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Alexey Razumovsky

( One of the Russian people `random` XVIII century.)

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Biography Alexey Razumovsky
1709 - 1771
. Born in the hamlet Lemesh (now the village Kozelets County, . Chernigov province), . in the family "Roster" malorossiyskogo Cossack Gregory Rozum (Rozum in malorossiyski - mind, so nicknamed for Gregory, . that he got drunk and liked to recite a saying: "scho then head for, . scho is for Rozum "!),
. Despite the fact that the origin of Razumovsky was well known to contemporaries and posterity, and not concealed by them, appeared a fantastic genealogy, tracing them from the Polish gentry Rozhinskaya. Boy Razumovsky pass public flock, but he became a passion for teaching and singing, he learned to read and write the sexton of the village CsцІmцІr. In 1731 through to. CsцІmцІr rode one of the court, Colonel Vishnevsky, heard in the church a wonderful voice Razumovsky and took it with him to St. Petersburg. Ober-marshal of the court of Emperor. Anna Ioannovna Levenvold took Alexei Rozum in the court choir, where he saw and heard tsesarevna Elizabeth, charmed with his voice and appearance - he was a handsome man in the full sense of the word. From that time began its rapid rise, after the reference favorite Princes, Shubin, he took his place in her heart. Lost his voice, Rozum was promoted to court bandore player, then later, from the estates of the Princes, and other then its name and all its small courtyard. During the reign of Anna Leopoldovna he was made Gentleman of the Bedchamber Princes. This rise was reflected in Lemeshev: Razumovsky mother opened a tavern there and povydavala marry their daughters. In the coup, vozvedshem to the throne of Elizabeth, Razumovsky played a very prominent role and was granted in lieutenants Life campaign, with the rank of generals. After the coronation of the sovereign Razumovsky was promoted to chief Jagermeister and a number of estates in Velikorosssii and Little Russia. For mother Razumovsky was sent to Lemesh special messenger, and she was placed with his family in the palace, but here she felt uncomfortable, and she soon returned home. Aware of the difficulty of his position on the altitude at which he carried his case, Razumovsky has surrounded himself with such scientists and talented people, as heat, Adadurov (adjutant Academy), Sumarokov and Elagin. Sam Razumovsky stood outside politics, but it relied on such representatives of the Russian Party, as chancellor Bestuzhev-Ryumin. Apparently, not without the influence of the latter place and secret marriage with the Empress Razumovsky. This marriage is possible to speak clearly by a special monograph on the family Razumovsky, g. Vasilchikov. This event is timed to coincide with the fall he 1742 g. and a village near Moscow Perov. Value Razumovsky then finally consolidated, he was regarded as the spouse of the Empress, who during his illness had lunch in his room adjacent to her own apartment. This exceptional position, he managed to keep until death of the empress, though in recent years took place favorite I.I. Shuvalov. In the yard is now gone fashion for all malorossiyskoe: bandore player had been instituted, in the states of the number of "malorossiyanka-vospevalnitsa; singing Little Russians involved not only in the church choir, . but in the theater, . along with the Italians (Razumovsky loved music, . and because this was wound up at the court of constant Italian opera),
. Sam Razumovsky and now remain as was Lemesh - simple, good-natured, cunning and sarcastic crest, loving their country and their fellow countrymen. Imp. Catherine II in his memoirs wrote: "I do not know of another family that would have been so loved by all". In 1744, Mr.. Razumovsky was the dignity of Count of the Roman Empire, and in the patent was told that Razumovsky come from Roman Rozhinskaya. After some time the two brothers - Alex and Cyril - have complained to the Count's dignity of the Russian empire, and Razumovsky made a field marshal. There were two issues in which he has always strongly and openly handed their voice without fear of boring the empress his petitions - this is a request for the clergy and for his native Little Russia. Imp. Elizabeth also loved Little Russia, which wanted to personally inspect in 1744, Mr.. and in which she rendered was very solemn and at the same cordial reception, quite a long time she lived in the house Razumovsky, in the mountains. Kozelets, and met there with all the relatives of the former Lemeshevsky shepherd; Kiev especially fascinated her and she said out loud the following words: "Love me, O God, in Thy kingdom of heaven, how I love the people of this well-behaved and gentle". The Cossacks have filed a petition for reinstatement Razumovsky Hetman and it was graciously accepted Empress. Hetman became Kirill Razumovsky. Dying, Elizabeth took the throne from the heir to the promise that he would not offend Razumovsky. With a secret marriage of the Empress Elizabeth and Razumovsky linked the mysterious story of their alleged children, Tarakanova. In Europe in the 70-ies of the last century was the adventuress, calling themselves the daughter of Elizabeth and Razumovsky, sultana Alina, proprietress of Azov, Volodymyrska Princess, Princess Elizabeth All-Russia, sister Pugacheva. The story of Tarakanova who took monastic obedience, that was the bayou Dosifei, the portrait which has the inscription: "Princess Augusta Tarakanova in inotseh Dosifei". According to another legend, there were two princesses Tarakanova, raised in Italy, and their treacherous Count Orlov arrested and ordered to drown, but one of them rescued the sailor, and she took the veil of a Moscow monastery. Similar stories are confined to different cities of Russia. Gelbig said that, the stories, the Empress Elizabeth had 8 children (Zakrevskii), but he is sure that she had only a son of the Razumovsky (A. In Zakrevskii) and daughter from Shuvalov. According to Mr.. Vasilchikova, . very likely, . fable about Tarakanova owes its origin to the fact, . that Razumovsky really educated abroad (in Switzerland), his nephews Daraganov (or, . as they are otherwise known, . Daraganovyh), . Zakrevskys and Streshentsova,
. Foreigners are not difficult to transform Daraganovyh in Tarakanovo and create a legend of their peculiar origin, especially as their mentor, Didel, apparently distributed a version. Upon the death of Elizabeth Razumovsky settled in his palace Anichkov. Having gained the throne, Catherine II sent to the Rasumovski Chancellor Vorontsov with the decree, in which he was given the title of Highness, as the legal spouse of the deceased empress. Razumovsky took the casket from a secret marriage documents, . read their chancellor, and immediately threw it in topivshiysya fireplace, . adding: "I was nothing more, . as a faithful servant of her Majesty, . late Empress Elizabeth, . loaded me with blessings above my merit ..,
. Now you can see that I have no documents ". Catherine II, when she Vorontsov reported on the incident, remarked: "We understand each other. Secret marriage did not exist, even if to lull timid conscience. Whispers of these things have always been distasteful to me. The venerable old man had warned me, but I expected this from the inherent malorossiyaninu selflessness ". According to his biographer, . Razumovsky "shunned pride, . detested treachery and, . with no formal education, . but gifted by nature a thorough intelligence, . was kind, . indulgent, . courteous in dealing with younger, . loved interceded for the unfortunate and enjoyed a common love ",
. See. AA. Vasilchikova "Family Razumovsky" (t. I). D. B-st.

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Alexey Razumovsky, photo, biography Alexey Razumovsky  One of the Russian people `random` XVIII century., photo, biography
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