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PAIS Hilendarski

( Bulgarian writer)

Comments for PAIS Hilendarski
Biography PAIS Hilendarski
(ca. 1722-1773)
The era of national revival of the Bulgarians, whose extensive state and flourishing culture were crushed by the Turkish power in the late fourteenth century, begins with human activities, which are preserved only fragmentary information. They are scattered in his work 'History slavenobolgarskaya about people and the kings and saints of the Bulgarian and all acts of the Bulgarian' (1762). He came from the diocese Samokovskoy. His name is unknown in the world (PAIS was named as a monk.) In 1745, he joined the 'Holy Mountain Athos', where Hilendar abbot of the monastery was his older brother Lawrence. Over time, there was proigumenom, then moved to the monastery Zografski

. Plight of fellow, . loss of national memory (many of those, . who knocked in the world - shopkeepers, . artisans, . as well as representatives of the clergy - are often ashamed of their origin, . introduced to the Greek culture and language), . disregard neighbors, . Bulgarians who saw in the tribe without a past, . desire to educate their fellow countrymen, . instill in them a sense of national dignity and put on an equal footing with other nations in the modern world - all this prompted Paisija Hilendarski for classes in the libraries of Mount Athos,
. Later, in 1761, it continued in seeking the Karlovtsy (Austria), where he, inter alia, reads the Russian edition of 'Books of historiography' Dubrovnik Abbot Mavro Orbini and 'Acts of church and civic' Italian Cardinal Caesar Baronia. These works introduce Paisija Hilendarski with new information to help you master the basics of historiography, to develop their own vision, to find their own style of presentation, when the author appears both as a thinker, historian and publicist. Sense of purpose, a sense of its mission, spirituality help to overcome the preacher (and fill) physical impotence (which he mentions). By its boisterousness it is akin to Avvakum.

Past greatness and power of the people for Paisija Hilendarski - pledge rebirth of the nation. He is angry, remembering those contemporaries who 'calls on foreign policy and a foreign language ... disgrace to name themselves as Bulgarians'. He was repelled by those who become 'insignificant Turkish slaves'. He appealed to the oppressors of resistance, . who 'trampling and torturing the Bulgarian lands', . advocates for the independence of the Bulgarian church, . opposed to the domination of her Greek clergy, . defends the right of the native language be a means not only household communication, . but culture, . Education, . education,

In views Paisija Hilendarski the world and the history of medieval scholasticism meets the trends of modern times. He believes that human achievements can not only be predetermined from above, but also dictated by the specific conditions of existence. Of course his desire for knowledge of the world was inseparable from the desire to remake the world. Christian worldview thinker, keenly felt herself a part of the people, relegated to the level of the conquerors humble flock blind slavish crowd - go to the indignation of a patriot and a rebel protest. Illuminator-mentor was there hand in hand with the spiritual leader and organizer of the ideological. He addressed not to the individual reader or social strata, and all the people in general. Hence the peculiarities of its language, which, continuing the tradition of the Bulgarian Church Slavonic literacy, while at the same time saturated with a lively, conversational speech. Style labels - bright and color - varies depending on the topic and the relationship to her own narrator. From this work are the impulses to the creation of spiritual heirs Paisija Hilendarski form a basis novobolgarskogo literary language.

Composing Paisija Hilendarski had an enormous impact on Bulgarian. It is distributed in the lists of all Bulgarian lands. In print, a revised his first edition appeared in 1844 in Budapest, and the total - in 1885 in Lublin. The largest and most talented student Paisija Hilendarski was Vladislavov Stojko, a monk Sofronii Vrachanski, which is one of the first copied (1765) 'History slavenobolgarskuyu'. In laid Paissy Hilendarski line soon began to be created and other works: 'Zograficheskaya history of' the unknown author and 'History of the Bulgarian people vokrattse slavenskom' Monk Spyridon

. Product Paisija Hilendarski, . awaken the national consciousness of the Bulgarians, . forming the basis of cultural and educational movement, and literary development in the Bulgarian lands, . At the same time spread the ideas of universal unity and Slavic reciprocity,
. Positive examples for the historian of his people saw not only the accomplishment of the Orthodox co-religionists - Russian and Ukrainian, but also 'Latins and other peoples'. He advocated the development of education as a spiritual and secular. He points to the need for dissemination to the Bulgarian cultural achievements of other peoples. Beginnings Paisija Hilendarski, his experience and beliefs will find a continuation and development in the works and activities of the leading representatives of the national revival P. Beron, K. Fotinova, V. Aprilova and others in the first half of the nineteenth century. They confirmed the correctness Paisija Hilendarski and strengthened his reputation founder of the new Bulgarian culture, a new national literature.

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PAIS Hilendarski, photo, biography PAIS Hilendarski  Bulgarian writer, photo, biography
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