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Basil Sezeman ö?mil'evich

( Philosopher.)

Comments for Basil Sezeman ö?mil'evich
Biography Basil Sezeman ö?mil'evich

Overview In 1909, Mr.. graduated from St. Petersburg. Univ of otd Niyama philosophy and classical. philology and was left with the Dept.. Philosophy for Professor. title. In 1909-11 he. ranking as Europe's. un-max, mostly in Marburg and Berlin. He wrote his master's thesis. of Platonic tradition. In 1913, passing an examination on the degree of Master of Philosophy, C. was elected as a privat-Assoc. Petersburg. Zap. During the First World War he served as a medical orderly at first, then head of the vanguard to the summer of 1915. In 1917, Mr.. worked in the Bureau of the foreign press of the Provisional Government. Since 1918. taught logic, psychology and pedagogy in Vyatka, from 1919 to 1921. Assoc. Philosophy Faculty of History and Philology. Faculty Sarat. Zap. In 1921, Mr.. leaves with his family in Helsingfors (Helsinki). In 1922, Mr.. moves to Berlin. In 1923, Mr.. moved to Kaunas. From 1930 to 1939. five had been in the Soviet Union, regularly traveled to Paris and Berlin, worked in almost all Russian. emigre J.. In 1950, Mr.. he was arrested on the 58 th article and sent to the Gulag. Only in 1958. come the release and rehabilitation. S. returned to the Vilnius University Press and the end of life remains there prof. logic. One of the central themes of his work - the problem of the irrational in the relationship with the rational. Output from the crisis with. seen in the essential link between the spirit. culture with higher transcendent beginning.
. Teaching in the correlative of rational and irrational manifestation of their inner systematic unity, while the true sense of the irrational is, according to Sezemanu, the rationality of a higher order, the idea of systematic unity
. (Vashestov A. in the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. M., 1995. S. 463).

Major works Rational and irrational in a system of philosophy / / Logos. M., 1911. Kn. 1

Works Nile Philostratus / Hermes. SPb., 1910. Tech. 6-8; Rational and irrational in a system of philosophy / / Logos. M., 1911. Kn. 1; Die Ethik Platos und das Problem des Btssen / / Philosophische Abhandlungen: Hermann Gohen zum 70. Geburtstage (4. Juli 1912). B., 1912; Der Rhytmus und seine Bedeutung fö?r Kunst und Erziehung. Petersburg, 1913; Teoret. philosophy of Marburg shk. / / New Ideas in Philosophy. SPb., 1913. Sat. 5; Esthete. score in the history of art / / Thought. Pg., 1922. ? 1; Reetz. in: Hartmann N. Grundzge einer Metaphysik der Erkenntnis / / Logos. Prague, 1925,? 1; Platonism, Plotinus and modernity, ibid, Socrates and the problem of self / / Eurasian vremennik. Berlin, 1925. Kn. 4; Das Problem des Idealismus in der Philosophie / / Antrittsvorlesung gehalten an der humanistischen Fakultöºt der litauischen Universitöºt. Kaunas, 1925. Kn. 1; Studien zum Erkenntnisproblem: Rationales und Irrationales / / Ibid. Kaunas, 1927. T. 3; Beitröºge zum Erkenntnisproblem: ö?ber gegenstdndliches un ungegenstdndliches Wissen / / Ibid.; Zum Problem des reinen Wissens: Philosophischer Anzeiger. B., 1927. H. 2, 3; Logika. Kaunas, 1929, Beitröºge zum Erkenntnisproblem: Das Logisch-Rationale. Eranus. Kaunas, 1930. Vol. 1: Humanitariniu mokslu fakulteto rastai; Die bolschewistische Philosophie in Sowjetrussland / / Der russische Gedanke. Bonn, 1931. H. 2; Zum Problem der Dialektik / / Bldtter fö?r deutsche Philosophie. B., 1935. Bd. 9. H. 1; Estetika. Vilnius, 1970.

Literature Lit.: Hartmann N. Kleine Schriften. B., 1958. Bd. 3; Mureika J. Prof. VS. bibliografija. Vilnius, 1983. Russian philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. M., 1995

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Basil Sezeman ö?mil'evich, photo, biography Basil Sezeman ö?mil'evich  Philosopher., photo, biography
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