conclude a shameful peace, betrayal, to give the province the enemy. Submit an unsuccessful program in the seminaries, remove the rank of deacon of worship - worse. What unsuccessfully fighting at Sevastopol, than to conclude a Treaty of Paris, and even than "restore Poland." Oh, these pochinschiki mysterious and living history! "
(Ibid.. S. 170).
The mystery of Orthodoxy.
'The whole mystery of Orthodoxy - in prayer, and the mystery to be Orthodox is the ability to pray. We admit, we feel disgusted every time somebody speaks about tsezaroparizme or papotsezarizme. When you stand in the temple and see the congregation - how to apply these concepts here: that they - or tsezoropapisty papotsezaristy? All of this interesting topic for us, and it is interesting as far as we have forgotten how to pray '.
(Ibid.. S. 171).
Art and reality.
'No more deceives figure than the "Moses" Michelangelo: Moses, this was not - a fantasy artist, his a priori thought wrong. Moses had a speech impediment: napisatel books, the likes of which does not know the world is not able to speak. Not surprisingly it? All the power of words was concentrated in the spirit, and body language, for this dangling piece of meat - nothing left. But he had brought Israel out of Egypt, he led him through the desert; brought to the "promised land". Amazing man, how true, the ringing words of Heine: "As a small Sinai - where it is Moses'. This is a great surprise the word to Moses, what we know, escaped from a pagan - a writer in the Pagan era. I think - it was small and puny, perhaps - without a beard or with a few sparse hair on the chin. I think he was also in the body it in relation to cases committed to them, as it was in the language to written them knigam.On was all inside, focus. No doubt he was as handsome as any of the people - no one to Christ: but this is the beauty of an elusive, indescribable, and in any case undelegated. Michelangelo was deceived and betrayed '.
(Ibid.. S. 173).

Major works 1 / Around the church walls: In 2 m. SPb., 1906; 2 / dark face. Christianity Metaphysics. SPb., 1911; 3 / People of the moonlight. Christianity Metaphysics. Spb., 1913; 4 / Apocalypse of our vremeni.Vyp.1-10. Sergiev Posad, 1917-1918, 5 / Op.: In 2 m. M., 1990.

Edition 1. On understanding. Experience in the study of nature, boundaries and internal storoeniya science as an integral knowledge. M., 1886, 2. Legend of the Grand Inquisitor Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The experience of critical comments. SPb., 1894, 2 ed. SPb., 1902, 3rd ed. SPb., 1906; 3. Beauty in nature and its meaning. M., 1895, 4. Literary Essays: Sat. Articles. SPb., 1899, 2 ed. SPb., 1902, 5. Twilight education: Sat. articles on education. SPb., 1899, 6. Religion and Culture: Sat. Articles. SPb., 1899, 2 ed., Ext. SPb., 1901, 7. Nature and history: Sb. Articles. SPb., 1890, 2 ed. Pb., 1903, 8. In the world of ambiguous and unresolved: Sat. Articles. SPb., 1901, 2 ed. SDS., 1904, 9. Family Question in Russia: In 2 m. SPb., 1903, 10. Around the church walls: In 2 m. SPB., 1906, 11. Dark Face. Christianity Metaphysics. SPb., 1911, 12. People moonlight. Christianity Metaphysics. SPb., 1911, 2 ed. Pb., 1913, 3rd ed. M., 1990, 13. Secluded. Almost on the Rights of the manuscript. Pb., 1912, 2 ed. Pg., 1916, 3rd ed. M., 1990, 14. Apocalypse of our time: In 10 No.. Sergiev Posad, 1917, 2 ed. M., 1990, 15. Thoughts on literature. M., 1989, 16. The fate and his life: Sat. M., 1990, 17. Incompatible contrasts being: Literary and esthete. of different years. M., 1990, 18. Religion and Culture. M., 1990, 19. Secluded. M., 1990, 20. About himself and his life. M., 1990.

Literature Glinka Volga A.S. Mystical pantheism Rozanova / / From the world of literature searching. SPb., 1906; Berdyaev N.A. About the new religious consciousness (G Rozanov in connection with Merezhkovsky) / / Berdyaev N.A. Sub specie aeternitatis. SPb., 1907; Merezhkovsky DS. Rozanov / Merezhkovsky DS. It will be. Pg., 1915; Hollerbach E. VV Rozanov. Personality and creativity. Pg., 1922; Shklovskiе? V.B. Rozanov. Pg., 1922; Gippius Z.N. Thoughtful Wanderer. About Rozanov / Living person. Prague, 1925. Tech. 2; Kurdyumov M. About Rozanov. Paris, 1929; SINYAVSKY aq. "Fallen Leaves" VV Rozanova. Paris, 1982; Nikolyukin AN. Vasily Rozanov. Moscow, 1990; Fateev VA. V. Rozanov: Life, creativity, personality. L., 1991; Sukach In. Life Vasily Rozanov, "as is" / / Moscow. 1991. ? 10, 11, 1992. ? 1; He. Mat-ly to the bibliography V.V.R. / / De visu. 1993. ? 3; V.V.R.: Pro et contra: Personality and creativity Basil P. to assess Russian. thinkers and researchers / Authors. VA Fateev.: In 2 m. SPb., 1995 (with Application. bibl. lit-ry of R.); Spasovsky MM. V.V.R. in the last years of his life. Berlin, 1939 (2 nd ed. New York, 1968); Nosov C. V.V.R.: Aesthetics of freedom. SPb., 1993; Vasilij R.: Atti, del Convegno Internazionale syoltosi nei giorni 1-4 ottobre 1990 a Cargnano del Carda. Universita degli Studi di Milano, 1993; Crone AL. R. and the end of literature: polyphony and the elissolution of derne in "Solitaria" and "Fallen leaves". Wuerzburg, 1978; Stammler H. R. als Philosoph. Giessen, 1984; Leskovec P. R. e la sue concezione religiosa. Roma, 1958; Poggouioli V. Rozanov. NY, 1962.

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ROZANOV Vasily, photo, biography ROZANOV Vasily  The philosopher and writer, publicist., photo, biography
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